Site comments

Like the red star on your current avatar? I’m on it :wink:[/quote]

Yes thats the red star i like :smiley: , thank you tiger.

There you are, sorry it took so long, I was having problems with the red star :oops:

If you don’t like it I can always redo it.

No its perfect mate, thanks alot. :smiley: 8)

No problem, mate! :smiley: Anytime 8)

Man of Stoat has yet again offended my and many other members beliefs with his critisizing remarks… look at the following:

If you want to believe in your fairy in the sky, that’s your call. You can also believe that the moon is made of green cheese, or anything else that you want to. Just don’t expect me not to point out the many logical inconsitencies and tautologies in it if you bring the subject up. This “religious tolerance” thing has to go both ways - I have to tolerate you for believing no matter what I think of it, and you have to equally tolerate me for not believing - anything else is hypocracy.

Mos is upset on you due to your communists beliefs Commando. Check our chat (Mos, you and me) on voting on sickle and hammer!!

off topic from the Man of Stoat thing:

I think that Dani’s post there was fully justified, so if anyone would atempt to ask for his dismissal, I’d defend him. It may seem a little harsh looking at it from a glance, but if you look in the Malvinias thread, you’ll see like I did that it’s at least partially justified.

I’m fishing for complaints here really…

I’ve fiddled with a couple of threads in the past few days, splitting them so that the original discussion remains but whatever discussion has grown from the original topic can continue as well. I’m just checking that no one feels I’m treading on their toes or tinkering unnecessarily.

Crab, I received a complaint from Clauss. He said that you deleted 40 (!!) posts of him.
Except “Good post”, “nice job”, “welcome” types posts what else did you deleted?

Crab? You deleted 40+ of Clauss’s posts?? :shock: What kind of justification do you have for that.

really? why?
even he wouldnt come back

Read Crab’s post and the next one (Clauss’s post).
Also I received this complaint from Clauss by PM.

I doubt anyway that it was 40 posts deleted. (Maybe counting also the emoticons ones)

Yes, I deleted something approaching that many posts of Clauss and Cdo Jordowski. This was all from the thread ‘Russian Military: Propaganda’. They were all along the lines of ‘thanks’, ’ :slight_smile: ’ and ‘cool post’. I explained at the end of the thread, having completed the tidying. I explained at the start and end of the thread which I split from that. The split was so that I didn’t delete posts which were in any way useful. I also explained to Cdo Jord by PM when he asked.

Would we rather have new users wade through three additional pages of such crap but Clauss keep his 40 useless posts or a compact and interesting thread on Russian propaganda?

You should allow Cmndo Jordovski to delete his own posts as he is a moderator and he would probably feel more dignified that way then having another mod delete his.

More avatars…

Once again, feel free to use any of them.

I agree with both of you on this one. I hate looking thru a thread that is mostly composed of 500 LOL’s. A couple everynow and then is okay.

Also it is probably best if a mod can delete his own posts. But if your going to do it please PM the mod so that he knows why. Just to avoid any possible arguements. You should also make a note when you delete normal members posts as well.

Clauss wasn’t the only one that lost 40 posts, i lost 48 from crab to be deleting them.

I have temporarily locked the thread ‘Defense Idea’ because of troll activity. By all means debate and disagree, but don’t just post contradictory nonsense to inflame argument. I’ll unlock it later, and provide a fuller explanation.

It has now been unlocked.

Since Erwin is having problems on this forum, would it now be a good time for me to step in? :?: