Posts from Argentinian Military

Jerk!,the photo that i showed was showing the clothes of the sniper,that’s why i posted it!.

and the other sniper is in the water.

Go with your smelly nepaleses, mrbeans, maggies and tonys, your ironic question and the term “argie” that you made for us is not necesary,island ape,roast beef,smelly northies and a long list of names that are in spanish and you will not understand

We fucked the most powerful navy of the world (im not going to say more and were because i cannot name this since there is a rule).[/quote]
I hope that you will be able to modify your language and reply in a sensible, coherent manner.
It would be a breath of fresh air to be able to read the site and discover that all the discussions were carried out in a mature fashion.

Not sure where the “guided laser robot misiles” come in nor what the “walt’s support truck” are, could you use your encyclopaedic military knowledge to enlighten me please ?

While I’m sure the Argentine sharpshooters are excellent marksmen, don’t you not think that other countries also make use of these types of soldier ?

I fail to see why you imagine that the Minimi is such poor weapon, do you have any considered reasons for this ?

Can you spot people’s sexual orientation from any photograph Erwin ?
I believe that’s known as ‘gaydar’.

No Erwin, they are not subversive ideas.
They are, at worst, a reminder of darker days of your country’s past.
I don’t believe that 1000yd has any intention of overthrowing your government, nor can I see any reason to do so, can you ?
Do you think that the Argentine forces have not moved from these actions ? :shock:
You’ll find that the main thrust of the army has changed considerably from the infamous days of the ‘Dirty War.’

“F****ng civilians” - and you are …?

I seriously doubt that the people who set the bombs were better armed than the Ejército, let’s be sensible about this.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way defending the actions of these bombers.

Posturing does not lend weight to your ‘argument’, (such as it is,) it merely brings to mind the comic grimaces of El Duce.

You have not been the target of an attack therefore you’re not defending yourself - it is merely an excuse for yet another of your vitriolic rants.
Please give it a rest.

I don’t believe those words are in fact prohibited, you seem to be the only member who cannot let it go. No amount of bone posts will change history so shouldn’t we just crack on with the main subject of this site ?

No Erwin, 1000yd did not attack you.
Maybe your ideas and ideals on the internal politics of the past were grazed, but if you can’t listen maturely to others’ views you should not be on a discussion board.

Does shouting make you feel better in real life too ?

You’re being disingenuous now Erwin, you are not dim enough to believe that ‘Jap’ is a derogatory term. As I’m sure you are very well aware, it is merely a shortened form of Japanese.
Similarly with the abbreviated form of Argentinian.[/quote]

I was talking about all that stuff that nations with cash are able to buy.

i wasn’t talking about the Minimi,i was talking about the guy who carries it,can’t you see his face?,it is obvious that he eat’s IT!,of course he is gay,if you see in a picture a man with the crossed legs for example,the hand in a specific position,and a female expression,it’s sure that he is gay,those are ways to recognize them.

about dirty war,or clean war because we take showers more often than you,the subversives liked to fight from the behind,putting bombs in such places as army neighboorhoods (places were the family of the armymen live) killing their wifes,children and more innocent people.

i will tell you something that you will never hear from a communist,anarchist of leftist newspaper,the people wanted the army out when there was a crisis,when isabel peron was at the government,the prisoners were liberated an the insecurity ruled,the people wanted soldier to krush the insecurity,just by saying “were are the army when we need them?”,can you see?,then they change sides,they’re pancakes.

Im a fucking civilians ex fucking milico

you are defending the bombers,those were the resistance,and they were better armed than the army,i suspect that somebody if not a country supplied them,but when they attacked la tablada army regiment for example,they went with machineguns,grenades,a big truck,and mens armed at the teeths.

about that of el duce,im not giving me credibility,im showing that 1000ydstare wasn’t playing fine.

I don’t understand

and about the malvin**,i know that nobody can change the history,but somebody can show you the truth that is hided,there is always a secret side in a war,and you are learning from those who made it a state secret :wink:

No Erwin, 1000yd did not attack you.
Maybe your ideas and ideals on the internal politics of the past were grazed, but if you can’t listen maturely to others’ views you should not be on a discussion board.

sorry,im not that bad at english!,i know when there is somebody talking without any friendly intention.

Does shouting make you feel better in real life too ?

:lol: :lol: :lol: ,i don’t shout,i was writing with a bigger font for those who seems that don’t read nothing that i write.

i said one day japs to 4 american japaneses and they kicked my arse with their fucking karate.

I’ve heard the term “Rock Apes” for a certain bunch of British Crustacean infantry, but not “Island Ape”. Where does that term come from?[/quote]

it comes from islands and from apes or monkeys

he is american,isn’t him?,i was talking about britishmen.

Erwin mate, the spot the sniper/walt thing is nothing to do with the topic. It is a bit of fun. If you don’t understand it then just let it go.

Ref the terrorism/quote. I know the quote has nothing to do with terrorism. the quote is basically saying you are telling porky pies.

I understood,but at least you could put a british sniper!.

porky pies?,ohhh,the english insults :smiley: ,the horror!!!,arrrghhh!!!,who teached you the insults?,your sister?,come on,thanks to god i speak spanish.

Hmmm. I now know where the guys in the hangars at work get their work ethic from… :stuck_out_tongue:

“in the army”
5 a.m more or less,sometimes earlier.
and you?

Hmmm. I now know where the guys in the hangars at work get their work ethic from… :P[/quote]

Of course, RAF training is rather more arduous than the lifestyle Firefly describes. Tea is brought to you by a Corporal not a Sergeant. Even worse, there are over three hours of lectures crammed into each week!


Ok, Erwin, roll back the clock to when there were conscripts and try the question again.

What are you having for lunch by the way?

im having Roast Beef,lamb with fried potatoes and beer for drink.With hot sauce.

I will reply later then

Erwin wrote:

im having Roast Beef,lamb with fried potatoes and beer for drink.With hot sauce.

Sounds like a large dinner.

Carefull or you’ll turn into a bit of a porker!!

Don’t worry,im one of those persons who eat a lot and don’t get fat.

im eating and here at the same time :wink: ,and i can still use my trousers of when i was 19 :wink:

19 stone?


when i was 19 YEARS old

errmm,we were able to post PMs???

As far as I am aware, yes.

Unless the rules have changed again.

It was you that banned it in tthe first place.

but i posted that before the rule :wink: