The forum faces.

This is a picture of me in the middle of January in my father’s Dessert Camo Uniform

well… at least so far no one is ugly! Most forums I post in it’s not that way… once you see what everyone looks like, you sorta wish that you could UNsee things… LOL.

Ajusted when needed any good shooter can hit a target withought sights I have and will again its called “point and shoot” plus we were just about to finish flushing out the rest of the “Boshe” from the Castle in Celles Belgium :wink:

I laugh me and my father a very experienced shooter and marksman he and I used to compete using the same opticed up Minin 14 he would use the scope n I would look under the scope through the peep sight unajusted mind you he would miss the cans we had set up I would make them dance he used the scope and bolth the sights hed maybe hit one or 2 I would make them dance =) He Alwase said I must have inherited the ability from Gramps LOL Gramps hould hit anything with any weapon he used to prove this by taking a Dime putting it in the nook of a tree limb turn do 50 paces turn shoot once and hit it.

The photo is my Grandfather as XO and forward observer for H co somtime after the Failaise Pocket and before the Bulge most likely in Belgium.
photo is copyright Anthony J Prahl 1944. any use of this photo is by express permission of me.

Oh my friend- yo do not even guess about the possibilities of photosop:)
I’ve watched the movie when the face of tupical fat and ugly woman was tranformed into the face of the Playboy magazine model:)
This was a quite amazing:)
But i can’t do this yet:)So yo pretty right- the resault will be the same…

This is a picture of me in the middle of January in my father’s Dessert Camo

Thanks, nice uniforms there.

well… at least so far no one is ugly! Most forums I post in it’s not that way… once you see what everyone looks like, you sorta wish that you could UNsee things… LOL.

:D, usually computer freaks arent good looking.

The photo is my Grandfather as XO and forward observer for H co somtime after the Failaise Pocket and before the Bulge most likely in Belgium.

That is a very good picture, but this is not “Our grandfathers faces”.

mine is on the previous page did it to show the resemblence

Up to what range?

And at what targets?

I have sufficient, and consistently disappointing, experience to say that at about 25 yds you’re doing very, very well to point and shoot (i.e. snap shooting from the hip) a killing shot at a running rabbit with a .410 / 20 / 12 gauge shotgun. Although you can scare a lot of them almost to death.

I can also attest that point and shoot with a 7.62 SLR at about the same range is vastly less impressive with small animals, but rather more impressive with larger animals but still a long way short of inevitably fatal, although it improves dramatically with an M60, where the absence of pointing is made up for by the volume of shooting.

Great pic of your grandpa…thanks for posting

I’ll put it this way My Grandfathers buddy hit a german forward observer 2 times in the head form 800 yards with Iron sights I used to shoot at cans at 175 + yards and leave the sight alone so much of shooting is knowing your weapon and ammo if you have shot as many and as much as I have in 36 years of life you can hit a deer running at 500 yards 99% of good shots use the guess where factor IE if you know your weapon how the round is effected by wind and range you usually hit your target with the first shot Me I used to shoot allmost every other day at home with anything rangeing from k-98s to hk 91’s to M-15 to colt 1911’s to ppks to you name it I laugh so many people want to know but how many of you have ever fired a weapon yet alone field stipped it I can do it in my sleep.

So what targets usually the steel card faces we had in the back yard and we could shoot at them from ten feet to 500 yards more if I wanted to piss of the neibors, all with Iron sights for me I never miss and I use my judgement to ajust my fire who has time to ajust a sight in combat anyway?

Here is the link for the article on Lt John Shelby make note I have the German’s Binoculars in my possetion.

also called looking where you bullet hits nice with semi auto and full auto weapons. If your only looking down the sight with one eye closed how much you going to see? I use bolth eyes and I use the weapon as an extention of my body I can place 10 inch groups with a handgun at 15 yards withoput aiming and can put groups in 3 or 4 inch circles if I do. I have friends who shoot for the olympic team we trade secrets. its mostly just instinct to tell you the truth you either have it or you dont.

