Posts from Argentinian Military

In a minefield, preferabley.[/quote]
he is insulting in a peaceful debate,dani,please remove this member from this topic and his message.

Why? It would be an Argentine minefield, full of Argentine mines laid by Argentinians. As a responsible and professional army, those Argentine soldiers laying the mines would have done so carefully, mapping where the mines where laid so that the minefield can be cleared easily without presenting a danger to civilians.

Unless, somehow, they were scattered willy-nilly with no regard for the inhabitants. But that’s clearly not the case, is it?

they will lay them if they have access to the malvinas!

I mean where will 3000 Argentinians be housed on the Falklands before the vote?

they will lay them if they have access to the malvinas![/quote]

Will lay them?
Have laid them.
Scattered across beaches with no thoughts for the consequences.

Remind me once more why the prospect of Argentinian Sovereignty over the Falkland Islands doesn’t enjoy universal support there?



It’s not a Yes and No question.


Reasoned debate returns…

yes it iss

Oh no it isn’t!

No its not. The Argentine govrnment will have to fly in about 3000 people for the vote. They will have to stay somewhere and be supervised by the UN I presume. Surely they wil have to be given resident status, so the Argentine government will have to built at least 500 houses before the vote.

So where would these houses be built?

yes it is.

i have to go to the english class.

see ya in an hour + / -.


No its not. The Argentine govrnment will have to fly in about 3000 people for the vote. They will have to stay somewhere and be supervised by the UN I presume. Surely they wil have to be given resident status, so the Argentine government will have to built at least 500 houses before the vote.

So where would these houses be built?[/quote]
in puerto argentino and surrounding areas.

also a plan of making infrastructure.
i have english classes!

Also to be residents I suppose they will have to have jobs, what will 300 Argentinians do for a living?

So what you mean is that to win the election, you’ll cheat, by putting people who’ve never lived their all their lives in to distort the results?

So really - Argentinians such as yourself who want the Falklands “back” (and I use the term loosley) have NO INTENTION of giving the people of the Falkland Islands any self-determination whatsoever, they just think it’s a cool idea to cheat them out of their home and their nationality? I suppose we shouldn’t really complain because as least you’re consistent and anyway…

It’s beautiful that you can admit to that.

Noooo! You´ve got it all wrong! It´s one rule and set of logic for peaceful, liberating Argentina, and it´s another completelty different rule and set of logic for nasty Imperialist Britain. The Islanders will be granted self-determination by bussing in a load of Argentines who´ve no connection to the Islands whatsoever to vote to make sure that the “right” result can be reached.

I get the feeling that this bus will be the same one normally found bringing nurses from Rinteln.

Hmmm… in what I suspect will be a rather futile attempt to drag this back on topic, how about the following?

  1. All opinions to be supported by facts - mere slogans/statements of opinion are not to be allowed unless supported. Examples of unsupported statements to date include references to “Gurkha war crimes”, “HMS Invincible sinking”, etc.
  2. Keep it polite - I can’t see this happening, but it’s really tiring to wade through millions of posts with people attacking each other non-stop without a fact or arguament in sight.
  3. Try and use either a single consistent set of place names, or use both. “Port Stanley” and “Puerto Argentino” are in fact the same place. but it’s only luck that I know that. When it gets to the smaller settlements (Goose Green, San Carlos, etc.) I don’t have a clue what the Argentine names are…
  4. Pictures are fine, provided you’re willing to provide a source, and ideally photographer and date when challenged. If you can’t, edit out the picture yourself.

How does that sound?

San carlos is still san carlos and Goose green is directly tanslated to the “the green of the geese”

Im still loving the idea of self determination as supported by Erwin. A referendum is to be held for the inhabitants of the islands. Just as soon as the Argentine government can arrange for 2300+ people to arrive in the Islands and take up residence. Then if these 2301 people dont win the poll (im not sure how) Argentina will agree to let them all remain british citizens.

Erwin you seem to have avoided the fact that to qualify to vote in the referendum all of your argentine 5th Column would have to become British and give up their Argentine heritage. By doubling hte population of the Islands - as you would need to you would criush the infrastructure and the economy and create a disaster in you “new land.” Your own population would probably starve in the early years and choose to move off the windswept rocky and boggy islands back to the pampa where they have friends, jobs, homes, and heritage.

Though of course I wouldnt want to try and point anything out to you that would be perverse.


ship in 2301 Argentinians, who would clearly take the first opportunity to become British subjects and thus win the lottery of life (C Rhodes).

Thus the Argentinian government would now have to ship in 4602 extra folk to swing the vote. There’s no way they wouldn’t take the King’s shilling, as it were.

It won’t take long at that rate to convert over half the Argentinian population (20 M should do the trick, about 13 cycles if my maths is correct) to British. Then we can send them back to Buenos Aries, hold a referendum and make Argentina a UK Dependant Territory.

Then we can sell them some proper tanks, make them drive on the correct side of the road, speak the language of Kings etc etc

If all the Argentines land in MPA, arent they going to get food poisoning at Tommy tuckers and wander into the death star and get nobbled by that missing section of Royal green howard jacketed para marines illsutrated below below before they even make it to the polling booth.