Suggestions for Management


I am also fed up of his SHIT!

You were a host for killers, how about Joseph Mengele

(=argentina is like a jail,a house for torturers).


What was that all about ?

a reply to this cuts


In that case none of those shown are though.


In that case none of those shown are though.[/quote]3

yes they are:


In that case none of those shown are though.[/quote]3

yes they are:[/quote]

Does the ‘3’ imply the third one down ?

:oops: ,the 3 means,i hitted wrong button.

STOP POSTING HERE ALL OF YOU!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x

What kind of freaky “suggestions” you have for the admin?
Open a thread in Off-topic if you want to “debate”!!

In agreement to our admin (FW-190 Pilot), actions will be taken shortly against Erwin and others involved in Falkland topic (with exception of Bluffcove - he already has a warning for posting a PM).

Remember that rules are subject to changes. Until then, are still unbeatable.

A suggestion for the Mods…
When Users are browsing a forum (where it says which current user is browing a forum) , Why dont we make a instant chat box when you click on their name ?, and of course if the person doesn’t want to talk they can block or something like that, but i know you are not intending to make an instant chat room, so why not just an instant chat private message box when you click on the person’s name who’s currently browsing? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

What do you guys think ??? 8)

In fact this is a suggestion for admin.

You could notice that it is written:
Powered by phpBB © 2001, 2005 phpBB Group

I don’t know exactly if this forum could support this software demand.

Oh really, well it just popped in my head to have a private convosation to people currently browsing forums :smiley:

Well Dani, Pity about the Software problem part, I think we should make this WW2 website as big as possible to the public , lots of links to go to, show the internet this is one of the best WW2 sites of all categories, were you either, posting on forums or looking at one from thousands of images from ww2.
etc etc…
You agree Dani :smiley: ?
I will try and help the Admin as much as i can to make this site more expandable. :wink:


Do not post other members PM’s on the site. If you recieve a PM from a member that you feel is offensive please forward it to our current administrators/moderators:ww2admin, Gen. Sandworm ,FW-190 Pilot, South African Military and Dani. We will then discuss it with that person and take action from there.

This is the current rule. Could be found on

Meantime I look forward to receive such examples![/quote]

In reply to Cuts’ suggestion and the reply from Dani above, surely the PM that was posted for all to see was an abuse of the rules? It was personal abuse from someone in a position that should be above sending childish personal messages like that. Is there any ‘punishment’ for sending that kind of message - is it similar to doing it publically on the forum?

Erwin got his 1st formal warning over it I believe, and as a Mod, if he receives another, he wont be a Mod any more.

Oh right, ta

Oh right, ta[/quote]
yes,i know you are happy about that.

but both you are out off topic!

I personally couldn’t care less Erwin, and the original question was on topic and answered by Firefly. Last you’ll hear from me about it, I’m sick of arguing with you.

me too.

Guys, why don’t you ask for a usergroup (like those existing already) on which “NO RULE” is applying as a rule. Join all of you who wants to fight and the rest of us will be more able to discuss without such interferences (we’ll don’t have to read childish/angry/flaming/ etc etc posts). :frowning:
It is a suggestion also for Admin.
With sadness,

:oops: :frowning: :cry:

Hey, I dont want to fight, I was just responding to a question. Im sure Erwin has learned his lesson.