The forum faces.

What resemblance? Me and Sean Bean?:wink:


Talk about conceited!

George Eller really blew your head!

Youā€™re less like Sean Bean, and more like Mr Bean! :smiley:


Nice railway station.

If the shops in the background were shabbier, itā€™d pass for somewhere in the Dandenongs down here.

The local shopping centre has fallen on hard times because of three super shopping centres close by. The shop behind my left shoulder has been under renovation off and on for ten years, not helped by the local vandals.

However overall itā€™s a good place to live, no where near like some of the outer suburbs, but soon weā€™re on the move to a better locale.

And no my dear RS it hasnā€™t gone to my head at all. i tried to convince George Eller I got a pretty good battering with the ugly stick before I was born, but heā€™d have nothing of it:shock::slight_smile:


George is an American. :wink:

He doesnā€™t understand that heā€™s judging you against the average Yank, where you measure up very nicely, and not the stunningly handsome bronzed Anzac where youā€™re, well, not quite there. :wink: :smiley:

Bronzed Aussie! I was never there mate! Battering ram in the footie side, sure.:slight_smile:


I thought that was a Kiwi pastime. :smiley:


Misread ā€˜batteringā€™ as ā€˜butteringā€™. :smiley:

I canā€™t quite get my finger on what Iā€™m thinking of, but could be a touch of the Hopoates there. :wink:

Just shows you how soft modern football has become. If that had happened in the era I played he would have been very headless, very quick.:shock:


Digger is a rather tough, scrappy looking --heā€™d be the perfect Sergeant Majorā€¦

The picure RS mistook for his lost mother. :smiley:

Talk about conceited!

George Eller really blew your head!

Youā€™re less like Sean Bean, and more like Mr Bean! :D[/QUOTE]


And I stand by that :wink:

Digger is a rather tough, scrappy looking --heā€™d be the perfect Sergeant Majorā€¦[/QUOTE]

Iā€™ll go along with that :wink: :slight_smile:

they should give Sean Beanā€™s parts to our Digger, he looks far more authentic in the roles. Just give him a back pack mini gun, and wahoo!

There is someone DIgger looks more like to me than Sean Bean and I cannot remember his name, but he always plays a bad guy I THINKā€¦ at the moment I canā€™t think of what he has acted inā€¦

I knew he was in a movie I just saw in the past month of soā€¦ I think this is the guy, Chris cooper, he was in Breach and The Kingdom.

heheh to ME anyway


if I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, I think Iā€™d rather have you on my side than Sean Bean, anyday. Heā€™s just a Yorkshire wuss - they donā€™t even have adecent football team in Sheffield. :slight_smile:

You guys kill me. LMFAO. And here I was thinking my looks are rather unique!

Just a bit of background to the pic. We were on our way to a rock concert and the girls wanted some incriminating pics. My boots are steel capped and as we were in the mosh pit, they were protection against any drunken/stoned yobbos and their big feet. Also if said yobbos got aggressive a pair of size11ā€™s stops them pretty quick;)

Fortunately there were no dramas and it was a great concert.


Ha ha ha.:slight_smile:
That why you wear a so big boots:)
You use it as protection:)This is geniously. I.m sure the serious danger view of your boot have scared a lot of peoples around:)
Mate i know you have the other good photos. Why have you shown to us that photo where you look like just released from a prison criminal with basketball boots of 56 size;)
You are very intelligent and gentle man indeed.
Show us you real face:)
Or do you offer me to use the the photosop again:)

Chevan my friend, you can photochop me all you want, but the result will still be the same!:shock::slight_smile:


Here is my ugly mug who says officers didnt carry garands or fight up front?
ā€œLead By example others will followā€

Lt. Anthony J Prahl 16th regiment 1st Infantry Divison WW II

I reenact my grandfathers life as an Infantry Officer and forward observer in WW II I am also a 1st Divison researcher and Historian.

Dont believ everything you read it usually wasnt written by someone who was there.

Hence why I use my Grafathers accounts and the accounts of his men and fellow Officers and AARā€™s History Reports and S-3 reports for my up coming Book ā€œThe Long Road Homeā€ an historical account of the actions of Captain Anthony J Prahl, H and I Companies 16th regiment WW II. 1943-1945. Silver Star, Bronze Star w/ 3 OLC, CIB, American Campain Medal, ETO ribbion with Arrow and 5 Campain Stars, German Occuaption medal with Germany Clasp,PUC with OLC, Belgian Forrgerre, French Forgerre in the colors of the Medal Militaire. Served 1942 to 1953 R.I.P 1910 to 1983

He was also Samuel Fullers CO during the fight for Dawsons ridge in the NE sector of Aachen (Known as Elindorf Ridge)

Good picture, but arenā€™t your rear-sights down? :slight_smile: