The islam menace.

The islam menace is the by-product of European the US policy aimed at the elimination of white race via letting the non-whites into our areals, encouraging race-mixing, destroying local values. The present political and economic system in white countries are incompatible with the nature of white race, as the source of changes and development. The self-preservation of these system is possible only in case of the elimination of whites.

Don’t entertain illusions. The mass deportations and mass murders will be possible in case the governments of white states organize them. It is clear that it is incompatible with their policy, besides take into consideration the number of non-white emigrants who tend to become the majority in lots of regions plus the number of degenerated whites who support race-mixing, multi-culturalism and similar crap.

In future crisis the most probable targets for mass executions and deportations to concentration camps will be whites resisting to their own governments and non-white expansion encouraged by these governments.

Of course, these people will be branded as nazis, racists, terrorists, satanists that deserve no mercy.
A significant part of whites will be supporting their governments in eradicating the resistance.

Somebody mentioned Albanians in Kosovo as an example of Islamic aggression though you forgot to mention the fact that Albanians are not able to confront Serbs, the US forced Serbian units to leave the area and brought Albanians to power in Kosovo. The western governments do not care that it has always been the ethnical Serbian territory, that UCK is tied to Albanian gangs of drug dealers, that the number of Albanians in Kosovo after the “genocide” held by Serbs is even larger than before the arrival of NATO forces, that the 90% of local Serbs escaped or got killed as a result of ethnic cleansing with full conniving on behalf of the NATO troops.

So the Islamic menace was turned into aggression by the US, EU, NATO.

Kosovo like scenario aimed against the original white population can be realised in any the EU states as well.

You have, that’s why you are allowed to express your thoughts freely and not being stoned to death for it. If your opinion differs feel free to join the discussion, I’d like to hear your point of view.

Let’s assume for the purpose of debate that you’re right and the solution is to kick them out.

How do we identify ‘them’?

All Muslims? If so, we’re going to harm a lot of innocent people.

Muslims convicted of terror-related offences, including inciting others to violence? I don’t have a problem with that, any more than I do with deporting any other immigrant convicted of serious violent crimes.

But what about those who are citizens, having been born in the deporting nation? If we start dismantling their rights because they’re Muslims, doesn’t that confirm the view in parts of the Islamic world that the West treats Muslims differently and oppresses them? Also, once we’ve established that principle, what’s to stop it being extended to other religious, ethnic or political groups feared or disliked by the dominant population or its government?

Add in a McCarthyism type hysteria about any issue and every citizen is fair game for being kicked out, just for expressing unpopular views or supporting unpopular opinions and without being convicted of, or even having done, anything.

You’d be struggling to find many non-Muslim Australians, including me, who don’t reckon that the so-called Mufti of Australia, Sheik al-Hilaly, should be deported for expressing views like those in the following quote, along with his more radical pro-bin Laden views.

But nobody calls for the deportation of Catholic priests and Christian Brothers who have been engaged in child sexual abuse for generations nor does anybody talk about the ‘Catholic menace’ when it is demonstrable that the abuse and, worse, the cover up by the Church hierarchy has done far more harm to countless Australians than anything a little worm like al Hilaly has done.

So, isn’t there a risk of double standards and the possibility of an over-reaction to people who are significantly different to the dominant culture because they’re different, rather than an objective assessment of what they’ve actually done?

The attitude of many Australians to Muslims at the moment is little different to the attitude of many Anglo - Protestant Australian descendants, who were the dominant class at the time, to Irish - Catholic Australian descendants right up to the 1960’s. Much of it was formed out of ignorance, suspicion and fear of a religious group regarded as dumb, criminal, treacherous, violent (opinions supported by, for example, the Irish rebellion in 1916 and essentially Irish Catholic clergy’s opposition in Australia to conscription around the same time), and controlled by the Pope to undermine a solid Protestant nation.

That’s all past now. I don’t see why the same isn’t possible with similar attitudes to Muslims, depending upon how future events play out.

