Republicans VS Democrats

Question: How do you tell the difference between
Democrats, Republicans And Southern Republicans?
Here is a little test that will help you decide.
The answer can be found by posing the following
You’re walking down a deserted street with your wife
and two small children. Suddenly, an Islamic Terrorist
with a huge knife comes around the corner, locks eyes
with you, screams obscenities, praises Allah, raises
the knife, and charges at you. You are
carrying a Glock cal .40, and you are an expert shot.
You have mere seconds before he reaches you and your
What do you do?

Democrat's Answer: 
Well, that's not enough information to answer the 
Does the man look poor! Or oppressed? 
Have I ever done anything to him that would inspire 
him to attack? 
Could we run away? 
What does my wife think? 
What about the kids? 
Could I possibly swing the gun like a club and knock 
the knife out of his hand? 
What does the law say about this situation? 
Does the Glock have appropriate safety built into it? 
Why am I carrying a loaded gun anyway, and what kind 
of message does this send to society and to my 
Is it possible he'd be happy with just killing me? 
Does he definitely want to kill me, or would he be 
content just to wound me? 
If I were to grab his knees and hold on, could my 
family get away while he was stabbing me? 
Should I call 9-1-1? 
Why is this street so deserted? 
We need to raise taxes, have a paint and weed day 
and make this happier, healthier street that would 
discourage such behavior. 
This is all so confusing! I need to debate this with 
some friends for few days and try to come to a 

Republican’s Answer:

Southern Republican's Answer: 
BANG! click.....(sounds of reloading). 
BANG! click 
Daughter: "Nice grouping, Daddy! Were those the 
Winchester Silver Tips or Hollow Points?"

What about a Southern Democrat?

I’m a Democrat, and I would have shot him (except not with a Glock, probably with a Webley revolver).

I believe that the answer to the US political situation is not a certain party. Politicians must remember, they are not representing their party, they’re representing the people. We need a moderate in the office, not a right wing lunatic or a left wing Communist, but someone who is willing to compromise. A great example is Theodore Roosevelt. He expanded the wild life reservers of this country by serveral million acres, while he would go on saffaris in Africa killing Elephants, Rhinos, and other big game.

By supporting the Democrats in this Country you are supporting gun control, like it or not that’s the way it is. I live in California, Democrat country and know from personal experience. Today the AR-15 and other so called assault rifles, tomorrow sniper rifles (Deer rifles with scopes) M1 Garand’s.
The Democrats have closed down shooting areas, closed down gun shows all in the name of Safety…here in Calif. its just a matter of time for it to hit you.
The Democrats are taking my rights away 1 by 1 here in the USA :evil:


Well you will not get that from a republican.[/quote]

I don’t see that you need to eliminate the electoral college, it does have a purpose - to ensure a result when the popular vote is so close that the winning majority could almost count as within the margin of error.
However the system of allocating an entire State’s worth of College seats to one candidate - regardless of the actual proportion of the popular State vote won by that candidate - is frankly wide open to corruption and jerrymandering. Thus you have the situation where the 2000 Bush majority in Florida was a few hundred or thousand (disputed) votes but he won the all seventeen College seats and an overall national majority.
I believe it would be far fairer if Electoral college seat were either allocated proportional to the vote for each candidate within a state or on an individual basis depending on which candidate won the congressional district that each college seat notionaly represents.

By supporting the Democrats in this Country you are supporting gun control, like it or not that’s the way it is. I live in California, Democrat country and know from personal experience. Today the AR-15 and other so called assault rifles, tomorrow sniper rifles (Deer rifles with scopes) M1 Garand’s.
The Democrats have closed down shooting areas, closed down gun shows all in the name of Safety…here in Calif. its just a matter of time for it to hit you.
The Democrats are taking my rights away 1 by 1 here in the USA :evil:[/quote]

By supporting Democrats, I’m supporting the removal of a man who isn’t fit to lead a baseball team, let a lone an entire country. Quite frankly I agree with you on the issues of gun control, but on many other issues I will disagree with you until the grave.

Have the Democrats passed anything that actually affects your everyday life? You can live without an M16, an M16 is a military weapon its soul pupose is to kill people. Do you really need that to go about your everyday life? On the other hand, Republicans have passed the Patriot Act, which infringes on your rights to privacy as a citizen of the US.

And what would those issues be??? just curious :?

I didn’t say M-16…I said AR-15… An M-16 is fully automatic…the AR-15 your party banned is a semi auto…you know the difference dont you? The AR-15 is functionally no different from an M1 Garand or M1 Carbine…Do you think those should be banned too?
As far as the patriot act…I dont have anything to hide…what are you so paranoid about?

