The nobel prize winner supports the idea of natural racial inequality

What would that have to do with being a “genius?” A lot of “geniuses” are troubled, and have problems with the law, lovers, chemical dependency, etc…

Yes, but not all these things together. As to Martin King. Did he have any talents except trying to pass for a “genius” by creating problems with the law, lovers, chemical dependency and plagiarizing his thesis?

If these men were white, you’d never think twice at trying to qualify their credentials…

If all the above mentioned men were white they would be considered as nothing above the average. One can be sure that it wouldn’t occur to anyone to call them outstanding or noted scientists and dedicate books, films or even one article in Wikipedia.

Well, if you weren’t essentially a cherrypicking, ignorant racist, you’d be able to figure out that his position, he was decisive in increasing crop yields and led research and theory on such. I once watched an excellent documentary on him…

Yes, go on, stick labels on people you don’t know. So then the nobel prize winner Dr Watson is an ignorant racist as well. Let’s deprive him of his Nobel prize and give it to some negro with a University degree. It would be just cool and improve the intellectual image of negros and such “heroic fighters” for the racial equality like you.

I don’t understand your passages like

BTW, what great things have Ukrainian nationalists done? (besides get owned by Stalin, collaborate with Nazis, and slaughter Polish children?)


Oh, sweet! Just like Stalin should help Ukrainians to grow more wheat to feed themselves?

Ukrainian nationalists were the least collaborators with Nazi unlike Poles that signed teaties about friendship and collaboration with Nazi Germany and received the piece of the territoty of Chekoslavakia that was defeated by Nazi Germany and Hungary ( at that time Ukrainian nationalists fought against Hungarian intervention into Chekoslovia)

They did not indulge Hitler like another Nazi collaborators - Britain USA and France that allowed Hitler to develop German Army, Navy and military industry in violations of all the bans imposed after WWI. Britain USA and France decided to give the Nazi their ally - independent Chekoslovakia in a hope to satisfy Hitler and save their asses. Ukrainain nationalists did not sell ally states and its nations to anyone.

At that time Churchil franlky said that Hitler was a great man who appeared at the right time to save Germany.

I have to agree with everything R/S has said in this post…just my two cents worth, but some mods do seem to go a little to the extreme with censorship. I wanted to reply in the other thread but it was locked. I sure hope someone with authority looks into what is going on…we NEED posters like Rising Sun.

Well, that’s because you are irony impaired.

My point is that someone who continually intimates that he’s from and “oppressed” culture, one that was dominated by forceful means, one that was regressed from achieve autonomous nationality by a more powerful neighboring one, would have a little more sympathy for those that have in fact been historically exploited and oppressed. Often done by those using the very same arguments of “scientifically” “authenticated” racism as you are now actually. You see, you’ve largely unmasked yourself as either a clever false-flag troll, or one filled with complete hypocrisy with pro-fascist sympathies. And believe me, it usually pains me to agree with Chevan, but he does seem to have a point about you.

And BTW, in case nobody’s ever informed you or you’re not smart enough to figure it out- sophist arguments are largely useless, and out of context quotes of Churchill will get you nowhere and mean nothing…


Guys please keep this discussion civil or it will be locked.


But at least you CAN have Cooper’s Red Label.:frowning:

(((((((“I will not make joke, for I will get banned. I will not make joke, for I will get banned. I will not make joke, for I will get banned. I will not make joke, for I will get banned. I will not make joke, for I will get banned. I will not make joke, for I will get banned. I will not make joke, for I will get banned. I will not make joke, for I will get banned…”))))))

Oh God, this hurts. :frowning:

Oh look. More slander.:slight_smile:

Jokes are fine. I love jokes, I’m talking about civility and those that understand where Im coming from are those it is aimed at. Thats all I mean, nothing more. As you all know Im a hands off guy.

But they ARE average! Average scientists. That’s the whole point. Society benefits from “scientists” whom are anonymous whose works have been absorbed by gov’ts, corporations, public nonprofits, etc.

Aside from the likes of Einstein or Oppenheimer, name me an “outstanding” or “noted scientist” that any person of average education would recognize…

BTW, Hitler thought that “Jew scientists” were inferior. :wink:

That’s not the point here. The point is that African Americans WERE scientists, which you have stated was impossible because they were essentially genetically stunted. On the contrary, you’ve shown significant ignorance in regards to the context, and history of, science here…

When did I refer to him as an “ignorant racist?” I think I said something along the lines of socially incoherent “savant.”