What Sheik al-Hilaly said
October 27, 2006 01:00am

This is an edited transcript, by SBS translator Dalia Mattar, of Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali’s speech.

"Those atheists, people of the book (Christians and Jews), where will they end up? In Surfers Paradise? On the Gold Coast?

"Where will they end up? In hell. And not part-time. For eternity. They are the worst in God’s creation.

"Who commits the crimes of theft? The man or the woman? The man. That’s why the man was mentioned before the woman when it comes to theft because his responsibility is providing.

"But when it comes to adultery, it’s 90 per cent the women’s responsibility. Why? Because a woman possesses the weapon of seduction. It is she who takes off her clothes, shortens them, flirts, puts on make-up and powder and takes to the streets, God protect us, dallying. It’s she who shortens, raises and lowers. Then it’s a look, then a smile, then a conversation, a greeting, then a conversation, then a date, then a meeting, then a crime, then Long Bay jail. (laughs).

"Then you get a judge, who has no mercy, and he gives you 65 years.

“But when it comes to this disaster, who started it? In his literature, scholar al-Rafihi says: ‘If I came across a rape crime – kidnap and violation of honour – I would discipline the man and order that the woman be arrested and jailed for life.’ Why would you do this, Rafihi? He says because if she had not left the meat uncovered, the cat wouldn’t have snatched it.”

"If you take a kilo of meat, and you don’t put it in the fridge or in the pot or in the kitchen but you leave it on a plate in the backyard, and then you have a fight with the neighbour because his cats eat the meat, you’re crazy. Isn’t this true?

"If you take uncovered meat and put it on the street, on the pavement, in a garden, in a park or in the backyard, without a cover and the cats eat it, is it the fault of the cat or the uncovered meat? The uncovered meat is the problem.

"If the meat was covered, the cats wouldn’t roam around it. If the meat is inside the fridge, they won’t get it.

"If the meat was in the fridge and it (the cat) smelled it, it can bang its head as much as it wants, but it’s no use.

"If the woman is in her boudoir, in her house and if she’s wearing the veil and if she shows modesty, disasters don’t happen.

"That’s why he said she owns the weapon of seduction.

"Satan sees women as half his soldiers. You’re my messenger to achieve my needs. Satan tells women you’re my weapon to bring down any stubborn man. There are men that I fail with. But you’re the best of my weapons.

"The woman was behind Satan playing a role when she disobeyed God and went out all dolled up and unveiled and made of herself palatable food that rakes and perverts would race for. She was the reason behind this sin taking place.,10117,20652824-2,00.html

Brainscans :smiley:
Hmm, when I think of it, this could actually work, though it would be highly Orwellian and hardly ever legal in germany.

Honestly, I don’t have all the answers, but that’s why we need to discuss the issue on a broad scale. But as you mentioned, spreading hate should be a punishable crime. It actually is in germany, but as it seems only for ethnic germans. Just yesterday a judge sentenced a turkish-german fellow to a fine of several hundret euros. He was judged for insult. He said: I fuck all german women, I fuck all germans, We will gas you all to death.
In the verdict the judge even said that if a bio-german would have said the same about another nationality he would have served at least 18 months without parole, judged not for insult but what is called Volksverhetzung (incitement of the people). So it would probably be a good start to level the ground there and clarify that law applies to all.
It should also be a superior law to the freedom of religion, after all, it already is superior to the freedom of speech, and rightfully so.
It’s actually quite amusing to see how stupid and vile the legal system sometimes is. The reason why you cannot apply that law there seems to be, that a majority population cannot be the target of such a crime, at least that’s what the judges reasoned based on the phrasing of the law. I have read that law and found nothing which would indicate that, but that’s how it is handled.
And cases of political correctness like that are actually the reason why I think this will get ugly in the long run.
This is obviously not the mistake of the immigrant muslim population but of stupid politicians and judges, but this all adds up to a lot of bad blood and not just in germany. We’re actually behind the developments in other countries.
A well known jewish author recently said, that if he was a muslim he’d seriously consider leaving europe asap, seeing the writings on the wall. And this is really worrisome to me.