When you grow up and start paying taxes and go into the real world youll understand. :?

If I have done nothing wrong, why should the government be able to pry into my life and know what (legal) things I have been doing. Franklin’s comment of “They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security” seems relevant to me here…

I didn’t say M-16…I said AR-15… An M-16 is fully automatic…the AR-15 your party banned is a semi auto…you know the difference dont you? The AR-15 is functionally no different from an M1 Garand or M1 Carbine…Do you think those should be banned too?
As far as the patriot act…I dont have anything to hide…what are you so paranoid about?[/quote]

The M16 is not fully automatic, at least not the one in current use.

And still, why would you ever need an AR-15?

You can still own weapons in California, like Mausers and other bolt action rifles. Who says you need a semi-automatic weapon to go shooting? I whole heartedly prefer my Mauser over an M1 Garand or even an M16.

And what would those issues be??? just curious :?[/quote]

Well I’m not sure where you stand on some things, so I cannot say all of them at the moment. Some include, the Iraq Conflict, the handling of September 11th, Patriot Act, Bush deserting in the Air National Gaurd, and a whole list of others. I don’t know, maybe you and I do share some common ground on these, I don’t know.

The ban on anti-material rifles is a good thing. Why in the world would a civilian need to own a .50 BMG Rifle? I can see people using them for Law Enforcement, but not just for regular citizens.

Right, I’ll bite:

M16A2 is select-fire with a 3-rd burst, therefore in US law it’s the same as a fully-automatic.

Target shooting with semi-autos is fun. Plain and simple. And it adds an extra dimension to many shooting disciplines like IPSC.

The “anti-materiel” rifle ban is ridiculous - they have a perfectly valid use in ultra-long range target shooting. There are people in the UK who own them for this. Also, they cos so much that criminals can’t afford one. I can just see a criminal spending many thousands of dollars on a heavy, almost 5’ long rifle and committing crime with it. In fact, no crime has ever been committed in the US with one. And what would a cop want with an anti-materiel rifle anyway?

The “I can’t see a use, so banning is OK” is a dangerous road to go down…

Im on the fence here, while I dont own a weapon I do enjoy shooting occassionaly. Ive been Deer Stalking here and I sometimes go clay pidgeon shooting. Ive enjoyed firing such things as Sterlings (remember them) and the GPMG. Ive also enjoyed chucking the odd Grenade and using a mortar.

However, the unfortunate thing is that proven Nutters when given access to weapons, ie Thomas Campbell and Michael Ryan, have carried out horrific killings. The thing is, we dont really know who is unbalanced? They may appear as sane as the next man before they go Click…

They are the insane Walts in my opinion.

So convince me and expand on this

The “I can’t see a use, so banning is OK” is a dangerous road to go down…

Because this is the slippery slope - some people don’t see the need for certain classes of firearm, or firearms at all. Some people don’t see a use for fast cars, other extremist greens don’t see the use for cars at all. There was a call earlier this year to ban long kitchen knives in the UK, cos a pressure group couldn’t see the use for them and they’re dangerous. What if someone decided that there was no use for cars which can exceed 70mph, so banned them? No need for more than 45bhp? etc etc etc.

The mentality that we should only have things which have a use or a need is a dangerous incitement for the state to randomly ban things just because some pressure group doesn’t see the need/use for something.

We have the concept of “liberty under the law”. If we get to a point where the state is regulating trivial issues of life and only permits us things which have some subjective “use” according to some pressure group, we have lost that liberty.

For instance, in the category of firearms, the Dutch Govt have recently said that “there’s no more need for semi-auto downconversions, so we’re prohibiting the conversion of any more”. What this is supposed to do for public safety, I have no idea, and this clause has bemused everyone. They also decided that there was no use for pump & semi shotguns, so there’s a ban on new imports of them too, despite them being used for several different internationally recognised shooting disciplines.

Re. Ryan and Hamilton - the police in both cases knew that these nutters were unbalanced and breaking the law, and yet did nothing.

“taxes, they are taking your taxes, Democrats are robbing you” Mike, get real, where do you think your taxes are going? To some poor man who doesn’t want to work? Maybe a few cents of it, but the reality is that it provides Schools with supplies, helps improve neighborhoods, and overall provides a better living condition for the community. God, I’m so sick of the Republican reign on states, you should see some of the things like the text books we must use in highschool, the amount there are, and another Misc supplies. My school, not just mine, but all schools are on such a tight budget, they can’t even get real up to date textbooks. I’m not saying they’re from the 1960’s but they are outdated and bashed up.

