The islam menace.

of the topic,. or perhaps still within the topic,. why people like to pick sample from one place and trying draw a big picture,. which could lead to distortion,.
have we forget on my regional example of ‘sampit’ where muslim chopped by pagans combined with christian?

in Myangmar,.they have separatist Karen,. who like to kills their countrymen to reach their independent,. and they are buddhist,.
or shall we go to Tamil tiger?

this will never end,.

if you like to pick a sample,. ill always able to find the answer for it,. back to 10 centuries ago,. were christian Knights slaughtered harmless muslim pilgrims, to the most update news.

if you say muslims covered most of stories,. then,. face it,. muslim is one of major religion in this world,. abt 1-1.8 bill of world population has Islam as their faith,.

how abt christian or western??,. your people has your own way of terrorizing people,. ask George Sorros about this,. or multi bill $$ company exploiting developed countries like nobody business,. that leads the developed countries poor and poorer,… check freeport/tembagapura

and if you still think we are so bloodthirsty,. you really can think the outcome for those multi bill people can do man? or me… i can chop off any non muslim heads at this moment and run away with it,. but i dont do that,.
did I? it is up to you… do you want me to? your perception will create it.

Just for a hypothetical: If the United States had done what Carter wanted too in the late 1970s, and created a network of synthetic oil plants, we would have absolutely NO problems with the Muslim world…

It’s all about oil, and to a much lessor extent -Israel.

The roots of the problem are economics and geopolitics. Not religion!

Oh, Drake, you really don’t seem to like Muslims, eh? I can obviously see where you’re coming from, but you shouldn’t expect that all Muslims are automatically fundamentalists. I would look for the faults that I assume annoy you less with the religion than with the German policy of letting any asshole become a citizen, no matter how much Anti-German hate speech and Jihadist talk they spread.

I have a really good friend who is a Bosnian Muslim, and according to you, she would be another one of those suicide-bombing jihadists. But is she? No. She’s disgusted by those fanatics, and doesn’t want anybody to associate her with them. What makes you think other Muslims don’t think the same way?

And as for the Arab dislike for the Western world: Haven’t we done plenty to provoke it? Over the last 100-200 years, the English, French and Russians fell over themselves trying to rip the region apart for profits. They ignored cultures, they ignored their history and their traditions in the name of colonizations.

Now don’t get me wrong. I have absolutely no sympathy to these corrupt Islamists that send young, uneducated kids to die for them and plant cowardly roadside bombs to kill our troops over there, but I can see where the hatred is coming from.

Still, that doesn’t mean that we should fight everything Muslim. As for Germany, tougher immigration guidelines would already be more than enough. I wish the politicians had the balls to create a clause that allows them to deport any immigrant, even after they reached citizenship, if they spread Anti-German/Christian/European hate-speech, or joined the Islamic extremists. That would solve more problems for Germany than any war could.

and if you still think we are so bloodthirsty,. you really can think the outcome for those multi bill people can do man? or me… i can chop off any non muslim heads at this moment and run away with it,. but i dont do that,.
did I? it is up to you… do you want me to? your perception will create it.

Murdered vs fraud, not the best comparison.

And as for the Arab dislike for the Western world: Haven’t we done plenty to provoke it? Over the last 100-200 years, the English, French and Russians fell over themselves trying to rip the region apart for profits. They ignored cultures, they ignored their history and their traditions in the name of colonizations.

Havent the muslims invaded Chipre in 1570 massacrating all the christians there ?

Havent the muslin reached at sword point the walls of Vienna in 1683 ?

I guess everyone had some kind of reason, we can play that card over and over again without reaching any agreement surely, but that is not the issue, the topic was created to be centered around the islamization of traditionally judeo-christian countries, and the poisonous incidence of a extremist islam playing with the free speech and liberties in those countries.

The title should be "The islam menace of terrorism, extremism and transculturization of western Europe, USA and Australia", but I shortened it a bit for practical reasons

The Crusades happened before all that. The battles/massacres you described where parts of the Great Ottoman wars with the Habsburgs and Italy.

Muslims and Christians really had been fighting constantly, with neither side having any significant moral advantage, really.

Muslims and Christians really had been fighting constantly, with neither site having any significant moral advantage, really.

Sure ?

For me any christian mother worried about her son when he is deployed in Irak, Afganistan, Gaza, or wathever islamic zone is by far, really far more advantage morally than a muslim mother happy with the fact that his son blew himself killing dozen of infidels in the process.
Actually I am conviced ( and I am not alone in this) that the late action is completely inmoral.

But…what the extremist muslims now about moral aniway ?

I was talking about the past wars with the Ottomans, as a part of my explanation for the Arab dislike of Christians/Europeans.

You are talking about Islamic Extremism. Two very different things.

I was talking about the past wars with the Ottomans, as a part of my explanation for the Arab dislike of Christians/Europeans.

You are talking about Islamic Extremism. Two very different things.

Exactly, the dead crusaders and dead muslim of the XI and XII century cannot affect us right now, is others who are affecting us.
The modern menace is the reason behind the topic.

Aside the fact that these wars didn’t happen in the Middle Ages, but rather in the Early Modernity, that is between 1500 - 1800, I believe you underestimate it, as many modern Muslims still consider themselves not only bonded by their shared religion, but also their shared Ottoman past.

Also, the Extremism the Arab world experiences nowadays is very much a backlash of the corrupt and unrighteous monarchies and governments the English and French put into power after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire after WW1.