This could only be the very last resort, but if the choice would be between deporting all muslims or tolerating an evergrowing radical, non integrating part within that community that ultimatly threatens the very existence of germany, I’d weigh the needs of the many over the needs of the few.

Since most of them refer to and think of themselves as turks or maroks (particularly in the now third generation) and not as germans, I don’t see a problem. Until 9 years ago you had to have a german mother or father to get a german citizienship anyway and I’d have prefered it to stay that way. In the long run, it would have meant that those who mix up with the biogermans would get their citizenship and those who don’t want to integrate and live in their ghettos don’t. I mean there are 3.5 Million Muslims here and 77 Million others. For every muslim woman, you have 20 german women, same for the men. If they’d actually integrate it statistically shouldn’t take more than 2 generations until 90% of the newborns have german citizenship. But only, if they don’t insist on segregation and forbid things like muslim daughter has a german boyfriend / husband etc and that’s exactly what we as the majority population don’t want.

So what? Up until now the only ones treating anyone different is the muslim world.

That’s because the christian priests are our problem. Reforming the muslim world isn’t. This is their problem, one that I think they have to tackle, before we can actually live together.

Yes, that risk is always there and it needs to be constantly looked after. But as you might get from my example above, double standards are already in place.

Maybe, because the differences between protestant and catholic europeans aren’t that big after all compared to the differences to muslims.

That assumes the presence of a brain. :smiley:

It’s often been observed here that it’s alright for, say, a Turk to slag a Greek because that’s part of their culture, but it’s discrimination if an Anglo says the same thing to either of them.

The uneven laws and their application are problems of democracy and some commendable attitudes that underlie it, but which unfortunately are corrupted by political reality.

The democratic problem and the political corruption spring from the need for politicians to get elected. That means they do what’s necessary to get votes, not what’s best for the electorate. So,for example, in my city we have a serious problem with drunken thugs bashing people senseless in the nightclub districts but politicians don’t do much more than join in the handwringing when with a few million dollars taken from a huge surplus budget and a bit of spine and some vigorous policing the problem could be reduced dramatically. Meanwhile we have bullshit legislation like racial and religious tolerance laws and anti-discrimination laws which pander to minorities. That’s where the commendable attitudes, being concern for the underdog, gets corrupted by political reality. If the underdog can deliver votes, its interests get addressed in legislation and grants and so on. Straight white males don’t figure in politicians’ thinking but, for example, lesbians demanding state funded IVF so they don’t have to endure the yucky traditional method of getting up the duff get a lot of attention and funding and legislation protecting their rights. When you get a community like the Turks or the Lebanese or Greeks whose leaders can deliver the votes to swing critical seats, their voices are heard loud and clear. So a politician will support funding a Turkish or Lebanese or Greek enterprise, such as a gymnasium where they can indulge their macho obsession with body building and kick boxing, but not fund police to deal with these morons using that training to bash people for fun in the nightclub district.

It makes sense to politicians. :rolleyes:

But is that unique to Muslims?

Southern Europeans who migrated here after WWII were often ridiculed for their obsession with chaperoning their daughters and marrying within their own group, but several generations on that has diluted to the point that it’s not an issue for them. The same process is repeating itself with current migrants, including Islamic ones.

I don’t agree. Try to migrate to Japan and become a Japanese citizen.

No, they’re the Catholic Church’s problem. That Church is just as alien to a secular Western society as Islam is, but because Western society has absorbed Christianity into so much of what it thinks is a secular society which separates Church and State (but doesn’t, e.g. opening our parliamentary sessions with Christian prayers), it allows many people to think that the Christian churches are part of ‘us’ and Islam isn’t.

On that, we are in complete agreement.

