Site comments

IRONMAN - jsut did parody, how the Chuff does that work?

Still think you are a nonce though!

I think he was taking the piss.[/quote]

You know if it was anyone else I would have realised that. Off course he was and the worst thing is, I fell for it :oops:

Which one?

Reffering to awards, I suggest that each proposal to be discussed in “Award commitee” here. And we could award a medal either by majority or by unanimity. What you say about it?

o i simply say no to it, because its simply i dont feel like handing out too many award to people, i repeat once again, giving out too much would only lose the unique of the award

therefore, most proposal made by regular users would most likely to be turn down, and only most of the proposal made by chief mods or sometimes mods would be accepted

Hey General!,what’s up in the project,how many percentage of the movie you did?



So it seems like quite a few members are interested in the elected mod thing. Cactus will be stepping down as a mod. Simply doesnt have the time for it. He will still be a very welcome and respected member of this site. So here is my idea for electing a mod.

People that have stated their interests so far:
Clauss von Stauffeberg
(Im still accepting names)

The management votes will outweigh the member votes. 70/30. So…

For example

Member 1 gets 5 votes from normal members.
Member 2 gets 3 votes from normal members.
Member 1 gets 2 votes from admins and mods.
Member 2 gets 4 votes from admins and mods.

Member1 (5*.3)+(2*.7)=2.8
Member2 (3*.3)+(4*.7)=3.7 Winner

Also I will require that you vote in the poll and make a post for the person you are voting for. Please no Florida voters…make it clear who you are voting for…no voting for Clauss von Firefly. :smiley: Hopefully the post count will match the poll count. If not we will go with the post count. I want posts so that way we can easily check ips. The slightest hint of any cheating in the election and it will be called off. And we wont be doing it again. So please keep it clean.

I will give it a couple more days to make sure all who are interested have made themselves known.

Also remember that if you are interest that you will be required to be on the site quite often. Dont need a mod that shows up once a week for 5 mins.

Clauss is the fairest person,he has a good heart,he has never been involved in fights,he knows about germany in the ww2,he will never take sides,he also accepts when he commits and error,he has humildity and honour.

and i hope this votes will not be for the stupid friend who helps,and it will be for the correct and fairest person.

It hasnt started yet Erwin… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hold on Erwin!! :lol: :lol:

Is it possible that phpBB would have a software of componenet that would ban a user’s IP indefinately from a site, so even with IP Changing software, they wouldn’t be able to access this site? :?

But sir, what about my medal idea? I’m not saying we should nominate like crazy because we can, but if we feel the need, we could upgrade a users medal depending on the level of which they have achieved.

I agree with Tiger’s idea!

this hasn’t finished yet:

Alright, so idea first. Since we get so many new users, we should put a topic somewhere accessable to all new users so that they know who the mods are so if they ever have any problems, they know who to take them up with. Problem now: nothing against british people, but we are getting so many of them and they do tend to be asses sometimes. I don’t know am I the only one who feels this way?

Look beyond the obvious, my young padawan.

When do the british people being asses [sic] turn up?

Also, the idea of a ‘welcome’ sticky somewhere is a good one.

Look beyond the obvious, my young padawan.

When do the british people being asses [sic] turn up?

Also, the idea of a ‘welcome’ sticky somewhere is a good one.[/quote]

Well I mean like I get the feeling that BDL and Bluffcove and all the other brits are walking around with their noses in the air like Britian is the master country of the world, they’re too egocentric if you ask me.

If ever there is a time where Erwin is away for an extended period of time, I would be glad to offer services as Combat Photographer. Yes I know that I recieved the title when Erwin supposedly left, but now that he’s back and has his job back, I can fill in whenever necessary, should the need be. Some of my avatars:

Ok, so we are just sitting here bullshiting around… we need something more, I just cant think of it right now :x (thats not supposed to be mad or whatever just the closesest thing to thinking really hard :lol: )

great job