This is not true Kato.
Totalitarism and authocratism in that time and today are the same.It implies the TOTAL control of State about social aspects of life: behavior , propoganda and ets.
So do not spread a bulshit about the "modern definition"of therms.
True, today the totalitarism has received a NEGATIVE sence , but you absolutly right in the 1939 the totalitarism was a popular …especially among the Nazy allies;)
And who was a Nation?
Could we admit the all peoples who lives in Ukraine in the 1939 is a Ukrainian Nation ?
The draft of constitution stipulated that Ukrainian citizenship was to be granted to all ethnical Ukrainians. People of other nationalities who (or whose parents) had lived in Ukraine since the first of August 1914 also received citizernship. Persons who married Ukrainian citizens automatically receive citizenship.
So all the citizerns of Ukraine as well as ethnical Ukrainians with foreign citizenships should be considered the Ukrainian nation.
Another definition of nation by Donzov
Nation - people united by common blood and destiny. So it envisages that all those who are loyal to the idea of sovereign Ukraine and wish to share the historic destiny with ethnical Ukrainians should be considered Ukrainians as well.
1939 the totalitarism was a popular …especially among the Nazy allies
You mean the Soviet Union till the June of 1941?
It’s clear for me now.
You are forgotting The BLOOD and DESTINY of nation is the BASICAL principle of the NAzy ideology.
This ideology was a very convenient for the Ethnical clearising of Low races ( poles , jews and others)
That’s all.
…and Western Ukraine after june 1941
Originally Posted by Kato
You mean the Soviet Union till the June of 1941?Posted by Chevan
…and Western Ukraine after june 1941
Oh, then add to this list Belarus, essential part of modern European Russia and Caucases, the whole Europe and the Northern Africa.
OK it were the Belarus and ets… without USSR who still fought with fascism.
It’s clear for me now.
You are forgotting The BLOOD and DESTINY of nation is the BASICAL principle of the NAzy ideology.
The cornerstone of Nazi ideology is only blood.
This ideology was a very convenient for the Ethnical clearising of Low races ( poles , jews and others)
That’s all.
The Soviet communist ideology is much more convenient as it does not have any principles or values at all.
BUT mainly BLOOD. Like and OUN constitution - that was Race-superiority oriented document.
The term of BLOOD just present in the pro-fascist constitutions- you knoe it Kato.
The Soviet communist ideology is much more convenient for it as it does not have any principles or values at all.
Oh really they have no pronciples and values.
And what about Class principles?If they have no rules- So why do you still alive? Coz the soviets killed all ukrainians without principles , right.
Thus we could conclude that you ancestors partisipate in Communist terror , being the peoples who support the Commi in Ukraine;)
OK. So we agree on articles 1 and 2.
What about the part III: “The Head of the State - The Leader of the Nation”?
Article 1
The front figure of the Ukrainian State is the Head of the State - the Leade of the NationArticle 2
Any citizen of ukrainian origin who has all the civil and political rights can become the Head of the State.Article 3
The HEad of the State is elected by the Great Assembly of the Nation, called for that purpose together with …Article 4
The Head of State is elected for life or until he himself decides to resign.
Also could you translae Article 10 of the same part III, please? It can not do it good enough.
Oh really they have no pronciples and values.
And what about Class principles?If they have no rules- So why do you still alive? Coz the soviets killed all ukrainians without principles , right.
Thus we could conclude that you ancestors partisipate in Communist terror , being the peoples who support the Commi in Ukraine
What class principles? There were no clear and logical points in the soviet communism that can be called principles. Something about the class of manual workers who rule the country. But it is absurd. It declares that the society is divided into classes and one professional classes of people should be above other classes. That is it implies the first, second, third sorts etc. of people in one nation. What else? The stories about prosperous communistic society without money?
Everyone knows that there were three classes of people for the Soviets: those who were the part of the Soviet regime ( persons in punitive organs, average and senior party bureaucracy), then
the bulk of the terrorised population - cheap (or slave in Gulag) Labour for the Soviet state, human resource for the Red Army. And finally those who tried to oppose or resist the regime. The latter class was to be eliminated with all possible means.
It is impossible to object that enemy classes according to the Marx theory ceased to exist within the compass of the Soviet Union during the civil war 1917-21. The only opposition to the Soviets outside their structures could be formed around the ideas of the national resistance.
Therefore all the repressions in Ukraine prior to WWII were aimed at destroying national stamina and insticts necesary for national rebellion, turning Ukrainians into silent cheap though well-qualified labour and obedient human resource for the Red Army.
Yes, you are right, Egorka.
Here is the translation for
Article 10
The nominee for the position of minister in religious affairs should be approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. The head of state choose the nominee among the priests of the Ukrainian church who are in charge of at least an eparchy or a diocese of a bishop.
Diocese Kato.
Thank you, Mr. Dani.
Man where was you born and live?
In Soviet Ukraine or in Nazy Germany?
Coz if to read you posts it seems in Nazy Ukraine:)
You use the dirty finished nazy propoganda toward the non-ukrainians.
There is no any devision of the Sorts of peoples in the USSR ( to the contrast with the pro-nazy states)
True there were the highest party nomenclature and bureaocracy that had the much more possibilities in cosiety.
But this situation was in the every states.
In the USSR except the party were the trade unions that defend the rights of the worker independently if he the member of party or not.
True it was hard to make a carier if you was not communists, but nobody repressed you if you are not in party
It is impossible to object that enemy classes according to the Marx theory ceased to exist within the compass of the Soviet Union during the civil war 1917-21. The only opposition to the Soviets outside their structures could be formed around the ideas of the national resistance.
