Site comments

the axis.

who had the best troops?
who had less help of other country,and who had only two allies,one of them was inutile.
who`s drunk when he writes???[/quote]

Who were the aggressors?

the axis.

who had the best troops?
who had less help of other country,and who had only two allies,one of them was inutile.
who`s drunk when he writes???[/quote]

Who were the aggressors?[/quote]
why do you think that matters?

the axis.

who had the best troops?
who had less help of other country,and who had only two allies,one of them was inutile.
who`s drunk when he writes???[/quote]

Who were the aggressors?[/quote]
why do you think that matters?[/quote]

I can tell ya that it has NOTHING TO DO WITH LOCKED TOPICS.

Maybe you should lock this one then it would :wink:

It should be noted that doing major edits to a post after someone has replied is considered an Exceedingly Bad Show in Internet etiquette. It is polite to note at the bottom why you edited if it’s anything more than a small correction of spelling, punctuation or grammar (i.e. if it’s a correction of fact). If you do just make sly edits, expect to get ridiculed. This is one of the major unwritten laws of the Internet.

If you’ve made an absolutely recoculous statement due to ignorance, it’s not considered Exceedingly Bad Show to post a reply saying “sorry, my bad” or some other ghastly Americanism after you’ve been taken to task on it.

The person who this primarily concerns knows who he is… :twisted:


(edited to delete word “repeating”)

Maybe you should lock this one then it would :wink:[/quote]

haha!..hehe… :smiley: :smiley:

should you be tempted to delete FRIONPANs posts please could you parcel them up and PM, me for collection at my Other Email address, as I feel they could be a valuble, source of amusement,
teaching aid, and finally “toilet tissue”

delete now the shit topic blocked of me and bluffcove.
read the explanation in explanation of blocked topic.

the topic was did by mi brother when i was out in the medic.

this will not pass any more,or you are invited to the funeral of my brother.

You are free to take info from the site. As it seems that you already have moved some of his post to the other forum you visit. Would be very time consuming to gather all his posts. As of yet i have no plans of deleteing his posts unless he really pisses me off for some reason. :smiley:

Maybe you should lock this one then it would :wink:[/quote]

Smartass :!: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ya know if you guys start to go off topic…feel free to ask me to split the topic into another. Its pretty simple and helps keep things clear. Alot of times I miss thing coz I just briefly scan some posts. So PM if there is something you would like to have done. Thanks.

Man of Stoat your most recent post on IRONMAN was deleted. Ill let you all argue but thats taking it a bit to far. And I think you knew that when you made it.

Dear Moderator chappies,
Could we possibly have some more choice for the avatars please, specifically for my own benefit a couple of Brit army ones. It pains me to have to use a crab as my avatar( :lol: ) some more choice would be nice.
From Her Majesty’s most esteemed servant,

                            Student-scaley KFS, TLA, MIA (Bar)

There is a place for suggestions for mods in site feedback. FYI. So ill delete this eventually. To answer your question. The mods do not have that power at the moment. I would suggest making a post in the suggestions for ww2admin. I might have to ask him if we might be able to have a few more options open to the mods. But since he still hasnt made FW190 and I mods in the book forum and hasnt moved the jet engine topic…im afraid we will just have to wait and see. Im assuming he is just really busy. Ill keep everyone updated if i find out anything.

Already suggested it mate, in almost exactly the same words :shock:

Urghhh…Alot of you have been slinging crap all over the site lately. All i have to say is STFU. Its really getting annoying. If you all dont quit your going to see Gen. Sandworm make Hitler look like a pussy. STOP IT.

:evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:

Look for the source of all your problems, Gen. Sandworm, look for the source. Then the solution will become clear!

What’s the forum’s policy on people posting obvious lies? There are to incidents I’m thinking of here. The first is where IRONMAN has posted a straight out lie about what I have said, and the point blank refused to apologise or remove the lie, although I have proven the lie immediately. Ref - p.8 on the ‘Jet Engines, please move’ thread. The ridiculous thing is that my correctly stated point of view is far less hostile to IRONMAN than the stance he alleges I have taken.

The second, more serious complaint also involves IRONMAN. Most of his allegations on Gurkhas are tough to comprehenively disprove, so the debate has some (limited) merit. But, he has alleged that British Officers regularly abuse Gurkhas. He will neither withdraw nor substantiate this remark. It is a slur on the Gurkhas themselves, the Officers who command them and the British Army as a whole. It does this site no favours at all to have malicious lies posted. It would be nice if the posts where he made these libellous claims are gone in short order, either by his own hand or that of a mod.

i understand how you feel, just ignore those comments if you think they are stupid or looks like someone with a 10 IQ, thanks :wink:

i understand how you feel, just ignore those comments if you think they are stupid or looks like someone with a 10 IQ, thanks :wink:[/quote]

I might add there are going to be some changes soon

Wargamer I deleted your to repeat posts in American Military and Japanese militay. I think the one in off topic is enough.