Posts from Argentinian Military

i said that police had autorization to use it.
in case of an attack of foreigners,like every boy of 18 should be armed in defence of the motherland

I would have thought Argentina had enough of sending 18 year old conscripts to do the shite work of the government “in defence of the motherland” in 1982…

Evidently not.

do you think we can use that metal beast with civilians? :lol:[/quote]

Don’t laugh, the Yanks tried using M109s in the “peacekeeping” role in Iraq since Bush declared the “War” over.

It seems to be that you don’t know that luckely, Latin America is the continent where the tension about weapons is so little than all the millitary powers have nothing comparating with North American, European, Asian or Oceanian armies.

Years before, The spending to the military forces were 15% or more from the PBI. Argentina now only spends 3%.

If Argentina would want a really good army like the 1982 army or 1950’s army, Argentina could have it spending more money.

It seems to be that you don’t know that luckely, Latin America is the continent where the tension about weapons is so little than all the millitary powers have nothing comparating with North American, European, Asian or Oceanian armies.

Ha! Yeah, right! More like most of the countries are too poor to buy anything.

But not all. Despite being, in the view of Erwin, “monkeys” and “little shit” and a lesser race (thanks to Erwin for the rhetoric), Chile sits and buys in F-16 Block 50’s…

Brazil had planned to buy new generation fighter aircraft under it’s F-X BR program but then realised it too was too broke (financially, in case language causes a misunderstanding) to do it.

So don’t make like you wouldn’t LIKE to beef up your air force and other armed forces… I mean, there’s Chile getting F-16’s (Block 50 no less!) while the Argentinians, who according to Erwin view the Chileans as such an inferior race, have to sit and content themselves with a 1950’s delta jet. Nah. I don’t believe that’s by choice. Admit it - Argentina has military equipment resembling mid 20th century relics because it’s flat broke.

The only reason Latin American nations fly outdated aircraft is because they either

  • can’t afford anything better
  • or, the US won’t permit the sale of anything more sophisticated to prevent an arms race, and will twist the arm of any other nation that tries. (Witness unwillingness to supply AMRAAM to Chile until someone else, beyond US influence and arm-twisting, supplied a BVR missile to a South American nation first)

Years before, The spending to the military forces were 15% or more from the PBI. Argentina now only spends 3%.

If Argentina would want a really good army like the 1982 army or 1950’s army, Argentina could have it spending more money.

Paid for how? It’s no secret that your country is hard up for cash. It’s fairly obvious when your front line combat aircraft were old and thoroughly thrased in 1982 and are still the same in 2005. There’s no shame in being virtually bankrupt but you shouldn’t go getting grandiose ideas of military superiority when it’s blatantly obvious you’re (financially)utterly bust, nor should you blame it on some tree-hugging flower picking pacifisim in South America when evidence points to the contrary.

Another Erwin classic

in case of an attack of foreigners,like every boy of 18 should be armed in defence of the motherland

Like, let us know how that pans out for you…

Really, who would want to like invade you?

There could be a like country out there, that like owned you before you got there and like therefore has a legitimate right to be there, regardless of the like rights or wants of the current population!!! Like.

Just admit your country is a pauper.

Why don’t they put the real reason they want the falklands on the claim sheet?

Bwa ha ha ha !

Refering back to Erwin’s brilliantly simple plan of moving in a few thousands d… 'erm Argies to win the vote. It’s a tried and tested formula, comrade Stalin did very well with it, no chance of East Prussia voting to return to Germany as there are no Germans left there. Then of course you have old uncle Adolf who was a master of the land grab via a rigged vote. The Argies should remember Adolf and his boys very well indeed, i guess the Falklands idea came from the German immigrants of the late 40s and 50s…you remember the ones right?

Read Erwins posts, he loves the SS. He thinks their uniforms are “cool”.

Minor details like the atrocities that the SS commited are washed over in his so called mind by the atrocites “committed” by the Gurkhas in the Falklands.

Points to note, the alledged Gurkha atrocities took place on the Falkland Islands in the alternative diemension known as libreopinion, libreopinion only.

Note, the events and people described in this website bear no intentional resemblence to actual events or people, living or dead.

AH where would we be without our daily dose of the Brit/Argentine mobius strip.


I hear Argentine is county of very nice place.
Erwin seams very nice two because he likes boats.

Not another one!


Check this:

My friendly advice is to submit posts strictly reffering to actual Argentinean Military. Forget Falkland/Malvinas for now.

Extreme Autoritarism and totalitarism,your rules makes me remember to the General Uriburu and his dictatorship,cheers,now this seems to be a junta worst than those in here,and FW190 also sticked to the malvinas topic,and he was not precisely moderating.

whatever, erwin
gen sandworm and i make this decision, not just me

whatever, erwin
gen sandworm and i make this decision, not just me[/quote]

I respect his decision,but not yours,and you also have done it!

whatever, erwin
gen sandworm and i make this decision, not just me[/quote]

I respect his decision,but not yours,and you also have done it![/quote]
whatever :wink:

Thread closed for maintenance this time. We have to clean up the mess in this thread.

Will be re-open shortly.

Thread re-opened.
I have deleted a huge amount of useless posts (mostly off-topic). If I missed something, please let me know!

he seems to be the only who watched the topic and made the right post,of course,some people act like they were bribed by the commonwealth…