Site comments

You know there was a reason Walther War Machines Big Book of Soldier Knowledge was created in the first place. I dont think you were around for the most part of Ironmans blather or whatever the hell you want to call it. Have you even checked it out? I admit theres quite a bit of “making fun of”, but for the most part its quotes that Ironman has made. Stuff that he has said that makes absolutely no sense at all, or is somehow pulled out from his arse. You cant have a decent debate with him, 90% of what he says will stay and he will not change his opinion. Whats even more irritating is that his claims have no support/proof/links at all or what he has is unrelieble, totally out of context or something allong that line. So we argue with him say that what he said is incorrect and he will most likely not reply. Because of all these reasons The “…Soldier Knowledge” topic was created to prove that most of what Ironman has said is incorrect. You cant tell me that you believe there was a Spitfire that could fly under water?

…sometimes I wonder if you are Ironman… :?

haha, well, well, well. 1000yd, I deleted most of your posts here because the joke is old and you’re really not that funny. Its for you own good, some mods take it seriously! but please stop pissing me off :smiley:

Sorry S.A.M :cry:

Are you really South African? :smiley:

Only ask because my Brother in Law used to be out there.

Speaking of banning, how many users have been banned permanently?
Only fareast (of course with exception of those morons on “Germany then and now” thread). We know for what reason.
Banned temporarily?
IRONMAN (for the reasons known) - And he’s not coming back yet.

Banning forever on Bluffcove will cause either a riot or a losing for the site. I bet that most British users will leave.

Remember that Bluffcove have already 3 warnings. He knows that and he knows also that he is watched very closely (especially by Erwin).

So, I think that banning permanently on Bluffcove in this moment is useless and could be turned easily (what a paradox :wink: ) in a lose for the site due to its implications.

Off-topic: Suggestion for Erwin: Try to moderate! For quite a while you are no longer Erwin claiming Falkland/Malvinas back from a bunch of Brits!!! YOU ARE A MOD for God sake!! Take seriously this job and act as a moderator. You are the combat photographer of the forum because you proved to be good at it. You were named moderator. Please prove that you could moderate. The Bluffcove / British mates issue should never happened.

These were my points of view. :frowning:

Topic moved :arrow:

way to go, 100 posts in a day…

I got bored hoping for people to come along and spar!!! :twisted:

Anyway I need a pint, anyone coming? :smiley:

way to go, 100 posts in a day…[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very very fast promotion! Congrats! :wink:

Agree on this. Give me more time to say something on the others.[/quote]
OK, I’ll close the absolutely no topic at all, and I’ll leave the rest for you to evaluate.[/quote]
Not only for me but for all other mods and admins.[/quote]

I received PMs from British mates complaining that the locking of “absolutely no topic at all” was a proof of extreme moderation.

Let me know your opinions gents! (Erwin’s and Tiger’s are already known and I had the ideea).


Mods, lock this Topic ASAP

im agree mate.

please 1000ydstare,make your sign shorter.

thank you so much :slight_smile:

i agree. those pictures make the page twice as long. It that his face?

Chill dudes,

It’s done.

Just PM me stuff like this.

Let’s not have some kind of gangbang thread just over a signature block!!CIAO for now

i think in a billion years ago, earth is without moon. An alien race coming from very far distance has been driving a very giantic spacecraft, they escape from their own civil war and arrive to this solar system. They analysis that earth would be a great place to live, so they park their spacecraft (now we call it moon) to earth’s orbit, so that the gravity of the moon would stablize the weather of Earth. However, when they went down to earth and establish the first city on earth, they find there are tons of dinasours that could endanger their lives. Base on their technology, its not very hard to destroy dinasours, but they dont want to waste so many resources and risk their race life to complete the mission (and with limited of man (2000 people)). therefore, they have come up with a solution, the solution is to create a race that is less intelligent to them (now call the human). They make human smart enough to understand how to control their weapon and aircraft. Humans are not only used to protect the dinosours from the aliens, they are also used as slaves. About a hundred years later, a human felt that human should no longer be slaves, he was able to convince enough humans to have a military coup against the aliens. the war last about 8 years, the aliens are surprise to find out that humans are able to hold their grounds against their attack despite being less intelligent and not as strong. Suddenly, the sky was so bright, and a red ball was travelling at 2km/s, crashing on earth. Most of the aliens and human are dead in the progress. The remaining aliens have left earth due to the iceage, and the remaining human would stay and build its human civilization.
those painting you find in a cage is those humans who draws the alien spacecraft when they leave earth

But 1000, you must remember it increases people’s post count.
This seems to be very important to certain members.

I don’t care about post numbers, it’s a long way till the next rank. I really don’t feel the need to get up to 1,000 posts, it seems to far away :frowning: .

Oh yeah, and thanks 1000

End of Topic

Wasn’t really aimed at your self mate, more those that came after.

Edit - for stare

Lol, who is that?

? :wink: