Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

Ya, Ive noticed it too. BTW, I am unaware of what HWNSNB stands for :D[/quote]

Read back to Walthers post…

  1. ChattanogaChoochoo
  2. Supercalifrajalistic
  3. Jigerypokery[/quote]

Ah, sry :oops:

Well, it’s after 1200h CET, and as yet no sign of him!

Has he just gone off to bother a different forum?

Or is he biding his time to hit us with some great “PEEEEOOOWWWW!” gun noises to “support” his “argument”?

Im sure hes off posting 12 times a day on some other poor unsuspecting forum. Although I am expecting some kind of parting shot though.

Edited to add, I do miss him in a strange sort of way, after all remember this

‘The Mustang was very reliable, and it was the equal of the Spitfire in manuverability, accelleration, etc., with the exception of being 11 mph slower than the Submarine models of the Spitfire which saw service just before the end of the war.’

A classic! A spitfire that flies underwater, absolute quality.

Found him:

Banned permanently from http://www.gamingforums.com

The post that picked him up was spouting his usual incorrect BS and mongism about small-arms: http://www.gamingforums.com/showthread.php?p=1109985

Same forum, more crap: http://www.gamingforums.com/showthread.php?t=120480&page=1&pp=25

The usual deliberate misreadings, misunderstandings and misinformed BS. Seems to be from last year though.

I can’t seem to find him anywhere else at the moment - and certainly nothing current. Maybe I’m just not trying hard enough

EDIT - this thread could be fun to have a flick through: http://www.gamingforums.com/showthread.php?t=136265&page=1&pp=25&highlight=kiddo

EDIT: the thread is painful reading (gamers who know absolutely nothing) and our friends has not kicked in yet (I’m on page 6 - crap here such as "Jizzy B: To shoot a Thompson you cant just aim at something and shoot. You have to swing it. Youd have to aim it low and then swing it up or theres not way youd shoot anything because of the kick bring the muzzle up so high." :x )

EDIT: Frionscam pipes up here, with ill-informed crap: http://www.gamingforums.com/showthread.php?t=136265&page=13&pp=25&highlight=kiddo Apparently muzzle-velocity = power!!! That is fantastic… :lol:

Read this:

I think our Praetorian is a mod over there.


More classic ironman from the thread above:

*Muzzle velocity is equivalent to power despite different bullet weights
*Modern weapons do not use ball ammunition
*Low quality ammunition typically produces a lower velocity.
*High grade powder produces higher velocities
*The BREN was meant to be used on a bipod or rested on something, not carried around
*A .38 revolver is one of the most deadly pistols in the world (this is based on his idea that loads of cartridge energy is used to operate the action on a semi-auto, which is COMPLETELY WRONG as shown in other threads here)

EDIT - found some more in a different thread (the one Jan posted) - classically laughable!

EDIT - I don’t think that’s our praetorian, but it could be.

EDIT (later) - added emboldened bit to clarify what he meant in context (didn’t read the rest of the thread before doing this)


I just read all his threads, he was banned there before he joined here, as I suspected, he may be out there somewhere else now, stalking the MB’s.

The most interesting thing to me was the pattern of behaviour, extremely similar.

This one is good, hes educating someone taking a degree on computer science, about computers!


Ooh, more!


Just for your information, 9mm pistols are horribly innacurate. In fact, any weapon with a barrel less than 4 or 5 inches is horribly innacurate at more than 20 paces. If you bolt a 2 1/2" barrel pistol to an unmovable table and fire the entire 13 round mag. into a target the size of a man’s head that is 40 ft. away, you will need to jump for joy if more than half hit the target. Even a police 9mm Glock with a longer barrel is innacurate as hell at 40 ft. The bullet swerves up and down, left and right through the air. Guns with a barrel of 7" or more are FAR more accurate.

Bobo, you have proven my point. lolol You surely would not be able to be “on the paper” firing 5 fast succession rounds with a 9mm at a target the size of a man’s head at 25 paces. You have proven that you have never fired a large calibre weapon with that comment. THANK YOU.

Who’s proven that he knows nothing with those comments???

For the record, I’ve fired a 2.5" revolver at 50m & done quite well with it!

Oh, and there’s even more!


The weapon I am currently using for self defense and keep loaded within 24" of my bed is a Colt .22 revolver made in 1974 with a 9 1/2" barrel and hallowpoints. Not very big calibre, but whith such a barrel and HP’s, it will expand to the size of a dime and has the velocity to pass through the victim and then through my wall after that.

The VICTIM? Jeeeesus. Freudian slip!

Maybe its time for us to scan the news from the Southern USA to see if there are any serial events?

Our “friend”'s Arrsepedia entry has grown somewhat…


how long has the ironman been gone?

hes just a little kid that plays nintendo games and computer games.

don’t be too hard on him.

… and yeah, hes wrong about everything he says about weapons…

Hosenfield dont defend him!

He claimed to be 41 = 43 he routinely offended people and there sensibilities. and any attempt to shelter him will result in us suspecting you of being a Twat too, not that you would defend him of course, you have read walther war machines big book of soldier knowledge and undertnad hes a fool.

If he is a 12 year oild then he can come back and tell us hes a 12 year old until that time however he remains a Moron.

Rosenfield you arent Ironman are you?


no, i am not ironman. i don’t play videogames on a regular basis. however, i have seen call of duty before at a friend’s house.

his ip shows that he isn´t ironman.

HAHAHA! :smiley: :smiley: hehhe Submarine models. I believe hes talking about the Griffon Spitfires?? He makes it sound like the Mustang was always faster untill the end of the war. Ah, :smiley: hehehe.

Sten - about as accurate as spitting a mouth full of BB’s through an ink pen tube by blowing as hard as you can. If you hit something, brag about it.

hehe, actually the sten was surprisingly accurate.

there are programmes to hide IP

there are programmes to hide IP[/quote]
More relevantly he hasn’t used the phrase “Holy Freakin’ Guano Batboy” yet - and Ironman seems congenitally incapable of arguing with someone without it.

Is the submarine spitfire Not meant to be the supermarine Spitfire?

I think now that hes gone can we jsut lay him to rest and not trawl his posts encouraging him to return? Im sure there are pother hideously ill-advised posters on this and other forums that might provide just as much amusement as this cretin did.

We have a hidden user again for the first time in a while, I think we all know what that means…

:wink: :wink: