The forum faces.

My mother was a prot, so we ate whatever was put on the table. Also helped to confuse us and, as she would say, keep our feet on the ground.

Is that the Blarney Stone you’ve been snogging.

oh I wouldnt kiss the stone, I’ve heard what the locals do to it by night,

In the West, painful though it may be for you to learn, most of us have more than one tooth.

Per person, not per family. :smiley:

They just wash it down with the ‘Black stuff’ - recycling reached the Emerald Isle a long time go. :slight_smile:

It’s amazing mate…:slight_smile:
So may be you would wish to add that in the west you usially have more than one hair?:)Per person:)

One eye, one tooth and one ear to every three people - we like to share, it’s a Christian virtue.

Ahh, mate, you have it soft.

Our Da, he rented tooth from council on meat day each month.

Our Ma, she rented ear from council on hearing day each month.

Our Margaret, well, she tried to rent eye from council on seeing day but turned out council doesn’t rent eyes. Aye, Aye.

But how we could check it dear Bravo?:slight_smile:
We still did not see the any real photos of you or RS.

What can I say? That’s a genuine picture of me taken on Boxing Day (not the other week, but not long ago). Not good quality, I must confess, as when it comes to IT skills, I’m a bit of a dinosaur. The original scanned copy is clearer and larger than it appears, but it seems to have reduced in both size and qulity when I imported it.

The only meat day we had, was when we shared the tooth to eat the eye and the ear!

I don’t know weather or not to post a picture of me in my father’s military uniform or just regular photo of me or unleaded

Ha ha ha …excellent one:)
So this is you:)
It’s a great . Sorry for my hand breaking:)
Now you have finaly cool member as PZ and tankgezeer:)
You do not fear to post a photo.
Honestly speaking i thougth you a bit older ( about 10 years more) than in photo.I do not know why. May be coz you more polite and calm in forum for your age.

We’ve heard about Irish-Americans and your penchant for dressing up. Please try to remember that we chaps can be quite sensitive and easily shocked, except for the Antipodeans, thatis - they’re easily aroused!

How do you do that? I’m impressed!

I probably am older, the quality isn’t too good. I’ve aged well. Most of the chicks think I’m younger, but that’s also on account of my radiant smile, charismatic peronality and athletic performance. :slight_smile:

Prefer the Giants, myself.

Baesball: Chicago Whitesocks.

Now if you study closely, you will see the glass eyes, and the prosphetic(?)-thingie ears. :slight_smile:

But you are not smiling in that photo:)
Meanwhile the athletic perfomanse is very good for you. Truly aryan:)
Are you doing the athletic exercises?Bodybilding?Or something simular?

That photo was taken at 5a.m in Trinidad. I had just been for a run. I usually begin at 4a.m. when it’s still dark, before the sun gets upand it becomes really hot and humid - it’s hot anyway.

I keep fit by cycling, climbing, shooting a traditional- English longbow, and the odd visit to the Gym.

At last I see some new pictures :smiley:

The your is good Bravo but the the one by Rising S have a more relaxed attitude.

Who do I see? I see a lawyer! :slight_smile: