Site comments

Is it wrong to post my own PM and prove that what I sent was not in any way abusive or winding him up?

Can a MOD let me know?

For now we dont post any PM’s…if you have a problem with a PM from someone send it to the mods or admin’s.

It seems that recently we have a high number of real trolls, not interested in serious topic related debate, but just in creating misschief, visiting this site.
IMO the banning process is too slow. Wouldn’t it be possible to give the mods the powers to kick out a troll as soon as it appears?
We have mods from several time zones on this site, so a troll shouldn’t be able to post for a long time.
I also suggest that all trolling posts will be deleted completely, as not to leave a trace. Trolls are like dogs, which cock theirt leg at every fire hydrant and tree to leave their mark, similar to grafitti sprayers. There should be a zero tolerance policy towards them. BTW, I distinguish true trolls from regular members, who occasionally forget their manners during a heated discussion.


I agree with Walther. As you’ve seen from recent discussions about other members, I’m reluctant to ban people. The exceptions are the new members, and I think you can guess which three or four I’m talking about. We don’t need to be able to make site rules for them, their behaviour is quite distinct from heated argument. I say no warnings, instant bans, if the first posts from a new username are obvious crap.

Totally agree with you as well but unfortunatly i didtn write this board and I couldnt give them the power to ban even if I wanted to. However we are discussing another way to effectively manage the Troll/asshole/bastard problem.

Just noticed this gem. Erwin, how exactly is it insulting to refer to you as an Argie but completely acceptable for you to refer to us as Brities? Both are constructed in exactly the same way.[/quote]
i don’t say brities months ago!,also you still call us argies!,spics…a long line to fill (DAGOS!)[/quote]

I smell… hypocrite. Racist, lying hypocrite. My bolds.
(edit to add comment)

Good, I’m glad it’s all the same.

So, how are things in that province of Chile you live in ?[/quote]

Chile? :lol: ,dirty people spics and mestizos with funny faces like monkeys.
also they have lots of poor people,yes their economy grows…their government economy!.

chile is a shitty piece of mountain,a shitty landpiece who have santiago,a small city,smaller than bahia blanca! :lol: ,buenos aires is much better.
also we are more culture,intelligence,better race.
all you can say,better wine,better girls (better girls than you too),better army,better places,beter natural beauty,they see our tv channels,they see the fashion on buenos aires,they copy our songs,they listen soda estereo and charly garcia,they don’t have gas,they are just a small shit with mines.
those monkeys work in the mines of rio turbio in our south.

are you kidding?,chile need argentina to live,we buy all their things,their chilean peso is devaluated as hell.

SAN MARTIn,an argie,liberated them from spain! :lol: .

are you kidding?[/quote]

I agree as well. And not just the recent Argentinian ones, there are more than a few Brits here that appear to have joined only to troll with the Argentineans.

Also, the recent Trolls were almost definately members who were using other PCs.

Having fun is ok, but doing this is quite franky juvenille and the 2 members who did it would no doubt campaign for the banning of an Argentinean member if he did it.

End of rant.

pdf27 wrote:
Erwin Schätzer(argentina) wrote:
then i will forget chocolate_frog …

Personally I think it would only be polite to apologise to him for calling him a racist for no reason at all other than your own faulty memory, but I am not a mod and have no wish to be one hence have no further comment on the matter.

he is racist,he called us argies which is a mention of spics (a brit told me,i can’t say who,the pms are private).

and btw,our descendency isn’t only spanish,we have italians,and most of them from the north,who have descendence of other european countries,also most of our spanish population are gallegos,who are celts and not latins/spics/hispanics.
we have a good amount of germans and welsh,some irish,greek,slavs…

and we feel offended being called argies,it is like when the americans called skinnies or something like that to the africans or niggers,and etc etc.
then you can’t be offended when i talk about gurkhas!

Right then my lad, you are beginning to annoy me.

Is the “Brit” who PMd you the same as the numourous PMs you received from site members who got “freaked out” about my staring pictures in my posts? Or was that so you could feel powerfull as a mod?

100ydstare,stop doing that in the name of lord!,i received messages of members who think your images are “disturbing”.

stop,or me and the rest of the mods will take actions.


I have never referred to you or any argie as a DAGO or as a SPIC. Only one mention of the word Spic can I find, and that was by you!!! In the Macc Lads topic.

If you insist on making up lies to attack people on this site, at least make them remotely provable and or credible.

I have not sent you a PM winding you up, I have not referred to as any raciest term.

I have referred to as Argie, but that to me is a shortening of your country name, same as Ausy for Austrailians, Brits for British and Finns for Finland. Maybe Danes for Denmark, Swedes for Sweden. Get my drift?

As for the Gurkhas, I have explained my position clearly. I am proud to be a member of the Black Button Mafia, I will not tolerate you or anyone else, LIEING about them. I can live with you being misinformed, and will correct you politly, but I will not put up with those who have Honour and Integrity issues.

