Support for people affected by Hurricane Katrina


search “sarcasm” in the dictionary.

the democrats didn’t movilize because the republicans are at the power!

  • FEMA is not a “1st Responder” Organization, they are setup to only coordinate the local and state relief activities.

  • The Troops had to be invited in by the Governor of Louisiana. That is what George W was trying to get done.

-You are blaming George W because YOU really don’t understand the roll and responsibilities of FEMA, Troops and how they relate to the States.

Were there failures? Sure, but it starts at the City, County & State levels…

If you don’t believe me, go listen to the National news, the truth is coming out…

Erwin, How about posting what your beloved Democrats did?? Things like this happen when people depend to much on the Government. If the big Earthquake hits here in California, I can take care of my family as long as it takes to get help.

Erwin - do you seriously believe what you have said? At the moment it just looks like a troll post in response to Mike and Cdo Jord arguing.

Not in New Orleans or Louisiana they’re not - they’re Democrats. Do you understand the federal system? Tiered responsibility?

Order of responsibility:

Local - mayor (black Democrat). Has to ask the next level of responsibility for help. Didn’t do it. Didn’t apply Louisiana’s emergency plan, as was his duty. Ignored the president’s suggestion to evacuate. Blamed everyone else.
State - Governor (Democrat). Has to ask the next level for help. Didn’t do it (in fact turned some of it down).
Federal - President. Has no power to help unless asked for by the lower levels of government.

All I can assume is that either you don’t have a clue about how the US system works, or were trolling.

This just on FOX NEWS… the Red Cross has reported that Louisiana Homeland Defense (the state not the FED & DEMOCRAT controlled) would not let the Red Cross deliver food and water to the SuperDome. “It would only encourage the people to stay and they wanted them out of there”.

Say what you will about Bush but this is criminal and wrong on so many levels. Man of Stoat was right on with the above post.

Erwin like others we know from this site, does not let FACT or REASON stand in his way for a good story. :slight_smile:

This has nothing to do with politics but with the idiotic actions of our president and others lower than him. Republican, Democratic, the local Government doesn’t matter, that’s the only case in which I would vote for a Republican, a Mayor or lower. Crazy republican Fanatics, this is Clinton all over again with you mike. :roll: Yeah, you know, the one that eats babies and kicks puppies? Only the cute ones too…

What the heck does that mean? Read the posts Stalingrad, I know it hurts to see your beloved democrats are more fucked up than a soup sandwich. :lol: :lol:

Read man of Stoats post, admit it the Democraps dropped the ball.

From your quotes it sounds like your going to some very strange churches, not very mainstream :shock: Maybe your parents were right. :wink: Im sure there are lot’s of people who hate Australia too. The world is full of hate and people who preach hate…look at Jessie Jackson. As for…Fighting with people who were mocking the aussies for having no pretzels in pubs. Ill be nice and not tell you what I think of that. :?[/quote]

First of all the church i go to is the second biggest christian church in australia, its wonderful ministry… nothing you could understand Mike.
My parents were right, yes, but i can say the same about them… they hate the french literally… i just dislike the USA government.

Also… i dont know anyone personally that hates the aussies :smiley: , only the al quaida and you Mike. :roll:

Now I understand your hate. Your just jealous because you see our system working. Another thing…I think your story about the church you visited in the USA is a made up bull shit story.
Sorry pard…I just call them like I see them. :?

Yes, which is why you have a mass-murderer (Rummel reckons 4,017,000 democides for Lenin) in your signature line, who achieved equality-of-the-lowest-common-denominator by killing successful people off, then instigated a system of privilidge based on political reliability and party membership rather than on individual merit.

For god’s sakes, grow up! Communism has a 100% failure rate, yet still appeals to economically-illiterate youths who see Govt as a potential extension of the gift-economy in which they live in with their parents. It doens’t work like that in real life, which is why ALL communist countries oppress their people, have to lie to them through propaganda, and have atrocious human rights records.

If you really like the ideal of living in a police state where you cannot criticise the government on pain of imprisonment or execution, where religion is abolished and its remaining followers persecuted, where privilidge is meted out to members of the regime for loyalty, where people starve to death, and where working harder gets you no tangible reward, please move to North Korea.


Oh please Comrade Commando, you are the one preaching hate not me. Just curious how old are you?

Oh please Comrade Commando, you are the one preaching hate not me. Just curious how old are you?[/quote]

Edited: Also

Yea, that was a bonehead idea. However, New Orleans was built in the 17th century by the French.


I know what you mean! The US is doing us all in. It’s time to break into the local gun store (if your county permits you to own one that is) and stock up on supplies. We have only 4 years left to live as we know it! Bush will soon declare himself King of the World and march on evey nation. They foretold it in the Bible:

“Bush 9:11 And the king of the west shall raise his mighty armies to admonish those who did not conform. The Eagle shall smash all opposers into pimple goo and build a new kingdom of condoms and pork-and-beans in the east.”

Because that’s where the French looked around in the 17th century and thought, “Hey, this is the perfect place!”

Unfortunately, it continued to grow there, and by that time, well, it was too late to move it.

So, you are saying that because it took a few days for the American aid to get there that they wrere reluctant to give it?

Please. Be realistic now. The US by far gave more than any other nation in the world to help the victims of the tsunami, as the US has always done for countries who have had disasters. I find your attitude deplorable. Americans are generous people, and have done much to help others. Right now, the US feeds, free of charge, hundreds of thousands of people in other countries of world every single day. No other nations does that my friend. What do we ask in return for it? Nothing. Nothing at all.

The United States has a black woman (Condoleza Rice) as Secretary of Defense because President Bush appointed her to the job. it would seem that you are believing too much of the rhetoric of others. You should not be so gullible.

Patent Clerk, the President of the Unioted States has the authority to direct every departmane or agency head to do whatever he tells them to do. He can, if he sees fit, deploy all of the US’s military and humanitarian resources without consulting Congress or any agency of the US government. I think it is you that does not have a clue.

Actually IRONMAN, he can deploy the forces, but they can’t see combat until he authorized by Congress or a unanimous vote to go to war. So in turn, he must consult Congress for some things. Like the 51.8 Billion dollar emergency budget that Congress authorized for the use of the recovery in the south.