Suggestions for Management

From what date? I have some old PMs.

Thats exactly what i would have typed if my English were better.

Yeah you tell him Erwin you big tough grown up boy with pretty girl smile.
You show him who the manger was.

any date is okay, just follow the new rules and you will be fine

stab_rechy_mech Or should i| say Erwin stop creating accounts to support and bolster your own ego. If you want to insult the moderators for their decisions do it in person, there is no need to hide behind aliases I am tiring of it and its transparent.

It has come to my attention that all of the threads in the main board appear similair.

We have “favourite * threads” - filth!
Equipment threads.
History threads
Personality threads,
Policy / politics threads
Battle and operations threads
campaign threads

In every one of the subsections of the index. the problem is that these are divided along national lines. If i want to read about WW2 machine guns I have to vist each antional htread and hten find each machine gun post. If I were to have an equipemnt htread this would be simpler and faster.

Equally if i want to compare the thinking behind SeaLion…and say barbarossa or Overlord we would have to visit the UK the US and the German nationally defined threads as opposed to a imple trip to the “campaign” board.

If I want to know about the battles in North Africa or The ardennes I would have to visit the British thread the German thread the French thread and the “other military units” thread. If it was to be based on “theatres” tyhen navigation would be alot simpler and moderating would be more easily facilitated.

We have people that know an awful lot oabout weaponry and equipment - people that specialise in history and econmic patterms, some of the guys here are serving soldeirs and can offer alot of information on campaigns and manouvers However the moderating staff are not able to use hteir expertise because the area they are asked to cover is so broad. In the Russian military thread for instance the MOD requires knowledge of the working parts of a PPSH, an understanding of the Caucasus geography, an awareness of the inner machinations of Stalins Politburo, not to mention an interest in the Red army as a whole!

I think it would be better if Moderators were only involved in their specialist areas of interest: not the larger national level as it is nigh impossible to be a master of so many disciplines.


This is a very good point.
Few people - if any - specialise in countries because there is generally an outside influence in tactics, eqpt, wpns, etc.
Battles, Ops and campaigns normally have more than one nation in them - especially in WWII.

It might be possible to put links to other fora on the various threads, if anyone’s switched on enough to find decent software for it.

Reference the PM notification, is it possible to make the ‘Private Messages’ text in the banner at the top of each page change colour when a PM is received ?

I have also been receiving notifications of PMs but on checking there has been nothing there - any ideas ?

Im having a computer glitch everytime I type anything in response to IRONMAN I get the phrase

"investigate sex and travel"

tagged onbto the bottom of my post.

This is not intentional and I hope the problem can be remdied before I lose favour with the Moderators.
the simplest solution I feel would be to ban IRONMAN.

Sure… And don’t be speaking of banning IRONMAN, you don’t have that power.

no really - :shock:

not my fault, I just thought id let you know my computer was having a problem. :shock:

Im not going to be in trouble am I? :frowning:

Wait were you actually being serious :lol:


Would it be possible to have an ‘appeals’ thread for those who get warnings, where they have a few hours or a day to give their reasoning for whatever they have done wrong and maybe get the warning/removal of posts etc removed?

Doesn’t sound like a great idea to me, but ask FW.

Think it would be a good idea in some cases - for instance where British humour isn’t understood by one of the non-British mods and a warning is given for what was (to the British users) clearly a joke.

If we had an appeal process for warnings, the warn-ee could say to the warn-er - “look it’s a British joke, it’s not an insult” and undeserved warning would not have to be given.

Just an update. As you can see for youself that the site is doing well. Please feel free to make more suggestions.

Forum Statistics
Number of posts: 10148 Posts per day: 64.23
Number of topics: 414 Topics per day: 2.62
Number of users: 266 Users per day: 1.68
Tue Jul 12, 2005[/quote]

As you can see the site is continuing to improve greatly. Im glad to see it. Here are the current stats. As you can see all number are improving. Plus ive have noticed more activity on the board. Seems i cant log on now without new posts in all the forum. Thats just wonderful. Keep up the good work guys. We have alot of great posters now. Thanks

Number of posts: 13273 Posts per day: 75.44
Number of topics: 535 Topics per day: 3.04
Number of users: 303 Users per day: 1.72
Board started: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:58 pm

As of July 30, 2005.[/quote]

Just another update…sorry i really need to go thru here and read alot more stuff. Will try and do this soon. Any here is the current state of the board. As you can see we are still growing…happy to see that. Although just at a glance there seems to be a bit of disorganization lately.

Number of posts: 18700 Posts per day: 96.12
Number of topics: 689 Topics per day: 3.54
Number of users: 350 Users per day: 1.80
Board started: Fri Feb 04, 2005 12:58 pm Made Aug 18[/quote]

Number of posts: 26489 Posts per day: 110.56
Number of topics: 920 Topics per day: 3.84
Number of users: 421 Users per day: 1.76

October 2nd … board progress.


Think it would be a good idea in some cases - for instance where British humour isn’t understood by one of the non-British mods and a warning is given for what was (to the British users) clearly a joke.

If we had an appeal process for warnings, the warn-ee could say to the warn-er - “look it’s a British joke, it’s not an insult” and undeserved warning would not have to be given.[/quote]

I think we should “internationalize” the forum and most of its posts to be better for the understanding of any visitor/member of this forum,its better to share and we can also adapt most of the messages without lossing the real sense of it.
i think this would be better to improve the comunication between the entire comunity of ww2incolor forums.

Think it would be a good idea in some cases - for instance where British humour isn’t understood by one of the non-British mods and a warning is given for what was (to the British users) clearly a joke.

If we had an appeal process for warnings, the warn-ee could say to the warn-er - “look it’s a British joke, it’s not an insult” and undeserved warning would not have to be given.[/quote]

We been thinking about that but I really dont want to tell someone their appealrequest has been denied do to article 9 section … :smiley: More or less dont want the "he got his repealed why cant i have mine repealed. However I do agree with you. We were thinking maybe if you are good for 3 months you can have one removed or something.

How about a sticky thread somewhere prominent where new guys can introduce themselves?