Republicans VS Democrats

You think so? Personally, I’ve never stated which I though was the best president. Trying to put words into my mouth?[/quote]

no, but you need to learn how to read. THat was a question. you know, when you ask someone a question you put a question mark after the sentence.

you have george bush’s face on your signiture.

Clinton was not ousted, he served his two terms and was not able to stand again as per US law.[/quote]

Yes, he was ousted by the American People. His poularity plummeted to almost nill after the scandal with Whorinsky. He was horrifically bantered in all the press. Parent and social organizations across the US called upon Congress to impeach him. Etc, etc, etc.

He is the 2nd president in the history of the US about whom the citizens petitioned Congress to impeach.

I understand that you do not know these things because you don’t live in the US.


Please explain to me the US electoral system as I seem to be confused. As I understand it a president could only stand for two terms, is that correct?

I voted for Bush…Not our best Prez. but for ME the best of the two choices. I think that Bush is droping the ball big time with our borders

Stupid Bush and him dog Blair,they palying worlds cop’s.[/quote]

Ahhh! They typical Euro response! Now, remember that when you complain the next time about the US not solving your problems!

Oh my. Hypocricy is so rampant in Euroland.[/quote]

Bush is a idiot accept that ,you cannot becouse you agree with him politic ,
USA is power in world we rule here ,who not with us we destroyd them.

OMG,i prefer to emigrate instead of voting that kind of shit!

Yes and Clinton did serve 2 complete terms. Not sure what IRONMAN means by “ousted by the american people.” But hey whats new. Actually a person can serve 10 years as president. He can complete the last 2 years of another presidents term. (Killed, resigned or what not) Then he is allowed to serve 2 more 4 year terms.

As far as the electoral system…its all messed up. I think there have been 5 presidents that lost the popular vote but won the electoral college vote…which is unfortunatly what we go on.

Anyhow…just in case you didnt know.

The US was always intended to be a Republic not a Democracy - the founding fathers had some very nasty things to say about democracies…

I was, and had a very informative discussion about terms of office and what happens if you are vice and get into office by the back door on another site. What I wanted was Ironman to explain to me the system.

Stupid Bush and him dog Blair,they palying worlds cop’s.[/quote]

Ahhh! They typical Euro response! Now, remember that when you complain the next time about the US not solving your problems!

Oh my. Hypocricy is so rampant in Euroland.[/quote]

Have you ever even been out of the US??? How the hell can you possibly understand how the Europeans think if youve never really talked to any. Oh let me guess coz you read the fucking COD manual and that makes you an expert on everything. I forgot. Furthermore, If you havent noticed Bush is a fucking idiot.

BTW welcome back to the site. Looking forward to the interesting times ahead. GOD SAVE US.[/quote]

How? Because it’s everywhere. Even a few Americans do it or support it, such as you are doing now. I know you think it makes you cool to mention a freaking game and cite it as a reason for something, but good lord, stick to reality here.

No, I have not noticed that bush is an idiot.

Thanks for the welcome, but you know I ain’t gonna cut you anyt slack cause youre an admin, ya know. :wink:

I agree. We have yet to have a president that has the blass to do whatever it takes to stop the hordes of border-crossers. It must stop. Already they say the economy of California is almost broken because of the social services doled out to the immigrants.


Yes and Clinton did serve 2 complete terms. Not sure what IRONMAN means by “ousted by the american people.” But hey whats new. Actually a person can serve 10 years as president. He can complete the last 2 years of another presidents term. (Killed, resigned or what not) Then he is allowed to serve 2 more 4 year terms.

As far as the electoral system…its all messed up. I think there have been 5 presidents that lost the popular vote but won the electoral college vote…which is unfortunatly what we go on.

Anyhow…just in case you didnt know.[/quote]

I agree about the Electoral College. It needs to be eliminated ASAP. It was devised at a time 2 centuries ago when something like it was needed in a world without mass communications. It is a hinderance to the system.

We need a president who will:

  1. Stop immigrants from entering the US by thte thousands daily.
  2. Eliminate the Electoral College

Well you will not get that from a republican.


Well you will not get that from a republican.[/quote]

Perhaps not. I do think it will happen soon though. There has already been a bit of talk about it, and that’s a start.

Now i’m off to play Call of Duty and drink some beer. Anyone want to koin me? See you soon, or in the game!

BTW, I’ll come back and post some philosophy from the game’s manual tomorrow. Look for it!

Well you will not get that from a republican.[/quote]

Perhaps not. I do think it will happen soon though. There has already been a bit of talk about it, and that’s a start.

Now i’m off to play Call of Duty and drink some beer. Anyone want to koin me? See you soon, or in the game!

BTW, I’ll come back and post some philosophy from the game’s manual tomorrow. Look for it![/quote]

Since when did IRONMAN download “humor - QTY 1”

the electoral college is a joke, the fact that you can become president without the majority of the country wanting you to be is criminal.

not criminal mate. Just depends if your brother happens to be governor in one of the “swing” states.

and if you send all the ethnic minority voters home because htey have run out of vote tickets.

then mess up the “chids” and order a recount, then when the results of the recount come in (once GW Bush has unpacked his stetson) you refuse to make the reuslts public “during this time of national emrgency.”

Opinion largely informed by 2DTV apologies for heinous oversimplification and possibly libel.

Obviosuly, you know beans about the electoral college system, or anything.

Well to be honest its much the same in the UK, the Governement here has even less of a majority than the US one I believe.

Obviosuly, you know beans about the electoral college system, or anything.[/quote]

well then ironman, please do enlighten us. do explain the electoral college, im all ears.

Thinking of Gerry Ford ?

He became Vice-President under Section two of the twenty-fifth Amendment, then the thirty-eighth Big Cheese under Section One !

Despite the fact that he seemed to have difficulty in walking and chewing gum simultaneously, he wasn’t a disaster.
Inflation was tackled and importantly he didn’t start any new dust-ups, possibly because he had been to war himself.

Unfortunately beaten by the grinning peanut farmer in 1976.
Personally I liked President #37, unlike other modern leaders of the US he was caught & put his hands up to it in the end.