Just like a famous footballer of your country, the hand of god.

Here is what was trimmed from the suggestions for admins thread. I’d hate for the gems of wisdom posted here to be lost to humanity, so instead of deleting them, I moved them here.

In the interests of propriety, I should explain some of my recent deletions.

Posts by idiots get binned without further explanation or entire threads deleted, as appropriate.

I’ve cleaned up a thread or two as well, by splitting the unrelated discussion into a separate thread. Here, one-line replies that don’t directly contribute get deleted simply to render the thread simpler to follow.

Edited to add: I don’t believe I’ve deleted any significant posts. If I do, I will explain and justify it here.

I agree as well. And not just the recent Argentinian ones, there are more than a few Brits here that appear to have joined only to troll with the Argentineans.

Also, the recent Trolls were almost definately members who were using other PCs.

Having fun is ok, but doing this is quite franky juvenille and the 2 members who did it would no doubt campaign for the banning of an Argentinean member if he did it.

End of rant.[/quote]
also agree,we banned the argentines,ban now the brits trolls? (im not talking about you,im talking about FLASH! :twisted: ,etc if there are more.

Honour and Integrity.

A vital part of manhood or an optional extra?

Just as a guide this is one persons opinion of what honour means at


n 1: the state of being honored [syn: honor, laurels] [ant: dishonor] 2: a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; “an award for bravery” [syn: award, accolade, honor, laurels] 3: the quality of being honorable and having a good name; “a man of honor” [syn: honor] [ant: dishonor] 4: a woman’s virtue or chastity [syn: honor, purity] v 1: bestow honor or rewards upon; “Today we honor our soldiers”; “The scout was rewarded for courageus action” [syn: honor, reward] [ant: dishonor] 2: show respect towards; “honor your parents!” [syn: respect, honor, abide by, observe] [ant: disrespect] 3: accept as pay; “we honor checks and drafts” [syn: honor] [ant: dishonor]

Steadfast adherence to a strict moral or ethical code.
The state of being unimpaired; soundness.
The quality or condition of being whole or undivided; completeness.

Conformity to fact or actuality.
A statement proven to be or accepted as true.
Sincerity; integrity.
Fidelity to an original or standard.

Reality; actuality.
often Truth That which is considered to be the supreme reality and to have the ultimate meaning and value of existence.

n : a person who has lied or who lies repeatedly [syn: prevaricator] [ant: square shooter]

I would normally post this in Site Feedback, but it refers to an ex-mod, so in accordance with Gen. Sandworm’s wished, I’ll post it in the relative privacy of this room.

Racism is a serious issue. It’s dogged many UK institutions, most notably the Metropolitan Police. Many site members pride themselves on judging people on their merits rather than their race. Thus, being accused of racism is a particularly offensive.

Erwin regularly accuses other forum members of using racist language whilst himself spouting out racist diatribe the like of which we haven’t seen here since IRONMAN was invited round to the Mosque for tea. Racist language comes out in the UK v. Argentina Island Ownership Contest threads by both sides, which is fine as both sides are as bad of the other. What looks bad on this site is posts such as the one in the Off-Topic thread - guide to discussing the Falklands/Malvinas. Look at festamus’s post at

Despite posts such as this, Erwin continues to accuse others of racism, especially terms such as ‘spic’ and ‘dago’. A simple forum search reveals which site member uses those terms far, far more than any other.

I’d be interested to hear the thoughts of other mods / admins on this matter.

you teached me with that of dago and spic,also you talk behind me like coward in the arrse.


and then you will see why i wrote that.

also you are racists.

and you always hide on the racism when i talk about gurkhas,the truth is that those men are killer and assasins.

the word argie is part of the appartheid,and has a racist meaning,it isn’t just a dimintive.


and then tell me WHO is the racist! :wink:

Dont mean to be annoying or naive in anyway, but for the last few days i have been posting and then the next day find out my posts have decreased…they are not in this forum and i am making sure i am sticking on topic, Crab to Be are you taking this whole Mod thing a bit out of context hand mate ?

No, that was from the Russian Propaganda thread. I deleted some posts, with explanation. A brief discussion of the deletions ensued and was resolved. As the discussion was off-topic, only between two members and was then resolved, I deleted those three posts and amended my original post to explain.

If you have further questions, please ask here or PM.

No, that was from the Russian Propaganda thread. I deleted some posts, with explanation. A brief discussion of the deletions ensued and was resolved. As the discussion was off-topic, only between two members and was then resolved, I deleted those three posts and amended my original post to explain.

If you have further questions, please ask here or PM.[/quote]

Oh ok no problem, it’s just that yesterday i had 611, and today i had 605.
Just weird is all :?

Lol keep up the Good work :wink: