
Well guys i am not been on site ,9-15 septembera becouse i go to Slovenia.Just toknow,dont think then i am not back :lol:

Grand Cross of the Iron Cross. Only recipient of the Grand Cross during the Second World War was Hermann Göring, who was awarded the decoration on July 19, 1940. The medal is in effect an oversized Knight’s Cross. It had the same overall characteristics as the Knights Cross, but it was much larger measuring 63mm in width as opposed to about 44mm for the Iron cross and 48.5mm for the Knight’s cross. It was originally intended to have outer edges lined in gold, but this was changed to silver before the award was presented.

BUT, it wasn’t the highest honour!!

Star of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross. This award was manufactured, but it was never awarded to any recipient. The only known example was found by Allied occupation forces at the end of the war, and was eventually added to the West Point military collection.

:lol: :lol:

Actually Dani, I was thinking something else… :?

Should I give it away?

No, no!
Please wait for more research!!

ok Hint! The recipient wasn’t Hermann Goering, though he was a pilot in the Luftwaffe.

Good for youl Clauss!
I hear that Slovenian girls rock!

Maybe it was a political award:

German Order:
The German Order was the highest decoration that the Nazi Party could bestow on an individual for “duties of the highest order to the state and party”. 10 recipients.

Or maybe a diplomatic award:
Grand Cross of the Order of the German Eagle

Major Nowotny, who had shot down 258 enemy aircraft by the time of his death, aged 24, had been awarded the Third Reich’s highest military honour, the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds, by Hitler himself.

Major Nowotny, who had shot down 258 enemy aircraft by the time of his death, aged 24, had been awarded the Third Reich’s highest military honour, the Knight’s Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds, by Hitler himself.[/quote]

I’m afraid that the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross is a higher award than the Knight’s Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds.

Reasearch please! :smiley:

Getting closer Tsolias, but still not there. Should I give it away or just another hint?


Ok the Medal is the highest of all the Knight’s Crosses, and the pilot had an outstanding record of 530 Soviet tanks, enough tanks for five complete Soviet Tank Corps! He also destroyed 150 anti-aircraft and anti-tank positions, 800 motor vehicles, the Soviet Battleship Marat, a Soviet Cruiser, a Soviet Destroyer, 70 Soviet landing craft, and numerous bridges and bunkers. He also heavily damaged another Soviet Battleship, the October Revolution

Hans Rudel.
But Tiger, please note that you asked for the Third Reich’s highest honor.!! :smiley: :smiley:

Edited:… and the Knight’s Cross with Golden Oakleaves, Swords & Diamonds wasn’t the highest award…

oops :oops: but yes it was Hans Ulrich Rudel, but what was the honor that he recieved?

There’s still part 2 to my question :wink:

The award being instituted in answer to Rudel’s continuing feats of unprecedented heroism.

And was awarded on 1st of January 1945.

Oh well then I must’ve meant highest of Knight’s Crosses. But anyway yes, there were only 12 Golden Knight’s Crosses with Diamonds, Swords, and Oakleaves planned to be instuted after the war (when Germany was still expecting a victory) but only one was awarded to Luftwaffe Stuka pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel