Suggestions for Management

Read the case of Windsor verus Hewitt,

once you ahve written something it becomes edict and therfore if you dont want it to be seen by others it should not be sent, the message arrived in my inbox and is my intellectual property to do with as I wish.

if you didnt want me to distribute it you shouldnt have sent it. and you certainly shoulndt have included the permissive phrase “when you make this post public.”

You fail to understnad British humour that is your problem the truth is that I am in no way actively offending you, I won, I cna laugh all day long. regardless of your moderator willy waving

windsor vs hewitt???,huh?,what are you talking about?.

your intellectual property?,i buy a book,read it,then,it´s my intellectual property?,bluffcove,you are out of the rules,accept that.

british humour?,sincerely,i comprehend most of it,and it isn´t SOOOO funny,and i speak spanish,so,i think the only funny jokes in english are the graphic jokes.(like your offensive letter,bad but fun i have to say :lol: ).

Erwin we will wiat for an English speaking Mod to deliberate over this one.
It is good of you to notice that you have no idea about citation of precedent, this will help my case.


You don´t have any idea of the forum rules,you have enough warnings to learn.

Take Care,


I put it to you Erwin that you as a Mod have broken more of the rules here than most of the members:

You have

  1. Taken sides in discussions that you have been responsible for Modding.

  2. Consistently insulted members of the above Forums.


  1. Sent abusive PM’s.

As I said, you need credibility to Mod and so far you have displayed nothing that shows me this credibility. Why cant you take advice from your fellow Mods behaviour.

1.discussions no,debate,and you made me to do that. fake,and,tell me what i have to do when im repeatedly insulted,and provocated.


he broken more rules,more than ironman,so,he has more probability to be banned than ironman! (he was banned,bluffcove never).

btw,you aren´t deffending him just because you don´t like me because i debated with you in the malvinas thread,and he´s one of your mates from the arrse,your forum,and you are british,are you?

don´t search protection behind rules when you ignore them.

Well done Erwin show bastards :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

but as a mod, erwin, you should NOT return abusive PM, even one of our members did send you one, simply give them a warning about that.

And if you think a member has insulting message, just delete it if you are the mod of the area

1.discussions no,debate,and you made me to do that. fake,and,tell me what i have to do when im repeatedly insulted,and provocated.


he broken more rules,more than ironman,so,he has more probability to be banned than ironman! (he was banned,bluffcove never).

btw,you aren´t deffending him just because you don´t like me because i debated with you in the malvinas thread,and he´s one of your mates from the arrse,your forum,and you are british,are you?[/quote]

Erwin, i stand by what I wrote, and its doubly so for you as you are a Mod.

I dont have a clue who Bluff is and he is more than able to defend himself.

I didn think I had an argument with you over the malvinas thread. In fact we were getting along quite nicely agreeing to disagree.

I dont visit Arrse much, as its for the British Army, which I have plainly stated Im not in.

I have not sent you an insulting PM?

I have watched your behaviour as a Mod, and am honestly dismayed by it. Remember you are a Mod.

I do however stand by a lot of what Bluff says, especially the bit about humour.

And finally, I enjoy discussing ww2 and all things military. I dont enjoy posts such as - Why dont the americans allow the Japanese an army. In my opinion they are just purile as was the Macedonia thread, which in my opinion was started with the purpose of bringing something from another forum here and has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose here.

I claimed that I had shat on Eva Peron’s grave because, Well I have, I was pissed and it was funny, Honesty is the best policy etc.

However it was in direct response to your cliams that you were going to go to the Islands and Rape my Ex girlfriend, somehow this set my teeth on edge. I suggest that the “new” Malvinas thread has gone the same way as the old one, at your behest due to your reluctance to apply equal logic to both sides of an argument.

I might add that Private messages are a place for individuals to continue a discussion in more depth, not for private amusment. Therefore i presume that you would allow me include a PM regarding the Falklands in my own post on topic. Your message did invite me to make the message public.

Erwin as a mod you are meant to be above the petty squabbles. unfortunatley not only are you involved in them you are the manifest and origin of nearly all the dullard-esque behaviour here.

