
:slight_smile: For me, this isn’t point of man, who love his fatherland. Any county need a hard hand. If not, sooner or later the country become a place for unlimited criminals and fall into the hands of criminal dictature. That was in Russia in 1991, in Italy 1960, and in many countries in past. Democracy isn’t bad for normal people, but not for criminals. Even Chichill said “Democracy is shit, but we havn’t anything better”. For me, I gladly and easy can sacrifice my life for the sake of my country and new strong leader.

Okay, i see.

At start of 1930s USA was in bad enough position, with a lot of troubles in economic, with a lot of criminals and etc.
But 32th President of USA, Franklin Delano Roosevelt healed all problems. And F.D.R. maked changes in economic, politic and other sides of country’s live, key-changes, that allows today’s USA be an one of greatest countrys in World.
No reperessions. No millions cittizens killed in peace time by co-cittizens, nothing from this ugly things and tricks. I full of respection to man, who found a way to heal whole country without terror. It was a REALLY STRONG MAN, only strong man no need kill somebody to fix problems, only fulls tought that a good assasination will fix all around. Specially if you need kill 5-15 millions for sake of future.
If you meand “strong-arm-leader” such as F. D. Roosevelt - i agree. I will support this kind of leader by all that i can do.

By the way - where you served in Army ?

Hmm… Can’t say anything bad about Roosvelt, for true, don’ know much about him. Maybe he was good, maybe he even more clever. Terror may be open or hidden. If he did many things to heal country, he may used a hidden terror, like Russia now. No open repressions, no fear for civilians… But… some people died in time we are need :slight_smile: I also like this type of terror more then open terror…

About army, I’m lieutenat of reserve, military medicine. Bio and antibio weapons. Systems of safety.

Yes, we can say that - he used some kind if hidden terror, if these words is applicable here. He changed economical model of USA, that model used by now with some changes. For example he maked some kind of goverment regulation of economic, maked a lot of social meanding changes etc. All he’s activity also konw as Roosevelt’s “New Coors”…
Maybe he was a dictator of some kind, but i guess - he was a crusaider more than dictator.
Antymonopoly’s company as lead of economical coors (it caused a great result), social reforms, programm for compensations for farmers (famous programm, still worked pretty goo today) and a lots more…
He never do something like repressions, he never do something like terror - he was a tought, he was a strong, but no one was executed without real criminal guilty.
With F.D.R. started a famous “Manhattan Project” (russians got results of this project as final of very tricky spy’s game and finall maked own A-Bomb), by the way…

Is it just because we no need more slave’s workpower.
If somebody died in right time - is meand somebody payed a lot for this happyness… But a lot of people, who at my look deserve jail-cell of execution, still alive and free.

My respect.
I’m ex-police detective, captain of MVD.
Sorry, my emptions about Stalin… i can’t look at Stalin as a some politian, like Napoleon, for example. I just hate communism in all kind of this idea and hate all commy’s leaders.
When i tought about Stalin, i allways picture myself in GULAG as “enemy of people”, never as somebody, who got something good from these times.
Maybe he done something really good for this country, i can’t see it now…
People allways deserve they’s goverment, i sure about it.

Just one example - Korea was a badly harmed during communistic kind to do politic. 80% of koreans was I.I.A, M.I.A. and K.I.A, 80% of whole people !!!
This war worth for USSR about 15 mlrd. of USD (is it was just 8 years after Big War, can you say - we don’t hawe mery reasonable use for this money ?). This stupid war, ended by nothing but a lot of blood and sorrow.
Yes, we lost there about whole year budget and about 180 soldiers and officers. Chinesishe lost there about 1 000 000 people. Koreans was totally harmed.
And take a look at both Koreas now - wich Korea, South or North is good ?
As result of Stalin foreign politic (another extremally stupid step of Stalin, at my look) China got communistic way, got all soviet war-tecnologys, including jet-airplanes, missiles, weapons etc. Help to lead China in communistic way was worth to USSR another year’s budget or more, who know… In finally we got great enemy from north of our borders. Thanksfully to nuke-weapons USSR-China war not happend in 1960s… but what we do with China now ?
Chinesishe “Norinco” company producing a lots of AK in all kinds and modifications, without any payment to us, no one cent we got from this great bussiness…
As result of stupid afterwar politic of Stalin we got “Cold War”… a hawe read a lot about this period and wondering - i can’t see any reason to do there whole stupid steps in Europe to make all war-partners to enemyes ?
Good text about Rooosevelt’s New Coorse

