Posts from Argentinian Military

A little early to be drunk isn’t it Erwin?

Stop gibbering man.

A man with the avatar of the woman is telling me.

Well,since we cannot debate more about the Malvin** or Falklan** Islands,i suggest you to visit:,but this time,it is not to insult you,the Admin,a veteran of the south atlantic war ordered to have a good debate without insulting,and don’t make you to feel rejected.

Dear Brits,you are invited to that forum,you don’t like it,you abandon.

Best Wishes

Erwin “Schütze”

Erwin mate,

Visited the site you suggested. I don’t speak much spanish but I can see things like nuclear weapons and 1982 in the topics and a few other things.

Quite frankly, you are enough to be getting on with, I don’t want to get involved with a whole site of blathering muppets.

Quite moved by this picture though.

It was displayed at the top of the first page of the site you sent me to. In translated English, it is basically titled, “to the 23 years of life you missed” I think. The translater is a bit bonk so I’ve sort of made up the title based on what was presented and how I think it would sound better in English.

Is this a cemetary on the Falklands or in Argentina? It looks quite desolate, Falklands even, but I thought we repatraiated all the Argentine dead.

Statisticaly many of the lads buried here would have been conscripted, is that why they are out in a desolate area? ie Did the Junta try to hide the number of dead?



I take it that all the request of whether or not you could publish PMs and the subsequent PM from you i received, quoting one of my PMs to you and telling me what you thought of it, was some kind of plot.

Unfortuantly, for you, my PMs are all good and clean. Nothing insulting, nothing inflammatory. So you can’t post them can you? Cos you’ll get laughed at.


I think you’ll find, like I’ve said, if I want to insult you I will do it publically.

Although you have accused me, in the past, of sending you inflamatory posts, you have obviously discovered I have not, or you will pretend you have deleted them!!! Whatever.



I just read your posts,and i found pure crap,about the question of the cementery i don’t have a fucking idea of where was the photo taken.
I was going to post a pm from you that was very nice!,i sent you it,and i enjoyed it really much,at least you are not very very freak or arsehole.

But you are at the deffensive,i see.

Best Wishes

Erwin Schätzzzzz

Erwin wrote

I was going to post a pm from you that was very nice!,i sent you it,and i enjoyed it really much,at least you are not very very freak or arsehole.

Not on the defensive at all Erwin. Just mindfull.

I am not yannie or Jhoney.

My name is Jason Bourne.

I’m a little uncomfortable with the thread on ‘Argentinian Meat’. The content is fine, but the tone of the comments is becoming increasingly inappropriate for a public forum. Normally I would do a little tidying but given the contributors it would most likely lead to more angry postings and another Erwin rant.

Referring to the women as meat is a little questionable, whilst rape is beyond the pale. I’m prepared to look at this as language difficulties, where an unremarkable idiom in Argentine Spanish is highly offensive when translated literally to English. Could someone nudge them back towards acceptable comments without provoking an outbreak of sulking?

I will try but in this evening.
I can’t open that thread whilst I am in the office. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


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Changed so far the title. More will follows.

Yea we should have done something about that sooner. I was just to hypnotised by the pics to think clearly. :shock:

I could edit the posts as follows:
instead the “img” tags to use the “url” tags. Therefore anybody who want to see the picture(s) will just access the url (and the pages will be obviously without pictures).

Sounds good so far?

Jason Mate,

panzerknacker already replied to your question,and you did not lose the opportunity to throw shit to the junta :wink: :

Did the Junta try to hide the number of dead?

OBVIOUSLY,you made inflamatory posts,but i have to say that they are not recent.
and in PMs,apart from the wolf of watching you or some freaky animal starting at my monitor,nothing more.
I don’t pretend you to have deleted them,because Arkantos,irish duck and i know that you have made them,and mods,feel free to search his old posts,i don’t want to do that,it’s boring.

maybe i posted some of them in the mods room,im sure the mods and admins can check that!.
still they haven’t give a warning to those that i posted that are guilty,so,they wouldn’t give me a warning.

mindfull :lol: ,you meant mindempty,i sent you a not offensive pm,that i was also going to post,to show that maybe we didn’t have too BAD times,or at least the unique time that you have said something nice.

and you sound like yannie,im not guilty of that,and of your avatar that makes you look like a woman.

Then im going to call you Paul,every englishmen is called Paul.

Greetings Paul!!!


and now you have a movie too!

then you want me to believe that you are Matt Damon!!!

That would be a good way to do it. :smiley: Nice thinking!

I agree too, especailly the hypnotism… :shock:

So yet again the Argentine military thread starts to slide into a debate between the Brits and the Agies. The debate, fuelled by Erwin and Stoat and Cuts has already started to slide, I have tried to put a brake on it.

My proposal is that we seriously think about why we need to have modern military threads. Personally I would like them to stay as they provide a lively debate, but anything involving the Falklands or Argentina always eventually disintigrates into another flame war.

I have advised guys that dont want to be involved in these discussions not to read the threads.

Your thoughs please?

Maybe one old ideea to make a distinct room (like our usergroups) on which who interested in such kind of “debates” could join after a request to one of the mods.

And I think obviously that Mods should have access as well.

Well done Firefly! At this point we can’t do more.

Well done Firefly! At this point we can’t do more.[/quote]

Agreed Dani. Or do like we did with the Falklands, and make a rule about it? :?