The forum faces.

Yeah, well, don’t we all feel that when trying not to vomit from the romanticism applied to the lives we actually live by people who aren’t here?

There are no fig leaves big enough for my huge head…

And once the genie is out of the bottle…

Then Chevan might substitute a banana leaf

Firefly wrote: “Mind you I dont own a Stetson either and Im sure all you Yanks do!”

No, most of us dont go in for stetson type headwear, thats mostly in the Southwest.the very idea of Yank, and stetson is mutually exclusive to most southerners.Uphere in da wooly north hey, we’s always wear a toque,or a hat made outta some kinda animal der hey.

I just have always liked the history of the UK very much, even before I started my genealogy and found out that we had any English or Scottish people in our family tree. I don’t think my husband really intends to wear the kilt to the grocery store, lol but he would like it for Highland games and ren faires. :slight_smile: Neither one of us own a cowboy hat, cowboy boots or a country music CD! LOL … but then again I wouldn’t assume all Scots own a kilt. lol.

actually within the US itself, the term Yankee is the total opposite of the southern cowboy/redneck.

I don’t know about romanticism. I try to be exposed to other cultures as much as I can via whatever means I have at my disposal. My husband has extensively traveled the world via the Navy, and I don’t know I assume your lives are “normal” and how they are dipicted as of today and not everyone sitting around in victorian dresses and kilts brandishing swords and roaming the fields. I mean, each place on Earth is different from the next, so what normal is varies but, I would say we do not have a romantic view of other places, history is history and not present.

However I can’t speak for the majority of Americans who you are probably correct in assume still think it’s like Braveheart over there in the streets because they saw it in a movie. lol.

If I remember my ‘Last of the Mohicans’ :slight_smile: correctly, isn’t ‘Yankee’ something to do with Native-Amercan language in some way?

A lot of people were wearing stetsons when I was in Montana, but, then, it was Stampede Season, and they may have been Southern tourists.

Keeo it clean, old chap - ladies present. :smiley:

Six of the best for you, my friend!

A little deceiving there my Friend, putting the edition without quotes make look like your post being edited.:roll:

Aniway I ve edited the picture posted by Digger because it was extremely nasty.

Maybe some day the older people here will understand what the topic is about.

If somebody is too scared to post a personal pic…well, please dont post any other.

you are correct, I did omit the northern part of the west, they do have occasion to wear them, they are in the minority once you get to the Mississippi river though. If you’d like, I’ll post one of me in a kilt, with a stetson, and cowboy boots, :slight_smile:

hahah nah that’s alright I am more foul than any of you could probably even think of being, don’t hold it in on my account! besides, lol sounds like wishful thinking to me. LOL

They do have their uses, but Scotland probably isn’t an appropriate place for them. Normandy or Vågsøy are probably more appropriate, depending on exactly how friendly the locals are!

Yes I know, I wasnt being festy, I just find it interesting. I spent over a month in Arizona in 2007 and was mildly surprised when using a PC in the Hotel for the Internet and one patron asked if we had internet in Scotland! ‘I’m sure we can manage to comprehend the Internet, we invented the feking steam engine and telephone for Feks sake, was the reply I wish I’d said’.

Mind you, if I had a pound for every American that liked my ‘IRISH’ accent I’d be a rich man. I usually reply to that one with something like, ‘Oh you Canuks can be so funny’.

Perceptions eh!!!

However, all joking aside, I have always had the warmest of welcomes and the best of treatment in the USA.

The invention of the steam engine, and telephone were vital to making best use of that other Scot invention, WHISKY!

hahah no drunk dialing!

We had a Scottish boy in our 5th grade class in Houston, Texas (1970 - 71). I think he was the class favorite - we all loved his accent. :slight_smile:

Speaking on the subject of “Yank” headgear, I would say that the stetson is not exactly the most common nation wide. If I had to pick one type of hat that is commonly worn in almost any region of the United States, it would probably be some form of baseball cap.

I remember at our high school in Texas (mid - late 1970’s), most kids taking “Ag” courses and FFA members wore “railroad engineer” or ball caps with their FFA denim jackets .

The only time I can remember seeing the stetson in really large numbers was at the annual Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

Here in Florida, your average “cracker” or “good ol’ boy” will probably be wearing a ball cap.

Not me, but definitely a ringer…