You told about Stalin like a communist, but… In reality, Stalin wasn’t a communist. He didn’t love communism ideas. I specially studied his personal history. Very interesting. Than more I learned, than more I e to liked him. Initually I also hate him like killer and slaughter, but I changed my mind very quickly. In the young Stalin wanted to be a priest, but the Grusian Spirit Seminary declined him, because he had a defective left arm. In that, not quiet times, he choose a way to might and power. He become a criminal. Initually at the street band, he quikly take a lead, and begin to make a money. The strike to the Tiflis bank - is an exellent example of his strategy planning. After that he join the communist fraction, but he didn’t liked them, he saw in them only way to got might. The Lenin also didn’t like Stalin. Lenin didn’t gives him any might, like Kamenev and Trotskiy, but give him support work with problems of connections between communist top members. And that was mistake. With that, Stalin have a lot of information about alll members and theirs weak points. Before death, Lenin understood his mistake, and said to the communist - “Beware of Stalin! He have unlimited power!” But communist top members laughed on it. Officially - Stalin is nobody. Only Secretary of communist fraction. But Some years later, Stalin begin to purge the top communists. And they couln’t do anything. And Stalin begin to return country from communism ideas to normal society. For example, in communist theory, all civilians must be subdued and enforced into “working army”(slaves army). The members of this “army” must be ALL civilians after 9 years old. Another “rule” of communism is women in public use. Also, the “evgenic rule” to kill all civilians in age more 50, and ill people.(for economic) You may find this “rules” in books of Lenin and Marks. The Stalin used “Extralight” type of communism, and wanted to clear communism in future. Communism was only an instrument to build monarchy-type society with Stalin as monarch.

About Korean war… That politic wasn’t stupid if you want the new war. That was a very smart politic. But when Stalin died, noone can continue this type of politic… Chruschev was idiot and havn’t enough nuts. All that he can - is hit the tribune with shoose. In real - I thought the Chruschev was real BAD genius of SU… He droped the country into the mud…

Question … Is Stalin’s house still there? I know they made it into somekind of shrine or something during the Soviet era.

Second Question: I heard of this Russian movie where Stalin played himself or somebody that looked alot like him. But what was funny it showed Stalin flying to Berlin just as the Russians had taken it. Which I know he did not. Have you ever seen this movie? And did Stalin play himself?

Stalin house - yes. Really shrine.

But film… Hmm… I don’t even hear about such film. Maybe you can rememer the name of that movie?

Thats interesting that his house it still there.

No i watched this show on the History Channel and it had clips of the movies but the movie was in Russian so have no idea of the name. If i see it again ill try and find out.

I think this is an ordinary false facts or some type of misunderstanding… The Stalin didn’t like to travel, and didn’t play in movies. He havn’t time for that. His workday was more than 18 hours.

Oh I know he didnt fly to Berlin just as the Russians took the city. Would be dangerous anyhow. But I think this was somekind of Soviet propaganda film.

Hm… If that was a propoganda, all russians must know it. That was a law :D. But I can’t remember it from ordinary propaganda films… I thought that was some kind of mistake from western historians…

Thanks for interesting point of view. I should find more books about Jugashvilly, i thought.
Yes, i agree - USSR got really “extralight” sort of communsm, Cambodjia got communism in excellent conditions - all dreams of Uliyanov/Lenin and other red maniacs coming true there…
It’s amazing - what some peoples can do with other, terrible and amazing.
Btw, in some moments of history Hitler looks not so bad, as some communistic leaders.

History of wars in Indo-China region is mine favorit readings last five years.
I can’t agree with your point of view at Korean war as a way to prevent USSR from next war - oh, is it sounds like “burn out the stable to prevent horses from mosquitos”. We turn all other world to our enemy in late 1940s, after Big War, yes, then we need something to do wit it. Agree.
We done great help to Mao in China to turn China in communistic way, yes, is it fact.
Then in company with Mao and Kim Ir Sen Stalin tought start war against South Korea. Mistake was in one - according Stalin’s plan USA will never do help to South Korea, he really tought that way - is it was common idea of Mao, Stalin and Kim.
But USA send army in Korea and all things went wrong and bussiness go bad.
Yes, maybe it wasn’t stupid as pissing on wall-plug, but wasn’t wisdom enough, i guess. But is it mine homble opinion only.
USSR lost there in Korea a lot of money, got conflict with China, got, with own help powerfull enemmy in China face, went in great conflict with USA… and what a result ? Nothing, i can’t see any reason in this war for USSR… Stalin don’t scared about war with USA, by common idea of USSR politics this war will lead whole wolrd to communistic revolution and, quote: “If new wold war will start - better for us, if this war will start right now.” (Stalin’s words, 1949, some of speech, can’t remember now, wich kind of). But common public propahanda at these times was “We don’t need any war, now or in future”.
Chruschev was an idiot, in excellent meand of this word, agree totally. Just monkey with nuke - bomb, silly and agressive. If i can, i will give to Chruschov medal “Most stupid politic in XX”.

But at least of this discussion - we don’t hawe any other politics, from 1905 when things really went wrong till today. There wasn’t choise.
If Nokolay II was a bit tought, if Stolypin wasn’t assasinated, if Russia won in conflict with Japan in 1905, if don’t messed in WWI, if… but no “if” happend.
We got all what we got finally. Nothing happens from nowhere, all our problems grouwn up from past.

