The forum faces.

Are you serious? When the hell did Argentina last win a war, and how does that compare to Russia?

Well, Russia wins wars like Homer Simpson does Boxing fights :smiley:

Are you serious? When the hell did Argentina last win a war, and how does that compare to Russia?

The civil population of Soviet russia were sheeps, because the communist regime does not allowed the private owning of weapons ( firearms if that case) unlees you lived in rural areas.
Well, unfortunately that is not only a prerrogative of the USSR as you might know…:rolleyes:
How to compare soviet Russian with todays Argentina ? well there is no comparison. Moreover, I think there is no point of comparison between the modern Russian and the Modern Argentina, we can critize our goverment without fear of being thrown in jail or being killed by a sicar.

You need to softening your springs Pdf…you are “jumping” too fast lately, maybe you are hanging out too often with Cuts or Man of stoat …quite a threesome…quite a threesome.

I hope that planning attacks against forum members is the only private game you all might have, because other things…

Aha ha ha :slight_smile:
That’s why your “mans” have been controlled by the pro-fascist Junta till the most 1982.:slight_smile:
And how you “can defend” Brits have brightly demonstrated to all at that same year…
Few British ariborn brigades OWNED your second-hand “mans” HOW MUCH thay wish and EVERYWHERE they can find them:)

You need to learn a lesson of politeness.
Besides your ugly humor looks too banal:(

Has Homer Simpson ever been in Berline TWICE just like Russians?:slight_smile:

Ha-Haaaaa, oh geez your killin’ me Chevan. Very funny stuff. (My sides hurt from laughing) Bicycles will be banned soon, its been determined that riding a bicycle causes too much carbon dioxide to be put into the atmosphere. They are all to be melted down, and made into the Mexican border security wall. (and beer cans.) :slight_smile:

Any idea what other things your accusing PDF of apart from planning to attack you?

I think you need to take a look at your own private agenda lately and think before you post some of your nonesense concerning conspiracies etc.

Not quite.

Where’s that soccer sheila with the big knockers and the blue and white top you posted that I fell in love with a while back? :wink:

If she’s a sheep, I wouldn’t mind getting into her wool. :smiley:

RS you really give the sheep a break.

No longer satisfied by Oz sheep, now you fancy the latin variety. :slight_smile:

Nah, you can’t go past New Zealand sheep.

Well, maybe you can, but I can’t.

They’ve been trained for generations by Kiwis to stand quietly with their hind legs in a bloke’s gumboots (Wellies), ideally on a cliff top as it makes them push back, while a lonely shepherd does what a lonely shepherd does with his woolly love. :wink:

Aha ha haAnd how you “can defend” Brits have brightly demonstrated to all at that same year

I never talked about war, war was introduced by Pdf in the conversation.

That’s why your “mans” have been controlled by the pro-fascist Junta till the most 1982

Probably because many people like it :rolleyes: buy aniway why I waste my time with trolls ?. I am weak, I am weak.

Where’s that soccer sheila with the big knockers and the blue and white top you posted that I fell in love with a while back?

Here you go:


Thank you. :smiley:

Oh really? What you actually said was below, and in it you imply that Argentinians are big roughty toughty types and the Soviets are a bunch of weeds. These would be the same Soviets who destroyed the Wehrmacht armed with little more than a rusty tin-opener.

Oh really? What you actually said was below, and in it you imply that Argentinians are big roughty toughty types and the Soviets are a bunch of weeds. These would be the same Soviets who destroyed the Wehrmacht armed with little more than a rusty tin-opener.

Nah, nah, nah, you missed all the context of the conversation ( and that is why one shouldnt get involved in others people conversation, that is unpolite…didnt you parents teach you that ?)
Chevan said he going to send me to the Gulag, and the gulag involved no war, but civilian arrested by goverment officers, that is why I said it wont to be easy, because in Argentina we have the right to defend ourselves and the tools to do that against the goverment injustices…rights and tools that werent in the hand of the inhabitants of Soviet Russia ( maybe still they dont have it). I Never talked about any war.

The war thing was introduced by you.


Thank you.

No problem.

No. But during WWII He singlehandedly cut off the Third Reich’s beer supply as the Americans approached from the west…

How, by drinking it all…?

That’s why i think the GULAG is the best place for you “rmans” ( and for you) who liked the Junta so much:)

, and the gulag involved no war, but civilian arrested by goverment officers, that is why I said it wont to be easy, because in Argentina we have the right to defend ourselves and the tools to do that against the goverment injustices…rights and tools that werent in the hand of the inhabitants of Soviet Russia ( maybe still they dont have it). I Never talked about any war.

He hE he
To whom are you going to tell fary tells?to Me or pdf?:wink:

… Martínez de Perón was ousted in 1976. Starting that year, the juntas led by Videla until 1981, and then by Roberto Viola and Leopoldo Galtieri, were responsible for the illegal arrest, torture, killing or forced disappearance of thousands of people, primarily trade-unionists, students and activists. Videla’s dictatorship referred to its systematized persecution of the Argentine citizenry as the “National Reorganization Process”.

Up to 30,000 people “disappeared” during this time.[1] Argentine security forces and death squads worked hand in hand with other South American dictatorships in the frame of Operation Condor. An Argentine court would later condemn the government’s crimes as crimes against humanity and “genocide”

No say ,boy, that the “right to defend ourselves and the tools to do that against the goverment injustices” saved life for those unhappy?
While the KGB was sending the OUR opposition to the Lunatic Asylums ( BTW the right place for 70% or them) , you Fascist Juntla didn’t even care about such formality - they MURDERED EVERYBODY who looks suspective.
Now tell TO OTHERS about “how your PROUD mans migh defend themself against the goverment injustices”.:mrgreen:
It seems your nasti Colonian Past has left a deep aftertaste in your head.

Thank to god he has not breaked the vodka supply to red army.:)To celebrate the V-Day in Berlin.

What do YOU think?