Suggestions for Management

I agree with SAM here. Probably a bit childish. I also find it hard to yell YPA as I need a vowell between the Y and P for pronunciation purposes.

childish :lol: , ok no worries mates just a thought :wink: .
Do any of you mates have any idea for the website, ill try and help in any way :slight_smile: .

where it says “Posts” next to your name and below your avatar and shows you how many posts you have currently posted, I think the Mods should make it so the posts are bigger and bolder and stand out a bit more !?!

While I am fully aware that the posting of a PM received from another member is against site rules and hence I abide by them, does the administration not think that perhaps this may not be such a good idea ?

It seems to me that some PMs are sent from one party to another for the sole purpose of winding up or insulting the recipient.

If a member has something to say to another could it not be couched in such terms as are acceptable to the site as a whole ?
To send a PM to someone in the certain knowledge that it must remain hidden from view of the body of the membership smacks of cowardice.

Admittedly there are five members to whom a complaint about a PM one takes umbrage at can be directed, but that too seems to be a case of ‘running to the teacher.’ :slight_smile:

I would have thought that our membership, regardless of age, was mature enough to stand by what they write and if they feel they would like to send a PM to another they are also man enough* to see it in open forum.

*Or woman enough, there are a few ladies with an interest in this subject and we must remain politically correct ! :lol:

That kindoff gives the impression that the more you post the better, which isnt always good. You know what I mean?

Yeah i understand where your coming from, like people will post pointless posts or even just emoticons just to get a raise in their post record right ?



Chill blokes - it’s a joke !

I do have to agree that cuts does have a point. being abused by PM is not nice and it would be good to see the kind of abuse that some will perpetrate on others. The fact is that right now I can PM anyone about anything and it it not allowed to be posted, rather than encourage better behaviour, it will probably encourage worse.

Anyway I am now going to re-read the forum rules and send the Mods an example of blatant rule breaking.

What about forwarding a PM? Is that allowed?

For example, if a member sends an insulting or otherwise objectionable PM, is is acceptable to forward it on to a Moderator?

How about a message that needs to be forwarded for some other reason?

I am only asking for clarification here as the message in question was patently inflammatory in tone and the sender obviously would not have said these things in the open forum as they would have earned him a warning (at least).

Bluffcove did break the site rules by quoting the message, but, in his defence, he did not say who it was from and the rules on dealing with an offensive message are not entirely clear!


Do not post other members PM’s on the site. If you recieve a PM from a member that you feel is offensive please forward it to our current administrators/moderators:ww2admin, Gen. Sandworm ,FW-190 Pilot, South African Military and Dani. We will then discuss it with that person and take action from there.

This is the current rule. Could be found on

Meantime I look forward to receive such examples!

Check my above post. Thanks.

A suggestion:
Members that have received their second formal warning,can’t receive any medals.

I can´t be more agree

Hahahahaha ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks Tsolias, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read all morning !
You’ve brightened the thread up considerably.

Hahahahaha ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks Tsolias, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read all morning !
You’ve brightened the thread up considerably.[/quote]
Cuts,i see it a great idea,first,because the second warning is too much weak,and then,because it will make the users think before getting the 2nd warning.


Hahahahaha ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks Tsolias, that’s the funniest thing I’ve read all morning !
You’ve brightened the thread up considerably.[/quote]
Cuts,i see it a great idea,first,because the second warning is too much weak,and then,because it will make the users think before getting the 2nd warning.


Come on Erwin, you can’t seriously believe that people are concerned about site ‘medals’ can you ?
I’m sure Tsolias meant it as a joke.
(You did Tsolias, didn’t you ? :shock:)

This is the Internet, it’s a virtual world.
No-one firing on all four takes it that seriously.
As long as people can act maturely and stand by their posts it should be an enjoyable experience.

Similarly with the ‘ranks’ people get for their post count. It’s a bit of fun !
I’m sure neither Dani nor SAM believe themselves to be colonels, and I can’t imagine that Gen. Sandworm would assume he’s a Major General either !

Having said that, we’ve all seen loads of obsequious brown-noseing, and mutually-congratulating posts where people are busting a gut to increase their count, (and ergo their ‘rank’,) but one hopes that this will remain the province of the socially and intellectually challenged.

Personally I like Man of Stoat’s thread about the Dullard’s Posting Checklist in the Off Topic - General forum.
It gives some very good pointers as to how people can post intelligently and generate a higher level of interest and input than, for example, the “What if” type threads.

well,if you think that,then it will not be an important prohibition if you had it one day,so,what´s the problem?

(btw,stoatman’s topic isn´t important,he has to give the example no to post topics about that and don´t respect it)


All messags that you send are public property and are not yours once you ahve sent htem, priovded htey are uneditted you may show them to whomever you like.

It might stop that argentine cunt from sending inflammatroy remarks, such as he did.

DANI read the message that I posted from Erwin Jizzer, it contains the phrase “whne you make this message public” Am I wrong to conculde that he thought i would make htis message public?

If he didnt want it to be public when he knew i would display it why did he send it? Is it because your forum rules purposefully protect him from retribution. I am sure that in any court of Law one cannot send messages and then prevent them being shown publicly you might like to read the case of Hewitt versus the Windsors. Its farly self explanatory if you have opinions in text that you dont want to be seen dont write htem down.

I agree medals should be stripped after second formal warning,

Whilst we are reviewing medals i suggest you look at hte post counts of those that are awarding them!
to whom they are being awarded
under what grounds htey are being awarded - (Wiki cut and paste does not equal - good post)

Who is missing from the medals honours list, and their respective value to the site.

I personally have lodged my medlas across my ring piece because htey are contemptible

yes,messages are public,PRIVATE MESSAGES,no,you understand the name of private better than me,you speak english.
your posts in argentine thread were more since you did discrimination,and insulted (i thought you weren´t anti discrimination).

and you did more inflamatory posts.with your mindless jokes.

and im agree with that of good posts-wikipedia posts,but im afraid some “good posts” you think are only stupid out off topic stuff.