The 'holocaust',new thread..

Dani, I asked a question and I said it was ok. Not racist.
Dachau, fine. There were no "so-called “death camps” in Germany. Even your Simon Weisenthal the 'famous Nazi hunter admitted to that. He said they were all in Poland. I do not know how to paste and copy like y’ll do.So, I two finger it. And there were no Nazi banners. More propaganda.

The concentration camps were not death camps,unlike the Boer War where the concentration camps were, death camps.Some 26,000 ,unarmed woman and children died.

Did ya look up the Talmud yet?

And by the way,Your German friends CAN’T disagree. I do believe it is against the law there. The hooscow.

I think in the begginning the camps were for those that the Nazis considered politically and socially unworthy, that would be communists and Homosexuals etc. Thats not to say that many in the early 30’s didnt die in them.

As for the british concentration camps in S Africa, its true that thousands died in them, from neglect and disease. But it wasnt government policy to exterminate the populace, more the inepness of the shamefull British officials that run them, something that was brought to light in the British press of the day I may add. Thats not what happened in Nazi Germany.

Again, be so kind as to source your remarks. It is disingenuous to draw such close parallels between the use of concentration camps in the Boer war and the Second World War. Background reading will reveal considerable differences in intent.

Finally, please fulfill this request one way or the other: Either claim explicitly that you read the claim of four billion yourself from the Talmud in ancient hebrew or reference the book / website where you saw this claim. I say again that I have found no reputable source for the figure of four billion.

edit on re-reading Blitz’s remark above: The German Vernichtungslagern were not death camps, while the British concentration camps in the Boer war were? That’s either a typo or your most brazen lie to date. I’m beginning to think you’re trolling.

edited again to insert correct german term

Isnt he

. Even your Simon Weisenthal the 'famous Nazi hunter

Just Mr Weisenthal? Why would you put the word your in front of his name?

I see you try to come across as a reasonable guy, but let slip what your real thoughts may perhaps be?

Do you think Danni is a Jew?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Once I was named on this site “Dani, the killer of the Jews”. Now this guy thinks I am a Jew. :lol: :lol: :lol:

What means to be moderator!! This is a good one!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

No mate, I am not a Jew. As explain in OTHER thread (which obviously, you hadn’t time - or mood - for reading) I am Catholic Christian.

I’m still waiting on him to reference his sources. ‘Look it up’ isn’t a referencing technique I’m familiar with. A more suspicious mind might think he just trawls nazi websites and posts their claims here without even attempting debate.

Just Mr Weisenthal? Why would you put the word your in front of his name?

I see you try to come across as a reasonable guy, but let slip what your real thoughts may perhaps be?

Do you think Danni is a Jew?[/quote]

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Do you think Danni is a Jew?

Does it matter? Should it matter?

I personally feel that Blitz’s comments whereby he claims that Nazi concentration camps were not death camps unlike the British ones in South africa (an exceptional shameful incident in British history that IMHO is not publicised enough to British schoolchildren) is extremely distasteful and makes a mockery of the suffering endured by those who endured and in some cases died in those ghastly conditions. I think an apology should be forthcoming on this issue.

And to put into context similar number of British troops died at that time due to lack of care by the same command system. The concentration camps in SA was a method of denying food to the commandos not to deliberately kill the families, as in the case of nazi camps.

Blitz you seem to be using others crime committed by other nations (generally white) to justify the crimes of the nazi leadership. You have used the Romans, US policy against the Indians, US eugenics policy, which I think went on into the 50s, and now the British tactic in SA.

The crimes of the nazi leadership cannot be defended by saying “but they did this”. They are indefensible.

Judging by the amount of corpses left lying around (see the Dimbleby reference previously mentioned) I think that one could say that the eventual function of Belsen was extermination and that was in Germany.

OK Blitz, I’LL post what others are skirting around.
You are an apologist for a regime that caused Millions of deaths, a racist & a Holocaust denier of the worst kind.
Now kindly piss off back to the fantasy from whence you came.

Your kind deserve ANYTHING they get.


I read an interesting essay by Prof John C Zimmerman that addresses many of the claims made by deniers like Faurisson and Irving. I can’t post the link at the moment but if you search “Body disposal at Auschwitz” you will find though long it is well worth a read.

I’m too busy with work to get as involved with this topic as I would like and though I do like a heated debate find that this subject makes me feel too angry, I had similar feelings around the SS debate a few months back.

Ive come across a fair few apologists and deniers in my time, the vast majority being of the knuckle dragging type who should be glad that eugenics did’nt really catch on post war as they would have been prime candidates for gonadectomy.

Topor I think Meat loaf said it best in that song from the Bat out of Hell Album," you took the words right out of my mouth".

Body Disposal

The essay is clearly referenced at all times and the arguments are developed logically from consistent start points. I second LargeBrew’s recommendation wholeheartedly, having read the essay for the first time this morning.

Just finished reading it, agree with Crab, also Topor seems to have hit the nail where it does the most use…

On the subject of concentration camps as a means of extermination I think that you’ll find that the Germans pretty much invented the idea in modern times.

It wasn’t in Europe against the Jews though, but in South West Africa (now Namibia) against the Herero natives. This is one of the most sickening examples of colonial excess after the Belgian Congo and one of the reasons why the post WWI allies were so insistent on Germany relinquishing it’s colonies.

Sample Links:

I’ll second that.

[link removed by Dani]

I am quite sure you will post your usuall compliments.

I have not called anyone a jew. Though its hard to tell.
Mod’s? I f I were to post 1/2 the posts directed at me, banned.Hypocrites.

Where is all your proof guys? Hear say,torture etc. ? Where are all the written orders for such a massive undertaking?Some industry, Those little pills-bury dough boy ovens sure could not do the job. How long does it take to burn a body?
From 1943?-45, 6 mill?a lot of hustle needed there. War on two fronts, Tough enough to feed the civies and soldiers. Transport troops etc. Even if there were a policy to exterminate,at that point and time…
Bodies, Typhus. Clothes were gassed,not people. The bombings caused a lack of food med. etc. Hence,the bodies. I have seen pic. of liberated inmates that looked pretty darnded healthy. Besides,What about the other 55mill. or so that got killed in ww2? Why should any one group of people get so much attention? It is a money$ maker. There is your industry.

S******t is of course THE best place on the web for any reference material about Jews.

Excuse the profanity, but fuck me are you stupid? You post an openly white supremacist website as a reliable source of material on jewish matters. Have you read nothing of the material posted or linked to here?