Only In America

Who gives a shit about an obscure NC State Senator?

We don’t know what his views on gun ownership really were as the posted article is completely slanted and expands upon the AP source in a pretty disingenuous editorial manner…

Almost all American politicians are corrupt whores on the take of special interests and routinely discount the public good they give lip service too and often act counter to the best interests of their voters. Mainly because we have a long, dog-and-pony-show style of election cycles forcing politicians to prostitute themselves to the highest bidder in order to stay in office. That hypocrisy points both ways, and covers a multitude of phony, rotten bastards…

No fence sitting now Nick, how do you really feel? :slight_smile:

Substitute ‘Australian’ for ‘American’ above and that pretty much sums up our major party politicians, and certainly all of those likely to be in leadership positions, who necessarily will form any government or opposition.

I wouldn’t give them the steam off me piss and I wouldn’t piss on any of them if they were on fire.

Every now and again there is an independent (i.e. not party) politician here who will stand courageously on matters of principle, but they’re only one or two votes in a parliament where they usually don’t matter among the major and minor parties. But they stand as useful reminders to how badly democracy works in a two party system, and how well the community could be served by honest and dedicated politicians freed of party discipline and the interests served by that discipline.

Any comment about hypocrisy by a politician seems somewhat redundant.

Hypocrisy in a politician is about as surprising as venom in a rattlesnake.

Well, if there was some appearance of balance on this thread,
I wouldn’t give a shit. But Mike M seems to have an agenda here.
No comment about Bush’s desastrous presidency. Not a glimpse about Cheney.
Or all the others joyous republican war-mongers.
It’s all about the evil liberals/democrat/anti-gun/pacifists/commies.
I don’t buy it.

There is no requirement for balance in this or any other thread. On this forum, anyway.

Balance is in the eye of the beholder.

And most beholders are blind in one eye.

About the only requirements we have on this forum are for people to avoid pointless shitfights and to exericse a modicum of courtesy when they are on the fringe of a shitfight.

Of course Mike M is pursuing his views here.

As are you.

And good luck to both of you, as long as you don’t get into a pointless shitfight.

If you’re opposed to those things, put your points and see if Mike M or anyone else wants to debate them.

Although in fairness to Mike M, it does seem a bit of a stretch to require him to defend Bush, Cheney, and the Republican war-mongers just because Mike M made a reasonable point about a politician being a hypocrite on gun control.

Perhaps it might be better to confine the debate to the point Mike M raised rather than widening it to a range of things which he didn’t raise.

Although clearly Mike M is a fascist of no value to society because of his opposition to gun control. Apart from, IIRC, being a firefighter who at times will risk his life to save the lives and property of people he does not know and who might well oppose his views on gun control and other issues. The community would be fucked without people like him, and people like the police, and the military forces. Some of whom use guns to protect the rest of us.

Mike M is entitled to express his views on gun control, as are those who oppose his views.

It would be nice if people who disagree with him argued their case clearly on gun control issues instead of just slagging him on the basis of his assumed political or other allegiances or attitudes.

Guess you’re sitting on the fence regarding politicians then? :slight_smile:

Well, I was trying to be balanced. :mrgreen:

As ever! :slight_smile:

Please feel free to post any hypocritical actions, stupid laws you see happening here in the United States…that’s what this thread is about. You still fail to address this guys actions…you must think what he did is OK.

Well said Rising Sun, you say it much better than I ever could…I didn’t see this posted before I posted my last post.

I’m liberal in some of my views and I’m conservative in others…

Well well well,
I have no problem about every american citizen having a gun,
but I don’t see the need to go hunting with an antitank gun ?

Also, what piss me off is that those guns end up here, in the hands of crack-head street-gangs, nice bikers like the hells angels or crazys who go school-shooting at some point. (yes we have that here too, even if the gun laws here are much more strict than in US).

