Time for a new Mod

So it seems that we all -PK are in agreement with George and Nick. Dani would you like to try and persuade these guys to become team members. Dont have the PM I sent to pdf27 maybe he does but it was along these lines. So try writing something similar. It should be clear what they are going to do. pdf if you have my PM to you please post it.

Will do. I’m only a reservist so I should be about during the week, it’s just weekends that are a problem.

Wherabouts do I do that - is there some sort of hidden mod thread?

Cool. Again, where do I do this?

Fine by me. Set me up as a mod and see how it goes.

One last thing to emphasise to them is that they are NOT replacements for PK. Nick seems to think, or I get the impression from him rather, that he thinks PK is being ousted. I didnt mention Dani was stepping down and we were having a re-shuffle.

All right.


The staff has talked things over and you are the only one that is close to what we are looking for. If you still interested in being a mod could you promise me this:

  1. TRY to be on the site as much as you can. Like I said Firefly is in the military as well so I understand these issues.
  2. DO YOUR BEST to let us know when you wont be around. I know it might not always be easy.
  3. I need to know that you will read and practice the tools that will help you function as a mod. This can take time. Please ask questions!
  4. Your input on issues is going to be very valuable in how we judge you in the beginning. So you will need to join in conversations behind the scenes. You may/may not understand everything at 1st. Its not that hard. However new ideas are going to help alot.

Here is the deal at the moment. Panzerknacker and I are on most of the time. Dani and Firefly have been quite busy. ww2admin usually just logs on to make announcements and delete spam. He usually does not say much about how we run the forum.

Between you and me … Dani and Firefly are quite level headed…almost the perfect mods besides they cant be here alot lately. Panzerknacker is all latino. He is a good mod but his temper can be hard to deal with. Mostly he gets in trouble with the Falklands section.

Things are kinda slow at the moment. Which is good. However they can heat up very quickly. We try to keep a “hands off” approach to many threads but if it gets too hot we need to step in. Most members like if they can get into a heated debate. I wont stand for nasty insults to each other. Its a site for learn not calling names. One of the hardest things is trying to get a feeling for the members and what they want versus what we can do/what we would allow.

If you can agree with the 4 points above then ill go back to the staff and we will proceed from there. The reason for such a long PM is so that you know what you are getting into. SS Tiger is a great guy but couldnt do it. Since that I want to spell things out the best I can.

I have a strong belief in the saying “We would be great with you but just fine without you!” Not trying to scare you off. Just telling the bottom line. If you dont wish to be a mod no grudges will be held. On the otherhand, I think we can use your help.

Let me know what you think!

Best regards,


Well, I have sent already PMs at 5 am GMT. Anyway I was much shorther than GS:D

Edited: BTW, good job there with goodsaaa !!!

Update: Nick is in!

Good news and chocolate biscuits all round then…

Good we will wait on George.

After that we will make the changes and announce them.

:smiley: George is in too.


Our cunning plan to take over the world is shaping up then.

Panzerknacker is all latino. He is a good mod but his temper can be hard to deal with. Mostly he gets in trouble with the Falklands section

Latino…? :shock: and what suppose to mean, I am argentine and I dont need any other designation. Funny thing maybe I have bad temper, but is mild enough to never insult anybody…can everybody said the same ?


Latino is not meant as a degrading term. Unless the majority of your family is Native American or Native South American in this case…its shouldnt be that offensive. It basically means that the majority of people from Mexico on down are of Spanish or Portuguese decent. And they language you speak is a derivative of Latin (the Romantic Languages). It might be similar to someone calling me an Anglo-American or European-American. Actually most of my ancestors are from Northern Europe. Germano (since English is a Germanic language) might even make sense for me. Anyhow we are both Americans but of different ethnic origins. In general Latinos are known to have a hot temper. Just as my good friends wife from Peru. My friend is Canadian and him and I dont take offense to some situation like she does. So its not that she is a bitch she was just raised with different morals and standards. Small example…PK How many of your friends do “Your Momma” Jokes? I guessing probably not that many. Not that we dont love our mothers up here but we take jokes with a grain of salt untill they get out of hand. A “Your Momma” Joke in different parts of the Americas might get you killed.

Anyhow I hope you see what im getting at.

I will contact George and Nick soon. I probably wont mod them untill the beginning of next week. Nick will probably just have some basic questions on how we do things but George will be in the Dark so we need to be here to help them with whatever they need.

Understood But Ill regret any other that being called argentine or South american.

The argentine culture and way of living have nothing to do with the mexican or spanish one, anybody could tell you.

And by the way, I am descendant from italians mostly but the I am argentine all the way.

Hey, its Latin America that derives the Latino phrase. That hot Latino temprement gets the ladies going I believe?

At their service at any time :smiley:

After all I already posted in “greetings” thread a must first read threads for them. I’m not sure that I’ve missed something. Maybe would be good to hear what pdf might have to say considering that he had no guidance in reading threads in the war room…

Speaking of Latino…
I compared what I had felt visting Italy and Spain (in fact Barcelona-Catalunya). It’s very interesting that Italians were exactly like I have thought. Speaking loud on the phone on the street, in the metro, inside or outside of any buildings. A lot of car horns, etc, etc. Very expansive people. (And imagine that I was in the north of Italy - in Milan btw).

And I was in Barcelona like I have said. Surprisingly it was like in Germany. Polite and quiet people. No horns on the streets. I was amazed!

Romanians from my point of view are more like Italians from my example. So nor I neither any Romanians might feel ofended by being called Latino. Romanian is a Latin language. The easiest foreign language to be learnt by Romanians is Italian. Also knowing several Italians settled here in Romania I found that also for the Italians learning Romanian is far more easier for them to learn comparing to Spanish or French.

I’m not so sure about what Latino means in South America but I’m quite sure what means in Europe (East and West)
My 2 cents…:wink:

The main one is the rules for giving warnings/infraction points. That’s the most critical one and I somehow managed to miss it for a week or two. I don’t think there’s anything else particularly important in here.

Hey, its Latin America that derives the Latino phrase. That hot Latino temprement gets the ladies going I believe?

I’m not so sure about what Latino means in South America but I’m quite sure what means in Europe (East and West)
My 2 cents…

Perhaps, but I am just saying that profiling the people like that or put in clasiffied “boxes” just because the geographic location is a huge mistake.
Is like to say “the russian are drunk, the british are gays, the U.S people are fat, and the French dont bath…”, silly stereotypes.

The British are Gays?

Thats news to me. I always thought we were the toughest meanest hombres on the planet

Yea im confused to…I thought they all just had bad teeth.

To PK thats why I said we are all Americans (in the north south sense) but we just come from different ethnic backgrounds…doesnt make a big difference really.