Moreover, it’s Islam’s problem to rein in the nut jobs like bin Laden and sundry violent elements in the various streams of Islam.

But there I think we hit one of the real problems underlying bin Laden etc, which is that much of the Islamic world conceives of itself as a victim of the West rather than of the many failings of its own leaders and governments and the cultures in which they exist. It’s not my fault that the House of Saud controls Mecca and it’s stupid beyond all reason for bin Laden to fly planes into the twin towers to redress his hostility to the Sauds as unworthy custodians of Mecca, and doubly unworthy for allowing the infidel Americans onto Saudi soil to repel an attack by one secular but still Islamic nation on another Islamic nation.

It’s a sad fact that rationality is absent from the violence which motivates radical Islamic elements to attack the West, and other Muslims. The simple fact is that they’re just self-appointed custodians of the true word of the Prophet and consumed with rabid hatred for anyone who doesn’t accept that appointment and their view of Islam.

And correcting that is entirely Islam’s problem, not least because it is a problem which springs entirely from Islam.

Until they deal with that, they can’t complain about the West’s responses to their aggression and stupidity. But they will.

Originally Posted by Drake
But only, if they don’t insist on segregation and forbid things like muslim daughter has a german boyfriend / husband etc and that’s exactly what we as the majority population don’t want.

German boyfriend / husband can convert to Islam and there will be no problem then. In fact, Islam approves inter-racial marriages. Islam is fully tolerant and liberal in this issue.
Let’s turn Germany into racially mixed cesspool under the flag of modern atheistic EU bureucracy. It is a real solution.

Though one shouldn’t forget that whatever atheistic, Islamic or Christian flag one raises over such a cesspool, it will be only cesspool with all the consequences.

Seriously, where do you get this shit? Which explicit US “policy” is that? Please find the legislation for me…

You’re way the fuck out there in la la land of white supremacism…

You mean an area that is predominately Kosovars will be able to elect their own leaders now to represent their interests? How dare anyone have rights!

Maybe if the Serbs hadn’t let a fascist, corrupt baby-killing nationalist asshole be their dictator, then much of this would never have happened…

By the way, Serbian paramilitary organizations in Bosnia were also tied to drug dealers and gangsters…

Well, if it walks like a duck, and it quacks like a duck, then…

… it’s a witch, which is consistent with Kato’s world view of deep conspiracies and incomprehensible logic.

That’s what you think.

Deep in the crypto-fascist Negroid crypts deep beneath the mountain which wouldn’t come to Mohammed high atop a mountain deep within America’s heart at the bottom of the Grand Canyon above Mount Rushmore lurk the people pulling the strings at Disneyland where fantasy and reality collide and produce the ineluctable and eternal racial truths expressed by Kato, for Kato is the Messiah, or just a very naughty boy.

No, you see an organized and centrally controlled movement where none really exists. Even the Islamic extremists that actually wish to incite or carry out acts of violence are disparate groups often competing against one another…

The problem I see with Islam is that it actually has a political agenda written down in its very core, the koran. And don’t come up with this “You can interpret anything into anything” argument. It’s simply missing the point, since you don’t need to interpret anything into the koran in that context.

The problem I see is that your painting a wide swath with a brush, without acknowledging basic “facts.” Like that Muslims are far more likely to kill one another than they are “Christians” on some “holy” jihad…

Even the 9/11 attacks were followed up by —nothing! There were no further attacks in the US after that because the “movement” is one led, organized, and carried out by a small number of fuckwits that are wanted dead even by their own “Islamic” countries…

I know that Christianity, Buddhism etc. had and have people who misuse religion for personal or political purposes, but imho there is a difference in quality if you have to bend over backwards to prove whether your religion justifies or demands this and that or if it is written down literally and unalterably.
All the things the islamic world is being critizised for is in the koran in plain letters and it mustnot be changed or interpreted, that’s probably the actual problem. If it wasn’t for that order we probably wouldn’t have this conversation, but we should face the possibility that the wahhabist Islam like in KSA is exactly how Mohammed wanted it to be (forever) and that a lot of people within this religious community worldwide see it that way (and these are far far more than the ones willing to blow themselves up on a crowded place). It’s just stupid and extremely dangerous to ignore this possibility because it’s inconvenient.
Assuming this was the case, the question would be, what do we do with the people within Islam, who think that way. Imho the western world cannot tolerate them within its sphere of influence since they have the tendency not to change their views and breed like rats, so the future is actually not that hard to predict.