1.discussions no,debate,and you made me to do that. fake,and,tell me what i have to do when im repeatedly insulted,and provocated.


he broken more rules,more than ironman,so,he has more probability to be banned than ironman! (he was banned,bluffcove never).

btw,you aren´t deffending him just because you don´t like me because i debated with you in the malvinas thread,and he´s one of your mates from the arrse,your forum,and you are british,are you?[/quote]

Erwin, i stand by what I wrote, and its doubly so for you as you are a Mod.

I dont have a clue who Bluff is and he is more than able to defend himself.

I didn think I had an argument with you over the malvinas thread. In fact we were getting along quite nicely agreeing to disagree.

I dont visit Arrse much, as its for the British Army, which I have plainly stated Im not in.

I have not sent you an insulting PM?

I have watched your behaviour as a Mod, and am honestly dismayed by it. Remember you are a Mod.

I do however stand by a lot of what Bluff says, especially the bit about humour.

And finally, I enjoy discussing ww2 and all things military. I dont enjoy posts such as - Why dont the americans allow the Japanese an army. In my opinion they are just purile as was the Macedonia thread, which in my opinion was started with the purpose of bringing something from another forum here and has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose here.[/quote] a mod,and i was choosed for that,and im happy about that,i try to do my best,and im not perfect. deffended bluffcove,when he appears in a thread,and angry with me,then you appear

3.Yes!,i said that before the trolls entered to the thread,and you are a bit at the deffensive with me.

4.Arrse,you are members,like this guys,you always help them in arguments,and you obviously have quite close ideas and posts (well,you have better posts,SOMETIMES)

5.have I sent you a pm with insults?,weren´t you defending?

6.the same i think of you,but luckily,we have great members too,and im not obligated to give my oppinion,but as you did,i do.

7.yes,you brit,me argentinian = you don´t like me :wink:

8.most of your posts are in off topic,i saw all,so,prove me what you say :wink: .

I said that?,i never said that,and you told me about your girlfriend,don´t expeculate with your errors. the new malvinas thread was finally done,where you posted about machos and hispanics,racist conducts.

i never invited you,i just tried to prove that you make pm’s public,so you received the warning because of your errors (again :lol: )




At least you are being calm.

I take on board the above points. I agree to disagree over the Falklands.

I do take exception to you saying that most of my posts are in off topic though. Though maybe lately your right as in the last 2 weeks the quality of new threads here has been dire.

Im going now and will have a think about whether or not I will be back.

most of your posts are in off topic section,i posted lost of threads,and im disagree about malvinas too.

im calm down,but i want you to do the same.

and im also agree when clauss said F*** OFF.

im afraid it´s the only form of communicate when you insult too!.

homewever,stop insulting (EVERYBODY)

most of your posts are in off topic section,i posted lost of threads,and im disagree about malvinas too.

im calm down,but i want you to do the same.

and im also agree when clauss said F*** OFF.

im afraid it´s the only form of communicate when you insult too!.

homewever,stop insulting (EVERYBODY)[/quote]

If you can find me an insult in one of my posts I will leave ww2 in colour.

But it has to be a proper insult like the ones you have done.

Erwin in your role as a mod is it your Job to make members “promise” to lave the forum when htey ahve receved no discip-linary warnings yet?

You have jsut asked Firefly to promie to leave, despite the fact he is perfectly civil what sort of a power trip are you on? were you the milk monitor at school? cos if you dont like them you can give them their milk laaaast so its warm! (gareth from the office, assistant regional manager, well assistant to the regional manager)

I did her promise?,i just posted and deleted because you can misunderstand,i tried to said a : ARE YOU KIDDING,that my friend,it´s called argentinian humour.

what monitor :lol: ,it´s a joke?,those things aren´t common in argentina.

I go away for a few weeks and they make Erwin a MOD! The world turned upside down!

Its good to see that not everyone in your country has the same miopic views

(my views are miopic huh?)

Walther wrote:
Debating with Ironman confuses me. Sometimes I think it is like fighting with a pig in the mud. Both will get dirty and the pig actually enjoys it.

Jan I cannot agree more,


I am also fed up of his SHIT!

You were a host for killers, how about Joseph Mengele

(=argentina is like a jail,a house for torturers).


My apologize about this topic,with out off topic debate.