Therefore all the repressions in Ukraine prior to WWII were aimed at destroying national stamina and insticts necesary for national rebellion, turning Ukrainians into silent cheap though well-qualified labour and obedient human resource for the Red Army.
Noboy was aimed to destroy the Ukraine people Kato.
You know it. Vise versa the soviets has begin the politic Ukrainisation - that sometimes bordered with the marazmus. The Ukrainian local cimmi with a great zeal to establish the “Ukrainian culture and language” in the areas where the ukrainians were the minority.
The OWN ukrainian bastards were responsible for such terrible scale victims of Holodomore in Ukraine ( coz they forbid to import the food from other regions).
Unlike the Volga region where the Bolshevics really have provoked the famine in 1921-22.
Noboy was aimed to destroy the Ukraine people Kato.
You know it. Vise versa the soviets has begin the politic Ukrainisation - that sometimes bordered with the marazmus. The Ukrainian local cimmi with a great zeal to establish the “Ukrainian culture and language” in the areas where the ukrainians were the minority.
The OWN ukrainian bastards were responsible for such terrible scale victims of Holodomore in Ukraine ( coz they forbid to import the food from other regions).
This is the original text of the directive issued by the central government in Moscow to prevent starving Ukrainians from fleeing Ukraine and Kuban for other parts of the USSR using all possible means during holodomor in 1933. It was for both the soviet authorities in Ukraine and in neighbouring Russia and Belarus. Signed by Molotov and Stalin
Директива ЦК ВКП(б) и СНК СССР в связи с массовым выездом крестьян за пределы Украины
Материал из Викитеки — свободной библиотеки
Перейти к: навигация, поиск
22 января 1933 г.
Ростов-Дон, Харьков, Воронеж, Смоленск, Минск, Сталинград, Самара
N. 65/ш
До ЦКВК и СНК дошли сведения, что на Кубани и Украине начался массовый выезд крестьян «за хлебом» в ЦЧО, на Волгу, Московскую обл., Западную обл., Белоруссию. ЦК ВКП и Совнарком СССР не сомневаются, что этот выезд крестьян, как и выезд из Украины в прошлом году, организован врагами Советской власти, эсерами и агентами Польши с целью агитации «через крестьян» в северных районах СССР против колхозов и вообще против Советской власти. В прошлом году партийные, советские и чекистские органы Украины прозевали эту контрреволюционную затею врагов Советской власти. В этом году не может быть допущено повторение прошлогодней ошибки.
Первое. ЦК ВКП и Совнарком СССР предписывают крайкому, крайисполкому и ПП ОГПУ Северного Кавказа не допускать массовый выезд крестьян из Северного Кавказа в другие края и въезд в пределы края из Украины.
Второе. ЦК ВКП и Совнарком предписывают ЦК КП(б)У, Балицкому и Реденсу не допускать массовый выезд крестьян из Украины в другие края и въезд на Украину из Северного Кавказа.
Третье. ЦК ВКП и Совнарком предписывают ПП ОГПУ Московской обл., ЦЧО, Западной обл., Белоруссии, Нижней Волги и Средней Волги арестовывать пробравшихся на север «крестьян» Украины и Северного Кавказа и после того, как будут отобраны контрреволюционные элементы, водворять остальных в места их жительства.
Четвертое. ЦК ВКП и Совнарком предписывают ТО ГПУ Прохорову дать соответствующее распоряжение по системе ТО ГПУ.
Предсовнарком СССР В. М. Молотов Секретарь ЦК ВКП(б) И. Сталин
(РГАСПИ. Ф. 558.Оп. 11. Д. 45. Л. 109-109об.)
Man where was you born and live?
In Soviet Ukraine or in Nazy Germany?
Coz if to read you posts it seems in Nazy Ukraine
You use the dirty finished nazy propoganda toward the non-ukrainians.
There is no any devision of the Sorts of peoples in the USSR ( to the contrast with the pro-nazy states)
True there were the highest party nomenclature and bureaocracy that had the much more possibilities in cosiety.
But this situation was in the every states.
In the USSR except the party were the trade unions that defend the rights of the worker independently if he the member of party or not.
True it was hard to make a carier if you was not communists, but nobody repressed you if you are not in party
So you confirm that there were no divisions in classes in the USSR as the USSR was classless society and so the terror could not be of class nature. It was of national nature.
Fine. So moving on to part XI : “The duties and the rights of the Citizens”.
Article 3
Ukrainian citizenship is obtained:
[li] through birth form parents who is bearing Ukrainian citizenship[/li]> [li] through mariage with an a Ukrainian citizen.[/li]> [li] can be granted by appropriate State institution.[/li]> [/ol]
The individuals of Ukrainina nationality who reside on the territory of Ukraina can not be denied citizenship, unless there are grave obstacles in place.
Article 4
Ukrainian citizenship at the moment of establishment of the Ukrainian State is granted to
[li]all the peope of Ukrainian nationality living in the territory of Ukraina.[/li]> [li]all other nationals, whose parents lived on the territory of Ukraina since 1 of September 1914.[/li]> [/ol]
[INDENT]Comment: it is possible to deny citizenship to those mentioned in point 2.
Exception from the rules of article 3 and 4 are the Jewish individuals, who are regulated by separate law.
Separate law will clarify the specifics of how ukrainian citizenship can be granted or widthdrawn.
Do not a begin it again.
The Cllass stragle was in a basis of soviet inner policy till the 1933- you know it.
In the beginning of the collectivisation was aimed to destroy the class enemies among peasants- the kulaks ( the more richest layer of the peasants).
Thus the collectivitation has bagan fromt the De-kulakizasion whao was declared as class enemies.
But there were NEVER divisions of Sorts or Nationalities of population in USSR.
To the contrast of the NAzy oriented states;)