
i dislike stalin :smiley:

some People say Stalin was as worse as Hitler, killing the equal ammount of people.
The Russians loved Stalin, were they brainwashed?, scared of being sent away to the Siberian Ice Desert to die? or were they proud of their leader?

Stalin killed many more than Hitler.

The russian people were victims of extremely effective propaganda and absolute State terror. Read The Gulag Archipelago for an insight into this.

And BTW, I find your rotating hammer & sickle quite offensive - as offensive as I’d find a rotating swastika.

The 3d Hammer and Sickle is just my trade mark, there is no harm in having it there, besides a rotating swastika is a bit different and ended 60 years ago.
The hammer and sickle is still used in countries like, north Korea, China, Cuba and other south american countries.

So my friend, Man of Stoat, be on my side and stop this argueing ? :?: :idea:

Edited for explanation: I “repaired” the Commando’s post.

Thank’s Dani.

Why’s it any different? Eastern Europe was oppressed under that symbol for 40 years, and communists killed far more people than nazis.

In the European Parliament, some countries (FR & DE IIRC) asked to have the swastika banned outright, since they were oppressed under it till 1945. The new Eastern european countries turned around & said “only if you ban the hammer & sickle as well, cos we were oppressed under that for 40 years”. The French then replied “but but but we have political parties who still use it”. So the whole issue was dropped.

I use the Hammer and Sickle for the sign of equality man of stoat.
God’s wish for everyone to be equal on this evil earth we live on.

It’s not a sign of equality - it’s the sign of the so-called “dictatorship of the proletariat”. It represents the dominance of the workers (hammer) and peasants (sickle) over the “borgeoisie” (i.e. middle & upper classes). Only workers & peasants were equal - the professional classes were to be destroyed as a class.

If you actually do believe that it is a sign of equality, you have a warped view of 20th century history.

Now, I begin to write a book about Stalin. I want to name it “Stalin vs. communism?” I spend a lot of time to learn him, and with every new fact, I believe that stalin wasn’t be communist, and hated communism doctrine. He fought against “righteos communists”, but can’t did it effectively, because his might was also based on communists doctrine.

Stalin killed more own people before and after war,before war he killed many officers becouse he think’s then they have conspiracy against him ,and 1941 he lost 500km of Russians teritory becouse in army been very little seargeants ,corporals… also he don’t want to lisening generals to build heavy region of bunkers and tranches in Poland becouse ,he trust in alliance with germans.

More of that you told now, nothing more than Chruschev propaganda maded after Stalin’s death. Most victims from innocence people was in 1927-1933 years, when Stalin haven’t enough might to stop it. In 1937 Stalin really killed a lot of officers, but did you tried to learn who was that? That was crime and blood maniacs. After killing them, the number of victims in people begin to fade fast. Very fast. Stalin purged army and goverment from “righteos communists”, who want to eradicate a percents of civilians each year, to make Red power more harder. I recommend you to read dairy of Gebbels in 1944 - 1945. He envy Stalin and his purges! Stalin cleared army from political members, and ende war with exellent generals. Reasons of loosing in 1941 not in the lack of officers (purge was in 1937, early 1938, new officers with experience of Winter war and war in Poland was fully complected) The reasons was because Stalin prepred invasion himself. In first 3 days of war more 10 000 of planes was burned in landing sites, because all landing sites was near border (5-7 km) Maps! Artillery can’t fight without topographic maps! But all maps was maded for invasion, and that was maps of germans territory! For invasion, all bridges was unmined. All defenses was desmantled. After Hitler’s attack, the Stalin tried to regain strategic initiative, and sended army to counterattack. But was late…

What you say is totally the opposite to accepted opinion. Stalin didn’t have the power to stop the purges? His signature was on the orders! This is well-documented and indisputable! Nothing major in Russia happened without Stalin’s signature - he was the only one allowed to exercise independent thought!

What about all the other purges - there’s far more than just the 27-33 years.

Go and acquire Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago & read all 3 volumes. Go & read Anne Applebaum’s GULAG which contains much research based on recently opened archives.

Go read some websites on the purges as well:

Some serious academic stuff (Rummel):

& this google statement gives you more:

Some tables:







Stalin total estimate for democides (i.e. not including war) = 42,672,000 :shock:

This is all false numbers. Not full false, but changed. If you can read on russian language, you can read some of official archives and find many strange things. For example: ofiicial number of killed officers in 1937 is about 40 000. I begin to collect the names of killed. What the f**k? “Killed” marshal Rokossovskiy was in parade of V-Day. “Killed” marshal Timoshenko was exellent genius of WW2. After some days of researches, I find, that ALL high officers of SU was zombie. :slight_smile: Strange, isn’t it? Real number of killed officer was 10 351. But that wasn’t battle officers. That was high politic ranks in army uniform. Also with genocide. Chruschev moved date of some repressions to made anti-Stalin propaganda. Number about 40. 000 000 isn’t real. Victims was more 60 000 000, but more of them was maded by Serov, Chruschev, Tuhachevskiy, Buharin, Kamenev, Zinoviev, Trockiy and of course Lenin himself.

There are no diffrent betwean hitler and stalin.

In first look - not any difference. Both - dictators, both - socialists. But that a first look. In really, Stalin raise Hitler. Hitler was weapon for Stalin to weakness Europe. But Weapon was little defective :wink: and turned agains Stalin. And ruined all his plans…

So you added up the number from the official, open archives (i.e. massaged figures)??? Nowhere have I read that Timoshenko or Rokossovsky were killed - where do you get this from???

A lot of research has been done since the fall of the USSR on the closed archives, and lots more will be done in the future. And Rummel is a seriously well-researched academic.

I’m impressed that you’re using the standard Communist arguing technique, though - start with the conclusion & denounce all sources to the contrary.

If you read carefully, the figure of 40M is just for Stalin and does not include Lenin or any of Stalin’s successors - if you include them, then the number is closer to 60M.

Open archives. The list of repressed officers. But repressed - don’t mean killed. Rokossovskiy was arrested, and you may find it in large number of sources. But with Chruschev agitation they also counted like killed :slight_smile:

A lot of research has been done since the fall of the USSR on the closed archives, and lots more will be done in the future. And Rummel is a seriously well-researched academic.

Don’t forget - large numbers of document was falcificated. EVERY comunist leader, when got a might was purged archives and re-write history by himself. I can’t trust western historian who use in theirs works such “documents”

I’m impressed that you’re using the standard Communist arguing technique, though - start with the conclusion & denounce all sources to the contrary.

:shock: :smiley: No comments

If you read carefully, the figure of 40M is just for Stalin and does not include Lenin or any of Stalin’s successors - if you include them, then the number is closer to 60M.

Hmm… Officially - Stalin become an official leader of SU in the 1941. Maybe you shall count victims from that period? :slight_smile:
No one can told the date when Stalin obtained full control of SU. By my researches - it’s about 1930-35, but even when he got control, he need to purge all “heroes” of Civil war, who can made an opposition. And in this case, why we must hang to Stalin victims of Dybenko, Putna, Buharin?
Some years after Lenin’s death is a fight for might in SU, but Stalin in that period even not candidate to new leader…

After Lenin’s death Stalin is nice and easy killed political enemies and retake all power and control in Soviet union.