Suggestions for Management

sure, can you give some example?

dumb question, how do you become an admin?

sure, can you give some example?[/quote]

This rule was brought in by Erwin at the height of the time when he was abusing BRITCON via MSN to protect himself from us exposing him and his abuse:
you can’t post private conversations as chat,msn or conversations of out of the forum in this forum.
or you will receive 2 warnings.

This one was brought in by your good self, but is highly insulting to those of us who do our own research and work:
No more complains about copying other people’s work in public, if you have any complains in that field, please pm Gen.sandworm or me about it and we will take it seriously

If anyone does this again, he will be ban without any warning

If given a broad reading, it means that if one of us posts the source where a plageriser has copied from we get banned, since this could be considered as complaining.

You are correct and I have mentioned this to the mods as well. It might be awhile but I do think the rules need to be readdressed.

You have to be really cool and really bored…

:lol: :lol:

I was appointed admin by ww2admin. When I came to norway I made FW as my replacement. He is actually charge but since i have a bit of time here lately im try to do as much help as possible. So when we get old and gray im sure we will appoint someone new. I dont think ww2admin wants to many admins so at the moment I think FW or I would have to step down. First step would be becoming a mod and seeing how you do from there. We might need a new mod in the near future but just depends how things go. Hope this give you an idea. :wink:

I don’t know how the rest of the readership feel about the posting of PMs, but personally I think that it should be permitted.

Particularly as it only came into force as a direct result of whining by a member who had been exposed as having sent an abusive and profane PM.

I realize that if someone feels ‘offended’ they have the option of contacting the Admins, but does that show the personality of the sender ?

Many of those that post here are younger people and that also brings up the unpalatable but very real possibility of grooming.
Putting a PM into open forum will show others who may have had contact with the said individual how he really is. Similarly the gen from MSN, etc.

I personnaly think that guys should conduct themselves in PM how they do on the boards.

Therefore, abusive PM should be allowed to be shown.

the thing about posting pm in public is they can possibly ingited another flame war, which i extremely hate to see that happen

so that would be the best to complain to admin or mods via pm

I would like to see PM allowed to be published.

Yes, Cuts makes a very valid point. There are some young lads on this site, that would gain added personel protection from this rule.

Also, as firefly states, the personal messages should be covered by the same rules as the site.

Flame wars on the site can be fanned by PMs, which can not be quoted.

As an add on. Surely if you SENT the PM in the first place, you should be allowed to decide to post it later. It could be very informative and usefull to others later on, both to know what has been said and to whom, and it is your intellectual property so to speak.

Even if this rule is not changed fully, the author should be allowed to publish his own PMs at a later date, even if a recipiant is not.

But only if the PM was yours to begin with.

oic, you mean the pm you made yourself to be able to to post in public?

I can’t imagine that they would be sent out of the blue, so they wouldn’t ignite a ‘flame war,’ they’d only be the result of one.

That’s still pandering to those that would hide their weasel words.

If they are man enough to write to another member, they should be man enough to see their words in a public forum.

DS Solution:
If you aren’t big enough say what you mean openly - don’t write it.

It is purely a question of moral fortitude.

I can’t imagine that they would be sent out of the blue, so they wouldn’t ignite a ‘flame war,’ they’d only be the result of one.

That’s still pandering to those that would hide their weasel words.

If they are man enough to write to another member, they should be man enough to see their words in a public forum.

DS Solution:
If you aren’t big enough say what you mean openly - don’t write it.

It is purely a question of moral fortitude.[/quote]

i guess you are right, because this is a family-oriented forum, and young people might enter this site to see all these offensive pm, not very good

and yeah, i can disable a person’s ability to pm others if that is nessasary

In fact I would like to think that just becaue we are sitting at PCs over the world we can have the same basic common courtesy as we would do when engaging someone in face-to-face conversation.

If we were all in the Bar, there would have been some fantastic rumbles here due to the blatant incivility of some members here…

Would it be possible to remove the sticky at the top of Off Topic - General as it no longer serves a useful purpose? The forum rules already prevent impersonation, and in any case it actually only prevents people from impersonating Erwin, not any other site user, coupled with a threat that no longer carries any weight.

This post can also be deleted once the sticky ha gone as it will have outlived its useful life.

Edited to add: Thanks FW-190

Precisely because young people do have access to this site I’d have thought that it was essential that they were posted. See my earlier comment reference grooming.

I for one don’t want the more unsavoury characters on the web thinking they could use this site to select their prey.

you are right, that would be done


Precisely because young people do have access to this site I’d have thought that it was essential that they were posted. See my earlier comment reference grooming.

I for one don’t want the more unsavoury characters on the web thinking they could use this site to select their prey.[/quote]

sure, how about we allow posting pm in public, but users has to censor swear words before doing it

Precisely because young people do have access to this site I’d have thought that it was essential that they were posted. See my earlier comment reference grooming.

I for one don’t want the more unsavoury characters on the web thinking they could use this site to select their prey.[/quote]

sure, how about we allow posting pm in public, but users has to censor swear words before doing it[/quote]

Sounds good to me - as long as it includes “other means” as well.

rules changed

yeah!,always erwin,crab,you are a mod or a guy who wants fights?

Sounds a great idea.

Everyone gets to see what’s happening and minors are not shown profanity.

Makes everyone happy.