Actually Stalin hate traveling and hate any air-traveling specially. I can’t imagine Stalin in Berlin in april-may 1945… can’t picture it.
Movie, where it become possible should be some kind of sci-fiction… as well as all sovietic propahanda.
Stalin wasn’t hero, but he was a paranoid. Wich reason look at Berlin at end of the War ? It should be a exteremally dangerous adventure, dangerous and reasonless.
But let me guess… was one movie, sweet like sugar… “Fall of Berlin”, 1949, director Chiaurelly. There was a scene, where Stalin, all in white greating soviet soldiers from airplane trape… Stalin’s character was played by actor Michael Gelovany, usual “movie’s Stalin”.
“Fall of Berlin” never was a documental movie, and wasn’t more true than movies with Omar Sharif as personal hero of WWII.
This movie shows Stalin like personal winner of WWII, all things looks like exactly he kick all nazis to death.
By legend - Stalin liked this “Fall of Berlin” movie very much.
One history related with this film and Stalin’s time. One man, who was in Berlin in may 1945, Grigoriy Stepanenco, when hawe seen this movie, just sayd - “I never seen Stalin over there…” For these words he got 8 years of jail-camps. He got a medal of honor, as well as four highest USSR ordens for personal heroism in WWII… and got a 8 years for couple of words finally.
By the way, ruch with take Berlin worth to USSR people about 200 000 lives. Rush, because allies can take Berlin first. In offcial look at it 200 000 K.I.A. from USSR side was nescesary because “USSR would do not harm any civilians.” We don’t use bombers or heavy artillery to protect innocents ? Hmm… i not sure.

Hm… About Chruschev we are in totaly agreement. :smiley: Monkey, popcorn smoothtalker, e.t.c.

About Korean War. That was a war to initiate ww3, but Korean war, proofed to Stalin, that his bombers can’t compared with jet fighters and nuclear strike to America can’t be achieved in that period. That was a reason to delay of begin ww3. If the new leader of SU wasn’t Chruschev, but good, strong leader like Molotov or Rokossovskiy, the war could began in 1956 year. And that would birth of total communistic world.

Yes, no doubts.

Or total nuclear poisoned world… Just remember 1950s USA cartoons about “What to do when commy rockets fall”… Is it terrible…
I can remember endless “Civilian deence” films by USSR TV in 1970s, endless and scarefull, these films learn what to do if WWIII will start. It caused whorsest nighmares in my childhood… Oh, i hate this times, me and mine parents wait for war, each time when sirens started sounds we tought - “So, we went in war…”
Coomies always scared me. That endless fight against whole world, fight without any reason… they was ready to become a frend to all assholes around a world in case if they would lead they’s countries to communistic way. Not matter if in USSR was no foods, who care ? Assholes got all, weapons, tanks, airplanes, for free… Commies liked power as vampire need blood. If USSR don’t maked such gifts for everione who asked - we will live today as United Arabian Emirates.
We will got whole World, but make deals to change our diamonds with Japan to pack-paper.
Where today our f**d frends such a Vietnam, Somalia, Siria or North Korea ? Who need these godforsaken “frends” ? Who need beggars as frends ?
I no need fight to whole world - i just need a visa in each country where i like to travel. :lol: :wink:
I no need great countries as USA and EU as enemies - i just need be a responsible cittizen of responsible country. For it no need fight with all around.

How was it viewed in Russia when Stalin’s daughter emigrated to the West?

This is of interest to me as I cannot remember any of the story but did read her Diaries, much to my Fathers amusment when i was about seven and was supposedly engrossed in them for an entire wet fortnight in the Lake District.

Is it true when the war started that Stalin had a mental breakdown and refused to talk to anyone for days? Also what is your general opinion of Stalin?[/quote]

I’m not sure that he had a breakdown when the war started… I know that he did, in fact have one and yes, refused to talk to anyone for days, but alas, I have forgotten the reason. I’ll look into it and edit this. And my oppinion of Stalin, the Russians adored Stalin, so for a country of that size to love their leader, he must have been pretty efficient at his job.

They loved him because they had been told to love him. He had 100% control of the media, and all the propaganda thus portrayed him in a glowing, positive light. Criticizing him even in private by telling a joke could get you arrested for “anti-soviet agitation”, amongst other things. He was a terrible leader, always searching for the boogey man under the bed as a scapegoat for his failed policies - he destroyed the officer corps of the army because he saw them as threat (this is one reason why the German Army advanced so far & so fast with Barbarossa), and terrorised the population - almost everybody knew at least one close friend or relative who had been executed or was in GULAG for “political crimes”. He was a micromanager, and his underlings were sh1t scared of him - falling foul of him for reasons real or imagined got you killed. There was only 1 person permitted independent thought in the USSR, and that was Stalin.

A glimpse into the Soviet Union at that time can be gleaned by reading Solzenistyn’s The Gulag Archipelago

One thing to explain about Stalin’s paranoia:

As a young man working against the Czar, he was betrayed by a good friend whom he trusted and ended up in Czarist jail. Ever since then he trusted nobody. He even had the boyfrienbd of his daughter executed.


He was also (alledgedly, although it’s pretty certain) on the books of the czarist secret police (the Okhrana) as well.

Oh, a great quote for you:

“Of course communism works - you just need the capitalists to pay for it and the fascists to enforce it” :twisted: