Serious Issues with Erwin.

In general the off topic threads have produced some good quality debate but I think it would be best all round to drop the Falklands as a topic as it is only feeding the xenophobic meanderings of the bitter ex mod.

Though I have a soft spot for Erwin if he is going to continue to act like a petulent child he needs to be sent to bed early without supper.

Oh by the way regarding that one vote for Erwin it was me :lol: Mrs Brew was out, I was on jankers and trying to balance home work support for my children with a bit of inter web fun consequently I clicked the wrong choice, sorry Firefly . If possible can the mod responsible for this tread switch my vote.

Well this poll is official coz you cant just say I dont like him so either he goes or I do. However im allowing it to proceed at the moment coz im interested in the members input on such an issue.

Therefore I refuse to vote. Erwin PMed me and it would be nice Firefly if you would too. Thanks

i vote for firefly to stay, sorry
i think he post intelligent post and able to keep it inoffensive, thats why i vote for him to be mod and i am not going to change that

that is a hugh problem, but as i said there, i vote for firefly to stay

There is no doubt for me.

Between Firefly and Erwin I’ll ask Firefly to continue posting in this forum.

In some cases Erwin made good contributions to the forum, but unfortunatelly more often he acted childish, irritating, even stupid. I don’t want to insult Erwin but I am sick of telling him to calm down, to stop insulting, to respect other users.

Edited: Erwin, this post isn’t a revenge as you might think. I just compare Firefly behaviour with your behaviour (and remeber that you are still pissed off by the post made some months ago by Firefly: “Come on! I was left for 2 weeks and Erwin is already a mod?!”.)

I voted for Firefly to stay. Eagle is capable of rational thought, but Erwin is consumed by irrational hatred for the British. He’s more or less flaming threads with all kinds of nastiness. It’s a shame, because for a while he was an interesting person who did contribute. We could keep both if we ask Firefly to stay as long as we all sit on Erwin to stop him spazzing.

My vote:

For a month now, Erwin has changed. I suspect that his banned friend TheIrishDuck contributed to his changing.

Once Erwin told to Brits that he will bring someone close who is more informed than him. And he brought TheIrishDuck (who ends as we know).

When I suggested Erwin to discuss with Eagle (a reasonable user IMHO) he replied: “Come on! Eagle is 17!!! He is a child!!!”
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

More I am still dissapointed by his blackmail not long ago - his barter transaction: remaining in the forum vs. Comando’s appointing as a mod.

This site needs more of an ethos and focus. Moderators/Admins need more power as well for such unfortunate circumstances to be avoided or at least curtailed and relegated to the PM realm.

But that’s just my POV.

Well guys, after a good nights sleep and upon reflection I must apologise for starting this Poll. In no way is it official and I think its maybe best that it be removed or closed. I think I just read 1 inane I hate everything, death to the British post too many.

However I do still think the subject need to be addressed and I have done something I dont like to do and have sent that PM to the General as requested.

Hardy banter is fine in my book, but when it crosses the line to actually wishing people dead, well thats just not on I think (would the reaction have been diffrent if he advocated killing all Black people?).

ok,im agree with what you said about me,as im not agree about what you’ve said about firefly

a few quotes joined in one:


You are always crying. For one reason or another since you were booted out of MODland you have bitched and moaned and cried and wailed.

Do you still get to see the MOD board?

Your credibility is dwindling.

This has so many views because all come here to laugh at yet another ludicrous Argentine Military post.

You would still look bad in the worlds eyes. And gues what, you would still lose.

Well said BDL. The fallen MOD has got to take his childish sppite out on decent posters. He will try and find fault with every UK post.

Erwin, I say to you, get with it, or go away, your doing yourself and this forum no good by your endless Bitching…

made in fireflyland.

There is a reason behind those quotes though Erwin, it’s not as if they’re random insults against you, is it?

they are insults that i got from the last 3 or 5 pages of firefly’s,and those are the greatest hits.

wait a sec, is this poll about voting who should stay or voting who should go?

Why would you partake in such an idiocity?

I suppose winner stays and loser goes… :shock:

I suppose winner stays and loser goes… :shock:[/quote]
it could be an unpopular decision, but i will override the result if nessasary

I suppose winner stays and loser goes… :shock:[/quote]
it could be an unpopular decision, but i will override the result if nessasary[/quote]

I see.

I took it as who goes

I suppose winner stays and loser goes… :shock:[/quote]
it could be an unpopular decision, but i will override the result if nessasary[/quote]
Im sure with gen sandworm’s decision it would be enough,and against me or not,i will always respect him because he is our commander.
and im sure he does not takes sides,as im afraid that most of other people does!.

i took it as who stays
then if this thread means who should go, i vote for erwin
if this thread means who should stay, i vote for firfly