Site comments

The Goodbye from Erwin was deleted. I was not impressed with anything that was said in there. Erwin I know you were trying to be polite by saying goodbye but it didnt work out too well. But anyhow for what its worth Goodbye. Sorry to those that losts there posts in there but I just felt it had no business on the site.

Tubbyboy your most recent post in Best LMG was deleted. Had nothing to do with the topic. If you want to continue that disscusion Pretorian has started a topic that might be proper.

Erwin Stanger and Large Brew I deleted some of your post in the Argentina Military topic…no need for that.

Well wouldnt you know it that i had to lock another topic coz everyone got out of control. This one I will proabably reopen but not without deleting everything that dosent deal with Gurkas of WW2. General info about them is okay. But the topic it in the WW2 part for a reason. So if you would like for me to unlock please let me know and I will delete everything not dealing with the subject. :smiley: Till then it will remain locked.

sir,if its good info,dont lock it,you should delete incorrect replies and ready!.

yes sir,i think my topic hasnt got much to talk,its for view pics the most.

but we can oppinate,if we are in control.

internet technicians are having vacations!,so no goobye! :smiley:

The site rules of the forum state, inter alia: “The users also agree not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, racist, xenophobic, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate applicable laws. Doing so may lead to the authors of such posts being immediately and permanently banned (and their service provider being informed).”
I, and several others on the forum, took very strong exception to a blatantly racist post by Erwin Schatzer with relation to the the Gurkhas, in which he referred to them as “killer monkeys”.
Had this statement been made with relation to people of Afro-Caribbean descent, Jews, Muslims, or any number of other ethnic groupings, including Hispanics, I think any reasonable person would expect to see the rules applied with some force.
May I respectfully ask the Moderators’ intentions with regard to this racist remark?

Personally, I would like to see the topic remain (if locked) - it’s always nice to see racist trolls have their arguament comprehensively destroyed as Erwin’s was. I certainly can’t see how many of his comments were acceptable under the site rules however.

K so after a few requests i have cleaned and unlocked the topic. Many of you lost posts. I tried to save as many as i could. But alot just werent worth saving. Sorry but they had nothing to do with WW2 Gurkha’s. From now on keep it clean and post info in there that only pertains to WW2 Gurkha’s or General info about them. If you read thru i think you will kinda get the drift of what is wanted.

Furthermore, that was annoying as hell going back and deleting all that crap. And alot of you lost post counts because of it. So here is an idea quit. I must have deleted 5 pages of just pure crap. So please dont do that anymore. Im a moderator not a babysitter.

Bluffcove and LargeBrew your most recent posts in the Sherman Tank thread was deleted. I understeand what you are saying. But has nothing to do with the topic. If you want please feel free to PM me.

Large Brew your recent post in Argentinian Military was deleted. Was nothing but an attempt to start another flame war IMO. I have noticed a couple of your posts like this. If you continue I will continue to deletle your posts as soon as you can post them. :smiley: Eriwin has a right to post “decent” pics of the current Argentinian Military. As do you to the British Military. If you wish to continue this conversation please PM me. :slight_smile: Thanks.

Gen. Sandworm.

Same statement towards you Stanger.

Dani your post was deleted because you quoted him. BTW, I totally agree with what you said.

I like afro americans,i think that people are happy with nothing,because they live in bad conditions the most of time,theyre happy people,i see jews here most of time,and i have jew friends,they know i have nazi descendents,but they like me,and muslins??,muslims (muslims are irakies,palestines......,no?)are really great people,i want more muslims here,i consider them cool people,with more honour and couraje than some people here! of course,and more.they die for ala,and i think thats dign of admirate.
hispanics,here,we have hispanics too,and i have to speak spanish!,and i like that languague.
i have to meet persons from diferent cultures,and im not against that.

greeting “ladies” and gentleman.

I never liked hitler politics,but i must say,he did a great work,by making germany a richer country,than it was.

we say the word monkey,and we dont think thats really offensive,its like saying stupid,it isnt the most super offensive word in the world.

im not a nazi,i admirate they troops,like their uniforms and technology,it`s a crime?

In present day Germany, yes!

In present day Germany, yes![/quote]
:lol: ,so,i should be in the jail :lol: .

well,let`s finish here this,and continue on this forum,ABOUT WORLD WAR II!!!.

who lost WWII?

the axis.

who had the best troops?
who had less help of other country,and who had only two allies,one of them was inutile.
who`s drunk when he writes???

why did Germany only have two allies?