A lot of very narrowly smart and capable men in certain areas are effectively idiot savants. Einstein couldn’t figure out what to wear everyday and absolutely NO concept of matching clothing, so he had a closet filled with a preset suit of clothes so he didn’t look like a fool.

This guy is probably “Rainman” like…

Let’s deprive him of his Nobel prize and give it to some negro with a University degree. It would be just cool and improve the intellectual image of negros and such “heroic fighters” for the racial equality like you.

Again. Wherever did I say this?

And are you saying races shouldn’t equal? Do you have a problem with “equality?” What’s your solution? We’d love to hear what we should do with the “Negroes.” :slight_smile:

I don’t mean jokes in general. I had a specific joke lined up. But, oh Panzernacker would not have liked it though. :frowning:

Yeah, those “evil” Poles that were the first country in WWII to be invaded in anger and were completely conquered! I sort of think this makes any “deals” signed as just irrelevant.

You have a fascinating concept of history I must say. So much cherry-picking and decontextualization, so little time…:slight_smile:

They did not indulge Hitler like another Nazi collaborators - Britain USA and France that allowed Hitler to develop German Army, Navy and military industry in violations of all the bans imposed after WWI. Britain USA and France decided to give the Nazi their ally - independent Chekoslovakia in a hope to satisfy Hitler and save their asses. Ukrainain nationalists did not sell ally states and its nations to anyone.

At that time Churchil franlky said that Hitler was a great man who appeared at the right time to save Germany.

And SOME Ukrainian nationalists used the invasion and losses sustained by the Red Army to their advantage and strove to win autonomy from the German occupiers…

And BTW Kato, I’m the last guy in this forum you can call an “anti-Ukrainian” here…

Go ahead and try…

Yeah, censorship is for pussies! Sorry, but there it is…

You fight shitty ideas with speech, not by deletions and bannings…

Uh, no. US Navy aviators shot down over Chichi Jima (an island near Iwo Jima that was not invaded, but bombed to isolate the garrison) were executed and then eaten - symbolically, as each Japanese sailor/soldier was ordered to consume a portion of the downed fliers’ flesh. Most were horrified and refused, but still, the perversion of the Code of Bushido led to much cultish brutality in 1944, and it had nothing to do with need or hunger…

While Africans have cannibal traditions and cannibalism was (and evidently is) practiced by chiefs, senior officials and some local presidents who did not experience any lack of ordinary and luxurious food.

Which part of Africa? What countries? What are the examples? Idi Amin? Was Hitler’s vegetarianism -as he murdered the Jews- more civilized? What about the children murdered by Ukrainian nationalists? What about Stalin’s purges, King Leopold’s Rape of the Congo, or the Holocaust? All committed by Caucasians or Slavs.

Were they better?

My point is that someone who continually intimates that he’s from and “oppressed” culture, one that was dominated by forceful means, one that was regressed from achieve autonomous nationality by a more powerful neighboring one, would have a little more sympathy for those that have in fact been historically exploited and oppressed. Often done by those using the very same arguments of “scientifically” “authenticated” racism as you are now actually. You see, you’ve largely unmasked yourself as either a clever false-flag troll, or one filled with complete hypocrisy with pro-fascist sympathies. And believe me, it usually pains me to agree with Chevan, but he does seem to have a point about you.

I don’t need your American sympathy. No one need it. Nowadays sympathy or hatred to a certain nation or groups of people, or personality among such persons like you can be created by Mass Medias within a week under the slogans of “scientifically” “authenticated” American democracy.

Serbs were turned into aggressors in their historic original region Kosovo and deprived of this territory.

When all the Serbs were driven out from Kosovo by Albanians. Albanians were not branded as aggressors and terrorists by Western Medias.

Iraq and Saddam were sympathised when they waged war against Iran and were not sympathised when they attacked Kuwait, and later even less sympathised when they did not attack anyone.

So don’t tell me about hypocrisy and pro-fascist sympathies.

Your so-called “anti-fascism” is nothing but a form of agressive conformism aimed at anyone who dares to express his opinion that differs from the official propaganda and brainwashing by medias.

And SOME Ukrainian nationalists used the invasion and losses sustained by the Red Army to their advantage and strove to win autonomy from the German occupiers…

And BTW Kato, I’m the last guy in this forum you can call an “anti-Ukrainian” here…

Yeah they declered full independence on the 30th of July that is after 8 days since the invasion of Germany.
When did the US declare a war to Germany. Or it was Hitler who declared a war upon the USA?