Site comments

I like the Swarfega with the funny granules in.

Not necessarily!

Not necessarily![/quote]
Depends why they have the support - if it’s sensible people voting for someone they respect that’s very different from people voting for the class clown.

The respect thing was what I had in mind. No respect = no control.

maybe i am wrong or what, but i strongly oppose too much award being issue to different users, i think it would lost their unique, what do you think?

and for dani, you didnt reply my pm, i think i didnt use good enough english, its not directly on you

sam,i prefer to have the discussion without your intervention,i consider this personal,you just named me and forget the quote.


you have to know it more than me sam,YOU ARE SOUTH AFRICAN.

however,i prefer to be calm now,stop with me because there will be always a real quote that will tell you the true,there are no saints.

sam,i prefer to have the discussion without your intervention,i consider this personal,you just named me and forget the quote.

If you wish.


you have to know it more than me sam,YOU ARE SOUTH AFRICAN.

Right I know, but I fail to see the connection with the word Argie and Apartheid.

in the future, any mods would have to be elected


As I said, I’m not convinced it wasn’t him, but he is most certainly innocent until proven guilty![/quote]
I know this room is a bit old but i just wanted to straighten something out Crab to be…
Now i see this room, I can say myself “It wasn’t me” being them assholes Pooluver and the other bloke, but they live in my city , yes , I know who they are and have had big trouble with them before.
They have hacked my computer files in the past. :evil: , and if they come onto this site again hopefully they wont, i will take serious Action !!

Which is a perfectly reasonable explanation for the IPs originating from the same ISP and being similar (but not identical) to your own.
Thanks for the explanation, Cdo Jord.

i hate it when this happen, those idiots just need to find some hobbies

Yes but by who.

The higher or Lower House? the commons or the lords, senate or the populous? the cabinet? Parliament or goverment

oooh its A level politics all over again!

Well I havent really seen too many people with awards, only people that are peaceful, but thats how we all should be, I think gaining awards for not starting fights or argueing is silly, dont you think so FW Mate? :slight_smile:

what’s bad with awards?

we have lots of members

Yeah :smiley: , there are 360+ members and only few people have awards. 8)

The site is a pile of smelly blather dung. It’s a place where the weak-minded rot their minds and seperate themselves from reality in an attempt to add meaning to their patheric lives.

That being said…

However, I do believe that the US intelligence community was not at 100%. But did they know the attacks were coming? Ofcourse not. Holy Guano Batbone! I mean, what country doesn’t wish for thousands of it’s own to be slaughtered so they can grab a gun and go shoot people drinking cold American beer with a cigar butt in their teeth!

Puleeeeeeze. if anyone believes such trash as that video spouts (and you only have to watch the first 40 seconds of it as I did to see), then they have a mental defecit.

Danny Boy: Mommy, where’s Daddy?
Mommy: Your father is in the back yard torturing Muslims son.
Danny Boy: Is he gonna save one for me Mommy?
Mommy: (peering out the window) I don’t think so.
Danny Boy: Awww shucks! Maybe at least he’ll take me to the Arab hunt this weekend.
Mommy: Don’t know baby. He needs to, because I’ll be gone this weekend with my bridge club. We’ll be laoding M-50 ammo all day preparing for our annual hari Chrishna Shoot.

I was with you until I read this:

Danny Boy: Mommy, where’s Daddy?
Mommy: Your father is in the back yard torturing Muslims son.
Danny Boy: Is he gonna save one for me Mommy?
Mommy: (peering out the window) I don’t think so.
Danny Boy: Awww shucks! Maybe at least he’ll take me to the Arab hunt this weekend.
Mommy: Don’t know baby. He needs to, because I’ll be gone this weekend with my bridge club. We’ll be laoding M-50 ammo all day preparing for our annual hari Chrishna Shoot.

You should be automatically banned for that pish.

I think he was taking the piss.

Good Lord. Do you have no sence of humor or irony? Get with it now.

many of them are not regular users
my vision is actually to award not more than 7-8 people no matter what (except very rare case)