Republicans VS Democrats


Democrats are blindly liberal and soft. While I do not agree with the dogma of the Republicans whole-heartedly either, the Democrats drag the government of the US into misdirected policies. Meanwhile, the Republicans sit on their hands too much unless the issue is so big it cannot await action any longer.

Clinton was an inexcusably liberal idiot who not only conducted himseelf with discrace as leader of the United States (Lewinsky slut scandal), but he engaged policies that noticabley hurt the US economy to this day and will for some time (NAFTA). He was the worst president in the history of this nation.

Thanks for the fox nrews view on Clinton however I think that it is not a virw shared worldwide. In future please keep your masoginist terms for woman to yourself.

She’s a slut. She gave oral sex to the President for the purpose of gain. I guess that really makes her a whore, doesn’t it?

She’s definately not a lady. :shock:

TINWALT wrote about Clinton as Pres

He was the worst president in the history of this nation.

Do you have ANY middle ground? Something is always the best, the worst, the most idiotic of all time isn’t it?

Anyway as a humble Brit, IMHO Clinton was a good pres. His efforts in NI were probably key to the IRA putting down their weapons, not to mention Clintons efforts in the area of controlling the fundingto the IRA via Noraid.

As for Lewinsky, big deal, she gave his a blowjob.

What is concerning is that she kept the evidence for that long!!!

But he was still, I belief a pres in the upper ranks of pres, rather than

the worst president in the history of this nation
sounds like some kind of programe on Fox.

at 8, Worlds nuttiest police chases.
at 9, The countries worst presidents.
at 10, IRONMANs look at the world around him, basically his bedsit.

Was Leewinsky also telling him how to run the country or make policy?
Did her relationship unduly influence his ability to run the country?

Did Clinton solve NOraid, and lower unemployment? Was Clinton able to serve his country and his electorate.

Well then compare him to Carter - No Leadership a puppet for the Bible belt
Nixon - need we say more.
JFK - Involved with hte Mafia, Publicly linked to a harlot from Hollywood…#

Well then Was Clinton the “worst ever?”

Not bleeding likely.

Neither of the president that you cite passed laws which considerably hurt the US economy with the intention of boosting that of other nations. Dingbat.

Nixon got the US out of an ill-faught war.

JFK, while an asshole himself, stood down the USSR and prevented nuclear misslses from being parked in Cuba.

Clinton - a couple of botched, half-heartedly executed military operations that resulted in nothing. He got ousted by the American people. His economic policies were astonishingly idiotic.

The American people, that is, the majority of them, feel that Clinton was a poor president - pale in comparison to any other in the last 30-40 years.

Come to the US and live a while. Learn about it. :wink:

While not knowing enough about US politics to debate with you. I do find your tone very condesending to to others who obviously do.

What pray is a Dingbat?

compare the economy between usa now and usa during clinton’s government…

who was the best? Roosevelt (the roosevelt of ww2)

i have a cousin in usa before you ask.



so, ironman, is Mr. bush the greatest president of all times?

a rain of lols in that :lol:

Stupid Bush and him dog Blair,they palying worlds cop’s.

That’s what I was thinking…unless you have lived in the USA and have had taxes taken out of your check and had to live with some of the decisions made by them, I don’t think you have a voice.
I wouldn’t dream of telling you guys who was a good or bad leader of your country. Ive never lived under them and don’t know enough of your politics to voice my opinion. I guess I could voice my opinion on things Ive read but were ALL smart enough to not believe everything we read RIGHT??

Clinton was not ousted, he served his two terms and was not able to stand again as per US law.

That’s what I was thinking…unless you have lived in the USA and have had taxes taken out of your check and had to live with some of the decisions made by them, I don’t think you have a voice.
I wouldn’t dream of telling you guys who was a good or bad leader of your country. Ive never lived under them and don’t know enough of your politics to voice my opinion. I guess I could voice my opinion on things Ive read but were ALL smart enough to not believe everything we read RIGHT??[/quote]

my bold

Mike we have to live with some of the decisions made by them, thats the problem.

Fine, if it works both ways. Problem is, FerrousFool is quite happy to be extremely abusive about non-Americans (British Gurkha Officers in particularl spring to mind - he practically accused them of war crimes in another thread) but if anyone even takes the rip slightly in return he’s up on his high horse yelping about anti-americanism. He doesn’t seem to have noticed that we don’t have anything against any of the other Americans such as yourself.
Anyways, because we aren’t US citizens and so don’t fund the US treasury we are clearly not entitled to a vote in deciding what course the US should take. However, I do think we are entitled to say what we think - free speech is after all a value for which both our countries have fought hard for most of the last century, paying for it in both blood and treasure…

You think so? Personally, I’ve never stated which I though was the best president. Trying to put words into my mouth?

Stupid Bush and him dog Blair,they palying worlds cop’s.[/quote]

Ahhh! They typical Euro response! Now, remember that when you complain the next time about the US not solving your problems!

Oh my. Hypocricy is so rampant in Euroland.


Clinton was not ousted, he served his two terms and was not able to stand again as per US law.[/quote]

Yes, he was ousted by the American People. His poularity plummeted to almost nill after the scandal with Whorinsky. He was horrifically bantered in all the press. Parent and social organizations across the US called upon Congress to impeach him. Etc, etc, etc.

He is the 2nd president in the history of the US about whom the citizens petitioned Congress to impeach.

I understand that you do not know these things because you don’t live in the US.


Stupid Bush and him dog Blair,they palying worlds cop’s.[/quote]

Ahhh! They typical Euro response! Now, remember that when you complain the next time about the US not solving your problems!

Oh my. Hypocricy is so rampant in Euroland.[/quote]

Have you ever even been out of the US??? How the hell can you possibly understand how the Europeans think if youve never really talked to any. Oh let me guess coz you read the fucking COD manual and that makes you an expert on everything. I forgot. Furthermore, If you havent noticed Bush is a fucking idiot.

BTW welcome back to the site. Looking forward to the interesting times ahead. GOD SAVE US.