That last line of that tirade can be corresponded directly to something Nazi propaganda said about the Jews prior to WWII. I recall watching a film in class that directly morphed images of rats over Jews… :rolleyes:

The truth is that Islamacists have not been able to take no countries save for Iran, and ever there, there is significant opposition to the Shiite clerical rule in the form of Westernized middle class of the younger, urban generation and even in various acts of armed resistance/terrorism by disparate groups --some directly supported by the US gov’t…

The only reason why the hard-line, reactionary idiots like Ahmadenejad won their elections (Iran is semi-democratic despite being a theological state) can be directly attributed to bellicose US rhetoric right before the elections. Indeed, the whole lousy fundamentalist regimes since 1979 can be traced to cynical US CIA and MI6 supported coup to install that torture prick, the Shah, in 1953. In order to get rid of a democratically elected, socialist leader that espoused largely Western values. But as he threatened to partially nationalize the oil industry there, we can’t have that now! Can we?

That’s the point you are missing the whole time. The problem is not only the terrorists, the problem is just as much the underlying ideology, and this ideology is far far more widespread than you are willing to admit, Nick.

Except again, the Islamicists lost in Algeria, Egypt, and Iraq and in most every other place where they tried to takeover the gov’t. Even in places where they won an election (Algeria). Their methods of mass violence to prod a mass, spontaneous uprising are just farcical and only serve to alienate the populations they seek to gain support from and control of.

It is the reason why al Qaeda of Iraq have largely failed. Because despite how criminally incompetent the US invasion and occupation were, and the resulting three years of Keystone Cop-like waffling and indecisiveness, the AQI were even more a study of self-defeating idiotic incompetence, successfully disgusting and alienating the entire population with their mass civilian casualty and murder bombings that were sectarian in nature (against other Muslims). This was the prime mover, along with substantial US bribe money under the “Surge,” of the Sunni “awakening.” A movement that largely exposes the secular language of the Pan-Arab Nationalist ideologues such as those in Saddam’s Baath Party…

And its influence is growing. So we are actually in a dilemma. We have the option to not grant them the freedoms we enjoy and thus effectively sink to their level (and hopefully kick them out) or wait for them to dismantle these freedoms for us (which is a certainty). Freedom is the loser either way, but I’d rather sink to their level than wait and hope for the best.

Growing where? Are they closer to seizing the Reichstag or something?

And what are you saying? That we deny them basic freedom and democracy in order to preserve it? Is that what you’re eluding too?

Oh of course! It was actually the Jews, using Negroes as their “muscle” that pulled off 9/11 as an inside job! Why do you think the American Neonazis were celebrating this great wake-up call to arms against the race-traitors and and the Jewy-Jews?! (who of course cleared the Twin towers of all Jews using their super-Jew technology of Window’s Zionist Messager! It all makes perfect sense now!

People like Kato will save us!

Oh, dear!

So many facts.

So little hostility to Islam.

Where does that leave the Islam menace? :wink:

Perhaps, but from what?

I’d rather be saved from people like him, on the days the fool farm lets him out.

Are these characters a non-ageist Russian bikie gang or do their individual uniforms and badges etc refer to military service?

Assuming they’re not in the Balkans?

I’m not saying that there are not significant problems. Efforts by extremists to fan the flames and kill Dutch filmmakers are serious problems. But no one is going to solve it by believing hefty bags of conspiratorial bullshit. That isn’t going to do it.