And I hardly live in a poor area. You have to have an Income of over 50k to live here. Right now.

The only reason people say Clinton’s economy plans are idiotic, is because a Redneck bastard like George W Bush wants to make his own special plan that pretty much ruins the previous state. If Al Gore were president… The economy would be so much better right now…

And you think all Democrats want to do is BAN THIS, and BAN THAT!, when it’s mostly Republican religious fanatics trying to ban things.

You know why the Electoral College was even made? Because our fore fathers thought we wouldn’t be able to comprehend the whole concept of voting. That’s why we have it. That’s right, our fore fathers doubted the average man’s capability.

One more thing, you say people from the South have a better view on politics than those from the north? Give me proof, because the majority of the Southern states voted for George W Bush. Really, they may think they know what they want, and have an Idea of what’s best for the country, but they can’t grasp at all which presidents will bring them what they want. Don’t take it as a bashing, anyone from the South that is here, I’m just saying, we the hell did ya have to vote for GWB the WMD…

And to believe they still think George W Bush is doing a good job… Omg…
America is getting sadder by the day :roll:

I’m trying to remember the exact figures (Stoaty, don’t suppose you’ve got them to hand do you?) but any level of taxation above about 20% of GDP tends to be purely redistributive in advanced economies. It’s surprising how much the welfare state costs.

I’m talking about per person, not the total of the amount of money through taxes.

Good points all.

I dont have a problem with anyone owning any guns, however, I do believe that they should be stored in a gun club armoury and not at home. thats just my opinion.

I honestly think the risk is outweighed by the ban on certain weapons. I dont agree with the car analogy, its always brought up when discussing weapons, and I know cars kill more people than guns wordwide (well in the West anyway) as the stupid teanagers (mostly) dont purposely go out to kill someone, though unfortunately it is more often themselves and their friends.

I also agree with you on the state randomly banning things for out own safety. Still I think at some point you have to draw the line.

Your argument can be continued to the point that as long as its licensed citizens can buy such things as Flamethrowers, grenade launchers and mortars to be used in various competitions.

In sum, I dont disagree with regulated firearms, but some regulations should exist. Just imagine a nutter like the Washington sniper getting hold of a Barrett?

I’m trying to remember the exact figures (Stoaty, don’t suppose you’ve got them to hand do you?) but any level of taxation above about 20% of GDP tends to be purely redistributive in advanced economies. It’s surprising how much the welfare state costs.[/quote]

It costs a Feckin lot!

40% of the working population of Scotland right now work for the state, that means 60% are actually paying all the taxes. It may be more as I havent checkked for a while.

The following was not written by myself, but someone I share an intrest with.

Republicans. They are liars and manipulators. Dividers. Fear mongers. Smiling when they talk about war and grinning when they tell their lies and distort their record. Trying to impose their hateful morals on the rest of the world, they’re nothing but the Taliban reborn. Have you seen their platform? Have you listened to their speeches? These warmongers? These liars?

Let’s get some things straight:

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Stop insinuating there is.

Where is Osama? Why are we in Iraq if fucking Osama Bin Laden is free? Since he is free, obviously Bush didn’t do his job, did he?

The 9/11 commission makes it very clear that Bush’s administration ignored signs of a pending attack. Stop pretending it was a surprise.

Abu Ghraib was a direct result of Bush’s previous disregard for the Geneva Convention. Don’t pretend it didn’t happen or was an isolated incident. Bush is ultimately responsible for the torture.

There are no Weapons of Mass Destruction. Bush LIED. Don’t try to call Kerry a liar to minimize his deceptions.

Kerry served in Vietnam. Bush was AWOL. These are facts.

“Swiftboat Veterans for Bush” was assisted by the Bush Campaign. More facts.

Bush lied to the entire country and Colin Powell lied to the entire world as to why we should invade Iraq, then we did so in spite of the U.N. and without a plan to win the peace. Bush’s actions have caused unprecedented anger and resentment towards the U.S. and made us less safe, not more.

Iraq and Afganistan are not free. Stop fucking saying they are. LIARS. They are under U.S. military occupation.

The Bush White House organized and provided the “Mission Accomplished” sign, which they then denied. Liars.

What about the other issues besides terror?

