Time for a new Mod

Yes george eller would be fine.

OK, Nick is willing to be a Mod if we want him. He said he has more time now.

However I was non committal all I asked is that if we asked him would he have the time to be one. I gave no timeliness etc…

Mod with infractions point on it profile?..hmm…no good.

Well thats something to think about. I rather go with Nick who is normally around and has experience.

Shall we vote on it, or should you and Dani choose.

Dani your input is welcome!

But in this case I think Nick is the only real choice.

Voice your concerns but at the moment we need a replacement and Nick is the best and just about only option.

I dont think we should worry about that PK, he is around every day and has been a Mod at other sites and seems to know the business.

Not too many guys to choose from, perhaps we could have George as well? Although Im not sure the site is big enough yet for two new Mods.

Has anybody even approached George to test the water?

Rules say that you cant advance with an infraction point…he doesnt have any. Its expired.

I dont think I have. PK?

OK, I will send him a PM now. Wait out for info…

I did not send a PM to G.E, I was waiting some consensus.

Rules say that you cant advance with an infraction point…he doesnt have any. Its expired.

Ok, but in my opinion still no good.

Can you expand on your reasons for him NOT being a Mod PK. Why would he be no good for instance.

I suppose we are not including any of our British or Australian members in consideration for a new Mod? I say this, not because there arent some worthy guys but because we already have me and PDF from the commonwealth and it may become a bit too Brit/Aus/Nz heavy.

Good point FF.
Possible mods:
Nick - in this moment I think Nick is the best choice. As for PK’s reasons, it seems clear that PK might be bothered by Nick in several posts.
George - I think it’s too early. Excellent finder but I think that he avoids debates.
Librarian - brilliant future. We’ll discuss after his 700-800th post :wink: Good job there PK that you have incited him with quiz threads. So keep going on waking the lion!:smiley:

Can you expand on your reasons for him NOT being a Mod PK. Why would he be no good for instance

Too prone to get involved in disputes…well I know that the same could be said about me, but is in only one section, the Malvinas war.
As I said no good, but I understand that we are short of choices.

I already send a PM to George Eller, until now (19:24 argentine central time) no answer.

Good job there PK that you have incited him with quiz threads. So keep going on waking the lion!

Actually I ve incited everybody, note that our beer friend have one after find the mines “preponderous” , funny because I have no the slightest idea what that word mean.:smiley:

George has told me that he would be willing to be a Mod.

I say we Mod them both. Nothing like a fresh infusion and I like them both and think they would both be good for the site.

Mod two, see how they work out. Cant hurt the site.

BTW pdf…a member that has an infraction point is not able to become a mod. If its expired its okay but you cant become a mod with an infraction point. FYI

OK, seems like some of the guys we had in mind may be getting Cold Feet. Lets move this on a wee bit.

Candidates for new Mods are:

George Eller [showing some reluctance]
NickD [showing some reluctance]
1000 yd Stare

What we need to do now is to decide on 1 or 2 of these guys. Site history shows that 1 out of 2 chosen Mods dont work out. Therefore do we need to Mod 2 to be sure of getting 1 long term one?

Also, who gets your vote.

After some careful thought, and bearing in mind the site qualifications, my list of 4 from the above is:

George Eller
Nick D
1000 Yd Stare

List your 4 in order from the candidates and see what we come up with.

Well give our rules…RS wouldnt be able for another year. 1000ydstare cant because of 2 permanent points.

To me Nickd and (Gutowski or GE) would be the best way to go.

The revised list is

George Eller [I really dont think he will be able]

Sorry, I forgot about the infractions.

Yes I agree with you gen, under the circumstances either of them would be good choices.

I would go with

George Eller
Nick D

Reasons given remain the same as I think we shouldnt overload the Modding with a particular nationality or group.

For the reasons shown above I’d go with Nick and George.
Reserves: Gutkowski and MOS.

This is my vote and not my advice. :wink:

In other words my list would be:

Nickdfresh - no problems - initial infraction point would be the only reservation but he’s put that behind him and has been fine since. I’ve had to tell him and Cuts to tone it down on one occasion, but that was high spirits when slapping about a particularly stupid troll rather than an actual problem.

George Eller - no problems, would be my first choice. Perhaps not exactly a barrel of laughs, but extremely helpful and mature.

Man of Stoat - slight reservation as I get the feeling he might go slightly overboard on the sarcasm if someone is being stupid. He really counts under the UK as well, given that he’s from the UK but lives in the Netherlands (IIRC his wife is Dutch), so if we’re ruling out UK ones then he’s marginal.

Gutkowski - strong reservations as he hasn’t been around all that much (under 300 posts in two years). I simply don’t think we know him well enough, and we’ve had problems like that before.

One other name: Cuts. I’ve got the same issues with him as I have with MoS, except my reservations about the likelihood of him shooting his mouth off at the wrong moment are a bit stronger. He is also IIRC with HM Forces, which would make 3 of us (I’m personally not bothered by that, but I suspect others will be and that is a good enough reason to knock him down the list).

So, in order:

  1. George Eller
  2. Nickdfresh
  3. Man of Stoat
  4. Cuts
  5. Gutkowski