Posts from Argentinian Military

Well of course you are entirely wrong to think that. Even a quick scan through the order of battle of the British forces would reveal a battalion each of the Scots and Welsh guards. That’s without even looking at the different nationalities that are to be found in the other units.

Is this another example of a widespread misconception that you and your countrymen have been indoctrinated with ? Your leaders evidently haven’t forgotten too much about selective education and mindwashing in the last two decades . . .

Rest assured that the whole of the United Kingdom was united in its determination to return freedom and democracy to the Falkland Islanders - not just one country. Luckily we had troops that were more than equal to the task.

It wasn’t just the generally deplorable state of argentinas military that let you down - I suspect that, deep down, those miserable conscripts forced over there to try to help the Junta keep hold of power knew that they were in the wrong. And I would not be surprised if beneath your rhetoric, you knew it to.

Just accept those things you cannot change - your life will be happier.



Didn’t we have chinese there too?

On the RFAs.

I think they were on all the warships - from memory at least one died.

It’s so nice to see that our resident SS fan hasn’t let his appreciation of that body of men colour his real life views of people from other countries.

Perhaps he is out of topic and fucks on their laws too?

I take it you’ve seen his little racist diatribe then?
Quoted below for giggles. My bold for comparisons to the rhetoric of his most admired.

EDIT - oh and bolded some more things. Perhaps this needs bringing to his attention in the thread where he whinges about being called an Argie

Good, I’m glad it’s all the same.

So, how are things in that province of Chile you live in ?[/quote]

Chile? :lol: ,dirty people spics and mestizos with funny faces like monkeys.
also they have lots of poor people,yes their economy grows…their government economy!.

chile is a shitty piece of mountain,a shitty landpiece who have santiago,a small city,smaller than bahia blanca! :lol: ,buenos aires is much better.
also we are more culture,intelligence,better race.
all you can say,better wine,better girls (better girls than you too),better army,better places,beter natural beauty,they see our tv channels,they see the fashion on buenos aires,they copy our songs,they listen soda estereo and charly garcia,they don’t have gas,they are just a small shit with mines.
those monkeys work in the mines of rio turbio in our south.

are you kidding?,chile need argentina to live,we buy all their things,their chilean peso is devaluated as hell.

SAN MARTIn,an argie,liberated them from spain! :lol: .

are you kidding?[/quote]

Erwin, I don’t care what you think about Chileans.


If someone will say something like this about Argentina, I am sure that you will be the first shouting: BAN HIM! BAN HIM!!!

Stop fooling around!

Since you are no longer a Mod (after some very flagrant abuses of your power as one), how exactly are you going to give him this warning?
As for only having problems with the English and not the Scots, may I suggest you read up on the regiment involved in attacking Tumbledown on the night of the 13th/14th June 1982? The English and Scots may have their differences, but we’re both British when it counts.[/quote]
For argentina,the enemy is england,we just talk of england when talking about the malvinas.
also firefly said that of banning,why you don’t quoted that?

and im not going to put the warning,a mod will do[/quote]

Erwin here is a lesson on learning to live with your neighbours. The Scots and English fought each other in vicious battles for years, today we live together in one country. There was a very high proportion of Scots in the Falklands war and even a Scottish Battalion. So how can you not have a problem with Scots? Also a fair number of Falkland Islanders are descended from Scots.

Do you ever think that the freindly banter and rivalries between our fine nations in this United Kingdom are, at times, overplayed by those who would do us harm?

As mentioned there was indeed a Scottish Regiment and a Welsh, who suffered horrific casualties before even joining battle.

Their achievements should not be underestimated, they were at the back for the issue of kit, were grouped in a Brigade that had never before worked together and, in the case of the Guards Bns, had only just finished Ceremonial Dutes rather than any mil training.

The Guards were replacing 2 and 3 PARA on the 5 Inf Bde Orbat.

I think 3PARA was where most Scots went to, although I can’t be sure.

Do they not realise that in the presence of an outside threat the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish will join ranks quicker than a Gazelle on steroids!!!

This method of trying to weaken the British has been tried for years. Even Napolean tried it, it never works or if it does, not for long.

Bloody space cadets, thinking our country will ever follow their nice little rules.

There is a reason, you know why we are the oldest true democracy.


ok,the argie,dago,spic,kraut,greasy (as you),etc,etc,and welsh or what you want to call me isn’t the unique doing this kind of posts,as you see my words here

the argie,dago,spic,kraut,etc
all words i learnt here thanks to you.

You mean you’d never heard of Kraut before coming here?

I thought you were of German descent?

Never had Sauer Kraut?

Erwin - you’ve used the word ‘Dago’ more than anyone else on this site

Infact apart from Cuts joke and your last post BDL, he is the ONLY person to use it!!!

yes,german descendent=kraut,but im not going to say where i found that,i learnt that thing for you.

and the unique german think i eat is leberbusht (or something like that,i don’t know how to write that).

also when you said that all germans were nazis,you are discriminating me.
i have that roots,and you don’t respect my blood,my country and me.
so don’t cry if i don’t have respect for you!

I heard that in other place,but im not going to tell you because i will get a warning

I have never said all Germans were NAZIs.

I actually live in Germany at the moment, and have done so before. So I am more than aware of the fact that not all were NAZIs.

I said that more people would have known about the killings than they let on. Also I say that the SS were NAZIs.

Well of course you are entirely wrong to think that. Even a quick scan through the order of battle of the British forces would reveal a battalion each of the Scots and Welsh guards. That’s without even looking at the different nationalities that are to be found in the other units.

Is this another example of a widespread misconception that you and your countrymen have been indoctrinated with ? Your leaders evidently haven’t forgotten too much about selective education and mindwashing in the last two decades . . .

Rest assured that the whole of the United Kingdom was united in its determination to return freedom and democracy to the Falkland Islanders - not just one country. Luckily we had troops that were more than equal to the task.

It wasn’t just the generally deplorable state of argentinas military that let you down - I suspect that, deep down, those miserable conscripts forced over there to try to help the Junta keep hold of power knew that they were in the wrong. And I would not be surprised if beneath your rhetoric, you knew it to.

Just accept those things you cannot change - your life will be happier.



well bill,you will find our army is more powerful than the years of the junta,also that we have the capacity of making nuclear bombs,but,a pact/threat (or like you call it) obligated us to promise to never make nuclear bombs.

that of the welsh,british and scots is generalization,im sure you know that when you think that all south american,centre american and spanish are the same (racist thing as some of your matess say that im a racist).

we not only forget that thing you call “brainwash” that didn’t work in the junta years!,we have anti junta propaganda every day,the young boys always are doctrinated with anti junta and anarquism in music and television.also the respect with the military forces is decreased.

it’s obvious that the falklanders will choose to be british,because they have british roots!,and they never lived under argentina’s.

you will find that we have a great army of highly trained troops,we sent troops to lots of places in mission,like we had troops in croatia (working with beligium’s troops),haiti,etc.

also we have trainments with other armies in the world,like usa’s army,the best in the world.

my life cannot be happier,i have all i need and im very happy.



not all the SS were nazis.that’s a direct insult to me,because i admire the SS (in their fights like soldiers not tortures*)

*note that i said that twenty millions of times (or less)

here yes,but in other places (im not going to say where…)

Well, here is the only place that counts unfortunatley.

Shut your whining, just be cause you admire a key part of the NAZI party. That is what the SS were!!! Just like the SA that they supplanted (by massacre incidently) they were the paramilitary arm of the NAZI party.

Hence, like it or lump it, they were NAZIs.