Anti-choice. This party thinks a woman’s right to choose should be against the law (obstensibly to save the life of an unborn child… but they don’t mind killing thousands of innocent Iraqis, do they?). This is an adminstration that prevents American healthcare workers in Africa give out condoms to help stop the spread of AIDs. Republicans are sick and twisted.

Homophobes. Republicans are the party of discrimination and segregation.

Republicans cut taxes on the wealthy and then cut funding for children. Just released numbers show more Americans in poverty and more people without healthcare. Republicans think this is the way life should be. (They made sure that the poverty and healthcare numbers were released in August instead of the end of September when they would have a bigger impact on the campaign). Fuckers.

George W. Bush turned his back on the Middle East peace process begun by Bill Clinton causing a massive increase in violence and tensions in the region.

Bush’s administration named a CIA spy in retaliation to criticism by her husband. Someone should be in jail.

Haliburton no-bid contracts? Closed door energy meetings? Cheney should be in jail. Bush should be in jail for war crimes for that matter.

Bush is an incompetent, ignorant, dangerous moron. When asked a basic question in a press conference, Bush exclaimed that he couldn’t think under pressure and wished that the question had been given in advance. Terrorists don’t give questions in advance George, you’re not fit to run this country.

Republicans just keep on lying and lying and lying until the stupid people think it’s the truth just because it’s so consistent. E.g. “Death Tax”, “Compassionate Conservatism”, “Flip Flop”, “Liberal Media”. The last one is the biggest lie. The media is not liberal but now everyone assumes it is, and the conservatives get their way always. They are manipulators extraordinaire. Have you read the platform? Revisionism and manipulation at it’s best. Goebbels could’t have written it better.

Finally, thank god Ahnold is Austrian by birth. That fucking maniac. Calling the Democrats liars? Is he kidding me? And the rest of that crap he spewed is just garbage. What an asshole (but a great representative of his party).

Garrison gets it right:

The party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons, hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks, Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk was filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the rest of us, Newt’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of secular institutions, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk. Republicans: The No.1 reason the rest of the world thinks we’re deaf, dumb and dangerous.

Rich ironies abound! Lies pop up like toadstools in the forest! Wild swine crowd round the public trough! Outrageous gerrymandering! Pocket lining on a massive scale! Paid lobbyists sit in committee rooms and write legislation to alleviate the suffering of billionaires! Hypocrisies shine like cat turds in the moonlight! O Mark Twain, where art thou at this hour? Arise and behold the Gilded Age reincarnated gaudier than ever, upholding great wealth as the sure sign of Divine Grace.

Here in 2004, George W. Bush is running for reelection on a platform of tragedy—the single greatest failure of national defense in our history, the attacks of 9/11 in which 19 men with box cutters put this nation into a tailspin, a failure the details of which the White House fought to keep secret even as it ran the country into hock up to the hubcaps, thanks to generous tax cuts for the well-fixed, hoping to lead us into a box canyon of debt that will render government impotent, even as we engage in a war against a small country that was undertaken for the president’s personal satisfaction but sold to the American public on the basis of brazen misinformation, a war whose purpose is to distract us from an enormous transfer of wealth taking place in this country, flowing upward, and the deception is working beautifully.

The concentration of wealth and power in the hands of the few is the death knell of democracy. No republic in the history of humanity has survived this. The election of 2004 will say something about what happens to ours. The omens are not good.

Our beloved land has been fogged with fear—fear, the greatest political strategy ever. An ominous silence, distant sirens, a drumbeat of whispered warnings and alarms to keep the public uneasy and silence the opposition. And in a time of vague fear, you can appoint bullet-brained judges, strip the bark off the Constitution, eviscerate federal regulatory agencies, bring public education to a standstill, stupefy the press, lavish gorgeous tax breaks on the rich.

And are you pissed off like I am that there is not enough Democratic representation in the media while covering this event? I got this from Daily Kos. Every Democratic speech had Ralph fucking Reed commenting on it, but Republicans are getting a free ride. This is ridiculous. Make your voice heard:

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Okay, I’m done. (And I didn’t even get to use words like “deficit” and “intolerance”.)


Ok read it all? Long read huh? :lol: ok, as I await bashing by the Republicans IN AMERICA, I’ll do me Homework :). When I started this thread, I was alway talking of American situtations, not Euro or Aussie ones.

What use is a rifle that I have to travel a thirty mile round trip for, twice, if I just want to pot a rabbit? It’s very, very rare that legally held weapons are used in UK crime mainly because the rules for home storage are very strict. One must have a lockable metal cabinet bolted to a wall for all guns and a separate lockable compartment for fullbore ammunition.