I agree, but I was shooting from the age of 7 and the first thing I shot was a 1916 Webly pistol with Dad’s help of course n belive it or not I hit the target with my very first shot people have challenged me many many times to see if I was full of it and they were proven wrong I havent shot for years and just this winter was challeneged hit a can in the dark from 15 yards with the first shot with a co2 pellet gun pistol. and you know how un accurate they are a 9mm is crap to me, I prefer 45 cal 1911 hand gun,a clean weapon will be more accurate that a dirty one also wear and time on weapons is alwase a factor to but if you shoot allot like I have growing up you learn how all the different weapons are and amunitions too, I used to like to plink with various rifels at 125 yards and up just for fun dad said he would hate to be on the reciving end of any weapon I was handeling my farthest shooting was in the 500 yard range and the grouping gets large at that range when it is windy or if you have bad ammo… also depends on the rifel and the rifeling me I love semi autos lots of lead in the air fast. Try a black powder long gun at 175 yards you practially pointing the thing a good foot above what you are shooting at to hit.

My fav weapons the ruger mini 14 and the Garand to this day, I still hate the M-16 varients that damn recoil spring making a racket right by your head. I prefer single shots semi auto not full auto, full auto is to waste ammo and scare the enemy more than place accurate directed single shot fire, but being quick in tough situations is important and having lots of practice at shooting (responding) fast while having the weapon at your sholder, and not have to squint and look through your sight helps your survivability, I have practiced this allot, mostly just for fun.
I’d rather have wood n steel any day than plastic n metal.
There has been many a time where I look down the left side of the weapon and aim not using the sight but watching where the bullet hits and correct from there, just cause a weapon has sights doesnt mean it has been sighted in I also ajust my weapons to me and not to the weapon. and again its mostly instinct and knowing your weapon either you are in controll of it or you might as well just throw the damn thing at the object and hope you hit it LOL

You must be a wonderful shot. I envy you Americans and your ability with guns. We find it difficult to acquire them in the UK and could never get that kind of practice and experience in on a daily baseis even if we had access to the guns. Thank you, sir.

I’ve entered it into my personal organiser, sir.

make note one of my Favorite rifels to shoot was a MK III lee enfield from 1916 one of the most accurate moose deer guns I ever shot.

LOL! I’ll post the pics of it when I dig through the mess I have here at home.

it just take practice and knowing your weapon and in Vermont n NH there are some big open places with very little brush or trees I was just making an example BTW eyesight is also a factor some of us can see deer very clearly at that range and if your using 308 or 306 home loads with a accurate shooter you should be able to hit anything within reason with iron sights (is John Shelby cab do it so can I) I dont like scopes all they do is get in the way hunting and then again where is the challenge? and if its windy no way forget it not possible at 500 yards, zero wind chances are good to dead on but never 100% and if you dont know how to sight a scope or ajust it what is the point anyway? If I was in the service now I would request sniper school and preferably us a Barret semi auto 50 cal with the latest optics, you can shoot an object from over a mile away n rember a lighter bullet will travel faster farther than a heavy one… my average shots were at prolly 350 yards and less cos it’s not often you have nice wide open spaces in the North east but then agin our biggest field was 750 yards from the back door open space, unlike where I live now in Sweden its open and flat here for sometimes 2 miles or more the MOOSE ARE HUGE!The DEER ARE small (mule deer here =/) but then again I havent hunted since 2004 here.

All I can say is Practice practice practice and its also knowing when you have a chance at making the shot or not an I have missed pleanty of times because an animal has changed direction at the last min…but then again I have hit too aim for the upper chest neck and a little towards the sholder depending on the range and position of the animal you should hit em in the breast cavity its pretty fatal n if you use soft tip rounds should stop em dead in their tracks. plus a deer only runs if it is spooked deer runiing at 500 yards is like aiming 3 yards ahaead when you squeez the trigger looks like 2 to 3 inches to the human eye at that range as I said its mostly guess work and knowing your weapon I suggest you get a batch of 500 rounds of the ammo you use to hunt and go to the range and practice like hell I used to shoot 500 rounds of 7.62/39 in an sitiing when I was a teen n that was with a AKS or Ak 47 with a 35 round mag fun as hell n good practice cos they are a 375 yard or less round they dropp like rocks after that range. I dunno I guess I am a redneck and I have been spoiled by a father who was a gun smith I grew up loading ammo building weapons and having fun in the woods plus I love weapons and shooting them practice makes perfect make note there were winter growing up that if we didnt kill something we didnt eat so you have to factor in that too.
Hunger makes for a pretty good motivator and growing up in the woods helps, I never hunt for sport I hunt for food.

