The forum faces.

Now that’s really perverted! :shock:

Mate, if you pull that trigger in that position, you ain’t gonna have children. :smiley:

Obviously he hunt the fishermans:)
BTW good photo PK.
It seem you alone here who post entire serias of photos.YYou don’t fear of critic and gibes:)

Wery well, coz our concealed friend Rising Sun still fear to show his honest face:)

Fear of critic ? why ? I am perfect.
The “concealed face” of Rising S could be a need, you know how skilled he is irritating people. :smiley:

And 32Bravo, I agree, to shoot a hare is almost a crime considering the leftist still at large in Argentina, unfortunately that dangerous game is protected by law, and I am a law abbiding hunter , If not I would gladly bring down some dozen with well aimed headshots.

Oh! You were shooting it? Sorry! My mistake!

Do rabbits taste good?

Yes they do, but they dont taste like chicken. and, you cant complain to the cook if you find a hare in your food…:slight_smile:

Even too perfect:)We all saw it.
But lack of feeling of humour creat a lot of probems for you:)
Why do you take everything about your person literally?
You getting annoyed- then peoples make laugh with you:)

The “concealed face” of Rising S could be a need, you know how skilled he is irritating people. :smiley:

Actually RS know how to be the awl in ass:)
Nevertheless ,he never tryed to irritate somebody(exept that one who banned him in a forum:))
And i rather understand him coz you know why:)

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

However, my current policy is

Do rabbits taste good?

Actually they do, the hares are better, but the supreme delikatessen is the partrigde, it grow with fine grain of the pampas, 3 or 4 of them in a iron pot, with some pepper, oregan and red wine…hmmm, yummy.

To be honest I rarely eat the rabbits, is the custom to gave away some gift for the land owner of the hunting ground, so…there go the rabbits.

However, my current policy is

Not a bad one.

Rabbits aren’t even poor man’s chicken here now (although chicken used to be a luxury here until about forty years ago but it’s long been the cheapest meat, thanks to KFC and McDonalds), with less meat, more bones, and a gamier taste, but a lot easier to skin than plucking chooks. Just sleeve them, then put the skins inside out on U frame wires to cure to sell for hat fur, which is what we used to do.

Eaten plenty of them and don’t much care for them. Used to be in butcher’s shops and even fish shops when I was a kid and always sold in pairs, which tells you how little meat there is on them, but I haven’t seen even one in a shop for twenty or more years. Nobody misses them, except people who haven’t eaten them and want to try some provincial French recipe for rabbit.

Rabbits used to be a plague here, courtesy of idiots introducing them from England when they had no natural predators here until the same idiots introduced foxes so they could ride to hunt and then the foxes got stuck into the local wildlife. Check the astronomical growth of a few rabbits into billions until we put myxo into them.

I have family photos from the 1930’s of rabbits herded up like this (my photos are under about five feet of heritage under the house) in pens on good farming land, which they were steadily destroying by eating feed and by degrading the soil by starting erosion with their burrows, to be clubbed to death by farmers. They couldn’t afford the cost of shooting them in the Depression, although rabbits were cheap food for the poor then.

EDIT: Not only can’t I show the photo that was shown when I posted, I can’t even access it now due to some weird controls on that site. Sorry. That must be the only site that thinks a rabbit photo is valuable!

This is what happened when the the rabbit won control of the land, by eating everything else out.

The policy isn’t subject to my exclusive copyright.

Anyone can use it.

If they don’t, I’ll just continue to be like Australia’s uniquely large collection of deadly snakes, most of which won’t cause you any trouble if you leave them alone. :wink:

Looks like you carry them as shot.

There’s an easier way.

Everyone here who was a serious shooter used to put a slit between the hamstring and bone on the hind leg and push the other hind leg through the slit, then carry them on a belt or pole between the hind legs. You can carry a lot of rabbits that way.

The years have been kind to you, old chap! :smiley:

Actually, that was taken twenty years ago, when I still had hair, and hadn’t put on weight.

Is that a rabbit gun with a big rubber shoulder pad or a shotgun (which it looks like with the thickness of the barrel but that might just be shadow) with a scope on it?

Thank God for that!

I was beginning to feel as if I was the only naturally bald-headed, fat bastard on the site! :smiley:

You are.

It happened to me unnaturally.

Glands, you know. :smiley:

Does that red dot mean that I’ve been traced?

That is actually a pre-compressed. air .22 rifle ( the picture is not mine but is the same model I have) The power is a like a .22 long rifle cartrigde but no registration need, that is why is becaming so popular to hunt with those.

The under barrel is used to hold the compressed air, pressure 185-190 kg per square centimeter.

Sounds like the Argentinian government is run by clowns of the same idiotic quality that run my government, such as illogical rules here on the power of cars for new drivers which allow them to drive some serious machinery but keep them out of lesser beasts.