The people, who expected new and democratic nations, were instead served with corrupt leaderships in the pockets of the Europeans. Instead of working for their interests, they did whatever was best for the English, French and later on, Americans.

Obviously, the Middle and Lower Class soon started to associate the European ‘decadence’ adopted by the new, European-orientated Upper Class with their hardships. The Ulama, the religious scholars, soon started speak against the decadence of the leaders, and more and more religious resistance groups were formed, groups we now refer to as Islamic Extremists.

Now, I’m not saying that those Ulama were completely innocent. Obviously, a huge part of their motivation was a regaining of power they had lost when the new governments were introduced. But at the same time, they did fight against the corruption and foreign influences on their nations, something that you can’t and shouldn’t blame them for.

It was Western ignorance for ancient traditions and cultures that caused many of the problems, and now we have to pay for the monsters we pretty much created.

You’re using examples from 1570 A.D. to show how brutal Muslims are? Really?

In 1570, Christians were still ripping each others’ genitals off in order to force confessions to witchcraft…

Also feel free to read about how “Christian soldiers” treated Muslims during the Crusades…

BTW, feel free to tell how the lovely Lutheran and Catholic Germans treated their Russian Orthodox and Jewish brethren in the Soviet Union in say, 1942. Because I forgot how Christianity is a magic force of fucking civilization and brotherly love!

In WW2, the German crimes had little to do with Christianity. Hitler and the Nazis wanted to get rid of Christianity, especially Catholics, and instead replace it with a new Religion of old Germanic origins, IIRC.

There are plenty of better examples of Christians being complete bastards because of their religion, reaching from the French Wars of Religion and the Thirty Years’ War to the Yugoslavian/Bosnian war.

Jews are no better, either, as Israel continues to prove to us to this very day.

Or, people born Christian (or even atheist) have murdered far more people than the ‘evil Muslims’ ever have?

Yet people run around the internets pretending that there is some conspiratorial “Stepford Wife” gene in all Muslims that make them want to kill Westerners?

You’re using examples from 1570 A.D. to show how brutal Muslims are? Really?

In 1570, Christians were still ripping each others’ genitals off in order to force confessions to witchcraft…

I was using that example in reply of Schuultz post wich mentioned middle-age facts. I am not interested in to know who was more evil in those days.

Yet people run around the internets pretending that there is some conspiratorial “Stepford Wife” gene in all Muslims that make them want to kill Westerners?

I found those less dangerous for my health than the ones who run around the internets pretending that Islam is the religion of peace.

That’s gotta be including Christian vs Christian wars right? Muslims have killed a lot of each other, too, especially over the big Sunni/Shi’ite thing.

I found those less dangerous for my health than the ones who run around the internets pretending that Islam is the religion of peace.[/Quote]

You know, the Aryans/Non-Jews also didn’t feel too threatened by the Nazis, either. Only because one isn’t a part of the group getting discriminated against, doesn’t make the discrimination any better.

[i]When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I was not a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.[/i]

Martin Niemöller

Well, since we can make an educated guess who was there first, we can also conclude with a certain confidence who started these specific cycles of violence by comparing it to other instances, can’t we. And guess which group has the higher initial violence probability, everything else is a reaction.

And what where the muslims doing there whereever they got slaughtered? I am pretty sure they weren’t there before the places got conquered by force and the muslims trying to enforce their rules on everyone else, just as it happens everywhere they show up.

My perception won’t create anything, since it is exactly that, a perception. Muslim action creates that perception.

You should maybe read a bit about history from the seventh to the eleventh century. The crusades were a violent reaction to 300 years of conquest of christian lands by muslim hordes.

You’re wrong there, the problem existed long before we used oil and will still exist once we don’t use it anymore (if the west as a civilization still exists, which is in doubt if people keep deluding themselves like you do on this topic).

I don’t.

Indeed. Add abusing our social system to the list as well.

You misunderstand me if you think I only assume suicide bombers to be problematic for our society.

I don’t think suicide bombers are the real threat to our society, I think conservative muslims who won’t let their daughter go to sports classes and marry her with her cousin from her home country are. If she’s neither she is not a problem for me per se. The only problem I have then is that we most likely cannot distinguish the one from the other and since I am not willing to allow group A to remain in europe and eventually take it over demographically, group B has to follow suit. There are however plenty of ex muslims from those countries who are living happily amongst us (except for the occasionally executed death threads) and I’d be more than happy to grant them safe haven and welcome them into my VOLK in the true meaning of the word. It originated in the migration period and meant someone joined the track, obeyed the customs and laws and carried his own weight.

You think you know it, but you really don’t if you think something else as the Quran. Everythink else is just a sideshow.

I’d even go as far as to test them whether they approve with the hate speech with a lie detector. This could actually circumvent my group A and B dilemma from above.

I agree. If you come into the country, accept the laws and customs and live along peacefully, you can be my brother. I don’t even mind if they remain moderate Muslims, as long as they don’t go into that Jihadist bullshit or feel they 'd have to follow the Ghazi tradition. (The tradition that orders Ottoman Muslims to keep fighting until there are no more ‘Infidels’)

They have to accept that Germany isn’t a Muslim country, that women have equal rights and that we don’t condone any of their ‘Honor-Killing’ bullshit. As long as they stick to the laws and customs, who cares if they pray to ‘Allah’ or ‘God’?

To what extent? The Crusades? What would even be their basis of power if it were not for crude oil?