Absoutely fascinating. And since the age of seven years, was it not?

My only memory of the age of seven - which was only a few years ago - was my first Holy Communion. It stays with me because Father Cassidy said that from then on, I would become a sinner - terrifying.

I did have the odd catapult and pea-shooter, but after my first combat experience with a pea-shooter, I decided it was too dangerous. You see, I shot a pea up the nose of John Clancey. he wasn’t able to extract it for hours. He screamed and screamed in pain, quite terrifying to listen to, it was. Eventually, though, he managed to have it removed. then I was the one screaming in pain when he took retribution.

Now I shoot a longbow. I can shoot it instinctively, as you describe, up to about thirtyish yards, and then I have to become more deliberate with my aiming. About one hundred yards is my maximum. I would need a more powerful bow to shoot farther, and I haven’t developed the body strength, as yet, for it.

Still, I’m interested in those secrets you and your chums exchange. Are they about combat and killing people? You must have killed lots of people, sir, being such a good shot, and all?

I find the ability to use a bow a lot more impressive than shooting that takes more skill in my opinion, and for the most part I target shoot for practice, shooting people in combat isnt something one talks about in general, it’s a thing one would rather forget, than reminiss about.

   No secret really just understanding gereral physics a small light bullet will have more diflection than say a small heavy one its bacsic physics, watching your environment is key paying attention to which way the wind is moving and how strong the wind is, how fast a target is moving etc.. and most importantly knowing your weapon, having practiced with it for months on end and shooting lots of the same batches of ammo make for perfect shots.

     I have had ammo dud out on me it's not fun, Thats all it take to become a causuality in war, hence clean your weapon know it like you know your hand treat it with great respect its a dangerous thing in the right persons hands, and even more dangerous in the hands of somone who doesnt know what they are doing. 

   Anyone with enough practice can shoot a target and have good groupings at 500 yards snipers shoot at 1000+ yards and over on a daily basis its what they are expected to do. I am at the moment trying to start a small company building custom M-1 Garands from new and servicable parts they made sniper versions of the Garand and some even saw combat in WW II. Me for long range presion shooting still think a well built springfield 1903 with home loads is the best rifel ever built but then again I a partial to them had one in the family since I was born n my father has owned several thousand rifels and shotguns and pistols in his and my lifetime currently he collects Finnish winter war rifels and Russian Moisen Nagant PE sniper rifels not to mention Swedish Johansen rifels and yes I have been shooting since the age of 7 and recived my first rifel a savage 22 semi auto at the age of 9 and built a 12 gauge shotgun from parts at age 11, so I suppose I would be a rare breed it all seems so normal to me but then again I grew up in the country there wasnt much else to do exept go hunting porcupines and rodents with 22s and shotguns mostly to keep the dogs from gettiing quilled we used to give the porqupines to a local abnaqui indian woman who made jewlry out of the quils and ate the meat. deer are plentiful in VT hell we never had to go far or shoot far they used to walk right into the back yard most kills were taken at under 100 yards but we have had some nice long range kills to back in the day and again I say I never hunted for sport mostly for food excluding the rodents that could cause damage to the dogs or fields.

Killing people is not something to relish it’s just the sad fact of war people have to die better them than me.
Also rember most shooting combat takes place in under 375 yards hunting less long range hunting can only be done in remote areas because of the chances of people being hurt or killed so make note anytime I have been out hunting and taking a long shot is because the circomestances permitted it and nothing else now if I had only been smart enough to take a camera with me back then =/ but then again it’s not often I have talked about this stuff only with Dad and a few other gun nut’s

I’m currently in the process of getting parts to build a nice new garand from parts it’ll be a non natioanl match shooter built for me for fun and to see if I can hit the 1000 yard mark with a scope on a custombuilt Garand using stock parts mius a stainless steel reciver and preformance 308 barrel. :wink:

mine is on the previous page did it to show the resemblence

Sorry about that, nice picture there, welcome to our forum. :wink: