Site comments

Problem arrising in Then and now, All mods please report! Hopefully it won’t get out of control…BTW OMGHITLERLOL his avatar is too big, messing up the page…

i just wonder how people can have oversize avator as a Private while as a mod like me cannot do it?
thanks for telling

and Cactus, ingore them, they are a bunch of people with no life

Site under control …not to worry. :wink:

Cactus, I join FW-190 in his support!!
If you rember ( I posted the source with 11 days before Adolf Hitler’s post, without any resentments!!
Sorry for troubles caused by moving of those 2 topics!!!

Cactus, I join FW-190 in his support!!
If you rember ( I posted the source with 11 days before Adolf Hitler’s post, without any resentments!!
Sorry for troubles caused by moving of those 2 topics!!![/quote]

Looks like credit should be givin to and not whatever site those crazy assholes came from. They where annoying as hell and I ended up banning 4 of them.

Well it would appear that our idiots over at club fuckstick are still at it.

So keep an eye on this thread and anyone that might be a member so that we can ban them if they come on. They only reason that they would be here is to start shit.

Gassed is one of them and will be banned

Also to all mods…If you are pretty sure that one of the guys from there such as Human Bake was. Please get their IP before you delete their post. Thanks

lol, if i am an idiot, i will go there and do the same thing, but i am not, so i wouldnt be doing it

Dont do that. I sent the admin of the site and email. Lets see if he responds.

of course i dont
only idiots do that, lol

It also might be a good idea to get their ip’s as well as their statements. Just move the statements in here to a different topic.

I think from now on anything I don’t get myself I was be cautious with posting I mean I didn’t think someone else did this, had I known that I would have said credit to so and so. I mean I checked their forum and saw that they were pretty pissed even though I take it that their topic starter just copied and pasted it off the thirdreichruins site. Hey we got a lot more members :lol: but half of them are assholes. :lol: Well I apologize again and from now I will be a bit more careful with what I post to avoid this whole thing.

Don´t waste attention in those fucking assholes,they pasted the work from so,i don´t think they copyrighted the photos :lol: .

Don´t worry,if the half of our member are assholes,we can eliminate them,and start again the counter from 100 members.


No worries. Ive been watching their thread on Club Si pretty close. It would seem that they have settled down. Good thing is that we can talk about what we need to do in secret and they are doing it in the open. So General Sandworm is going declare this forum war a victory for us. Good job guys. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

But just incase lets keep their futureposts. Just move them in here somewhere.

FW 190 is right…its our job to come up with new ideas to spark conversation and draw GOOD members to the site. We might need to work on a way of making the average joe feel like he his apart of the site more than just an average member.

Hey here is an idea. Let me know what you think. Its pretty rough be we might be able to do it. We could give the members awards that they could stick in their signatures.

Here are some:

Of course we would have to change what some of them mean. I doubt we could give an award for fighting in Kosovo. :slight_smile: But we could make them mean whatever. Then we would just need some ideas on what they would be issued for.

Of course we would have to make a penalty for anyone that put a award they did not get in their sig.

What do you all think???

If you like it maybe you have some suggestions for what they could be issued for as well???

Here are a few ideas that I had.

(Medal of Honor) - Not sure exactly what we would give it for. Some superior act.

(Silver Star) - Outstanding Loyal Member Medal.

(Bronze Star) - Loyal Member Medal.

(Meritorious Sevice Medal) - Outstanding Post Medal.

(Army Commendation Medal) - Site Service Medal

(Army Achievement Medal) - Outstanding Idea Medal

(Good Conduct Medal) - Good Conduct Medal

(National Defense Service Medal) - Site Defense Medal. I think a few of us are already up for this one. :slight_smile:

Maybe it would be a good ideea to put the award(s) beneath the rank patch and above the avatar. :smiley:

By the way, any news about the ranks? I think we must add some info about gaining a rank as well as for loosing one (except for that penalty already known).

I like the idea :!: It is possible that you could have a little picture or link somewhere above or below your avatar that brings you to a little pop-up of all the medals the guy received! Somewhat like what the military does on the chest of their uniforms.

What exactly do you mean Dani about Ranks???

Its going to be easiest in the sig. I cant really do much with the other besides to make a special rank everytime someone is issued a medal. I guess we could hav erwin shrink them and add them to the avatar but that might get a bit funky after awhile.