If I was more interested in US politics, I’m sure I could find some republican bullshit.
I just prefer subjects related to ww2 .
That said, I’m sure that this senator will have, let’s say, a new perspective on the manner?

See we do agree on something, I stopped using my antitank gun for hunting because it singed the meat too much on the squirrels I was shooting at. :slight_smile:

I do hope that people know the right for Americans to own firearms has nothing to do with hunting, but that’s for another thread.

it was a figure of speech, of course.
I was thinking more of a 50mm sniper rifle or a 12 inch automatic…
I remember that police forces in the states were pretty pissed at that back then.
If you have the right to carry it, they will certainly make sure that they can sell it to you.
which reminds me of the famous Eisenhower speech about the politico-military complex. (was he a liberal ?)

Windrider wrote: “I was thinking more of a 50mm sniper rifle or a 12 inch automatic…”
Your descriptions are erroneous,(or were you making a joke) as 50 mm guns are artillery, and I never heard of a 12" automatic. (automatic what?) do some research before posting.
U.S. Citizen’s rights under the Second Amendment do not provide for limits on what may be kept, or born. These rights also carry responsibilities, it is the mantle of freedom. They dont hand weapons out at the 7-11 along with the bacon,There are regulations, more than are needed. Most folks here dont really care what the police like, or dont like. They have their job, and we have ours.
But all this really has little to do with a Senator who acts in a hypocritical way, His future is uncertain, either by lost election, or remanded to a lengthy career in license plate technology. I agree with Mike M. America has little room for the likes of the cheat, the liar, the hypocrite, The people are beginning to see that it is only through their responsible citizenship that America will remain strong from the inside out. The elections this year, and 2012, will make this plain to see.
that’s for that. BTW it’s not exactly what I was looking for, the one I was referring to was made in the 90’s by Colt or Remmington, I don’t recall. This one is military, the other one was not. One the othet one I wanted to say .50 cal, my mistake.

" I agree with Mike M. America has little room for the likes of the cheat, the liar, the hypocrite, The people are beginning to see that it is only through their responsible citizenship that America will remain strong from the inside out. The elections this year, and 2012, will make this plain to see."
I also agree on some of it, BUT…
From a graffiti on wall :
“If elections changed anything, they would be illegal”
How come you ended-up with Bush for 8 years, even with evident electoral fraud in Florida ?
There seams to be a lot of people that think occidental countries live in a democratic system. It’s more like a class-monarchy, if you think about it. I don’t know about your place, but there is not many plumbers, carpenters or electricians running the goverment. It’s all abour lawyers, doctors, buinessmans, and the like. They have the money, their children have the best schools, so they can be in the system when they grow-up. Not unlike Africa, if you think of it…

Anyone is welcome to prove that there was fraud involved in Florida. Since no one has, it’ll remain an Urban Myth till doomsday.Many feel that if the folks there can mange 5 to 10 bingo cards at a time, they can mark a ballot properly.
U.S. politics are what they are, you can watch it all, even study it intently and still not see the essence of it. If you want to really understand them, you’d have to win citizenship, and participate. But one word of advice, if you go about proclaiming "Neo-Con,this or Pansy-Lib,that etc. few will take the time to dialogue with you.

ah the urban myth… (remember the weapons of mass-destruction ?)
as far as I know, regarding someone to be a neo-conservative is not an insult ?
The probability of me asking for US citizenship is very remote… That doesn’nt prevent me from being interested in US foreign policy when it affect me.
All I can say is don’t watch too much fox-news, and keep it polite. You’ll need all the politeness you can get when the chinese pull the plug on you.

Well, the Chinese are welcome to try to pull the plug, but we can always push the button.(I’ll leave it to you to determine whether I am kidding, or not…) I think the People of the U.S. will find a way to square whatever debts our Bilious leaders have brought to us. Maybe we will let them repo G.W. and Obama. (we’ll throw in Al Gore, Jane Fonda,and Jerry Falwell to boot)