Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

I am in agreement, especially the last few days. I think he may have cloned himself…

There is another out there who I call Last-Post-In-Every-Thread man.

No, it’s me. I was pissed last night, must have done it then.

I am in agreement, especially the last few days. I think he may have cloned himself…

There is another out there who I call Last-Post-In-Every-Thread man.[/quote]

Christ, I see what you mean! Sarnt-Major in less than a week!

Keen little bugger, isn’t he?

Strange that isn’t it ?

While I’m not suggesting that the chap in question thinks in this way, there are people on the net who regard a high number of posts as equating to being a good poster !

I’ve seen that there are such individuals on a number of sites, and on trawling through their previous submissions one finds many single emoticon posts, cut-and-paste articles, and sycophantic comments which add absolutely nothing to the discussion.

While we may all have been guilty of one or two of the above examples on occasion, those that do so continually are often bereft of original thought and when they are engaged by another poster in a discussion show an utter lack of debating skills.

Not a rant, just an observation.


I am really disaponted that Boneman has’nt returned as I expected but now knowing that he is a serial troll or stroll( TM LargeBrew 2005) He will be out in cyber space mesmerising some poor unfortunate with tails of his dad at Chosin and his expert knowledge( Knobenedeness) of Infantry weapons and tactics.
I propose a site medal for the first member to track him down to his new location. We can then have some more fun showing him up fpr the Twat that he is.

Excellent, Smithers, Ex-cellent plan!

Starting the search thread in Off-topic? now, but how will we know that it is him???


How do you think we’ll know ? He’ll be assulting [sic] intelligent posters with his bottomless pit of truth* !

Now get back to your Captain Wammo’s sugar puffs kiddo !

(* truth as in Pravda)

Some guy is hidden… Do you know any guy who is hidden besides him?

:x T34s_Are _Cool



With FerrousFool gone it appears he has cleared a path to the citadel that is WW2 his minions are smaller and less immediatley obtrusive yet more plentiful and tireless to boot.

WALTHER WAR MACHINES BIG BOOK OF SOLDIER KNOWLEDGE shall now continue to document the Wealth of military knowledge avaialbe to the search engine generation.

in your own time…carry on

Nice to see that some anglo-saxon words have made it into our vernacular… But look, I may not be General Sandworm, Erwin Schatzer, or FW-190 Pilot, but I still have some reason, and if all you are gonna say is “YOU ARE STARTING TO FUCKING ANNOY ME!” then that is better not said at all.[/quote]

That isn’t all I said. Note the words at the top of my post, they do ask some serious questions. IRONMAN has once again made a statement of opinion and made it look like fact. I want to know where he has got the idea that the author of the book is a medical doctor from.

BTW, I really wouldn’t get involved in this one.[/quote]

But it is fact. The author, if you look into it, is a physician. His profession is medicine.

Nonetheless, we have seen where one of the world’s most respected universities faculty members (a professor in the smae subject) has clarified it in defining libertarianism as not being right-wing agenda.

Now, I have yet to see anyone post a quote from a professor opf political theory that states that libertarianism is right-wing. Until then, i suggest that you accept the words of the expert instead of trying to debunk it with something written by a doctor-turned-political commentator.

Do us a favor. Find a prominant university professor of political matter who states the opposite and post a link to their statement here. At that point, we can begin debating that the first expert may not be correct afterall!

What a comeback - you go, Libertariansim rocks! :lol:

Nice to see that some anglo-saxon words have made it into our vernacular… But look, I may not be General Sandworm, Erwin Schatzer, or FW-190 Pilot, but I still have some reason, and if all you are gonna say is “YOU ARE STARTING TO FUCKING ANNOY ME!” then that is better not said at all.[/quote]

That isn’t all I said. Note the words at the top of my post, they do ask some serious questions. IRONMAN has once again made a statement of opinion and made it look like fact. I want to know where he has got the idea that the author of the book is a medical doctor from.

BTW, I really wouldn’t get involved in this one.[/quote]

Since I found the source in question, a journal article by a one Dr Phillp Cole, I hope you do not mind if I reply.

But it is fact. The author, if you look into it, is a physician.


His profession is medicine.


Nonetheless, we have seen where one of the world’s most respected universities faculty members (a professor in the smae subject) has clarified it in defining libertarianism as not being right-wing agenda.

Now, I have yet to see anyone post a quote from a professor opf political theory that states that libertarianism is right-wing. Until then, i suggest that you accept the words of the expert instead of trying to debunk it with something written by a doctor-turned-political commentator.


Do us a favor. Find a prominant university professor of political matter who states the opposite and post a link to their statement here. At that point, we can begin debating that the first expert may not be correct afterall!

Dr Phillip Cole is a Reader in Applied Philosophy at Middlesex University where he teaches courses in moral and political philosophy, media ethics, morality and law and the philosophy of international relations. He is president of the Association of Legal and Social Philosophers and is on the executive committee of the Society for Applied Philosophy, organising their London workshop programme. He is currently researching the concept of evil, aiming at a philosophical history of the idea, in order to discover whether it has any constructive role to play in our contemporary world. He also writes on freedom and social justice and is co-editing a special issue of the journal Res Publica on international justice. His most recent book, Philosophies of Exclusion: Liberal Political Theory and Immigration (Edinburgh University Press), was chosen by the North American Society for Social Philosophy’s award for the best book on social philosophy published in 2000. He is also author of The Free, the Unfree and the Excluded: A Treatise on the Conditions of Liberty (Avebury 1998), and has written articles on poverty, biotechnology, and the moral status of non-human animals.

Hmmm. Nothing about being a Physician there.

How many hours have you been back? And already you’re telling easily exposed lies…

dont forget he has “first hand experience” of the US military
infact get the chuff out of walther war machines big book of soldier Knowledge and lets continue recording these facts!

Dr. Phillip Cole, in the British medical journal “Lancet”, reported a strong relationship between coffee consumption and cancer of the bladder and the lower urinary tract.


Wednesday 22 June 12.30 3rd floor, Reynolds Building, Charing Cross campus. The right of refugees and asylum seekers to healthcare under the NHS Dr Phillip Cole, Middlesex University. Contact m.dingli-parsons@imperial.ac.ukto attend"Dr+Phillip+Cole"&hl=en

Yes, he is a doctor turned political commentator.

Aside from that, libertarianism is not right-winged agenda, as has been explained to you by Stanford University. I know you’d like to think so because you are from an extremely liberal country, but it’s just not so.

…and being a political commentator (by your own admission) he clearly has no understanding of politics?

Who do you suppose knows more about Legos? A professor of Lego Technology or a Professor of Bean Bag Technology who has taken up commenting on Legos?

Who knows more about medical technology? A physician or a Doctorate of Political Theory?

Who knows more about political theory? A Doctorate of Political theory or a physician?

Now, when you know the answer but debate it just to be antagonist, even though you know the truth, that’s just plain silly, isn’t it.