Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

Jesue christ.

Iron man I don’t like you.

You are an idiot.

Stand by.

Who do you suppose knows more about Legos? A professor of Lego Technology or a Professor of Bean Bag Technology who has taken up commenting on Legos?

Who knows more about medical technology? A physician or a Doctorate of Political Theory?

Who knows more about political theory? A Doctorate of Political theory or a physician?

Now, when you know the answer but debate it just to be antagonist, even though you know the truth, that’s just plain silly, isn’t it.[/quote]

Wow, you go away for a few months and pick up exactly where you left off. I thought we’d put this subject to bed before you had your breakdown kiddo. And Holy Guano Batboy, here you are again, no apparent change. next youll be saying that all Muslim kids are taught to hate the West!

Jan, I never liked you either. You spout crap constantly and blather anti-American trash endlessly.

Now, if you’re all twisty-pantied over the fact that libertarianism is not right-wing politics, I can’t help you there. But for Christ’s sake, read up on it and learn that from some authoritarian sources before spouting off angrily at someone for correcting you about it. Good Lord, know what it is you are talking about before you tell someone the sky is purple at noon.

You dinkos must be the only idiots on this planted who think libertarianism is right-wing politics. Get a clue before staring your whining for once.

A different Dr Phillip Cole. There is at least one around since I’ve seen a lot of his medical journal articles. He isn’t a reader of philosophy at the Middlesex University

Wednesday 22 June 12.30 3rd floor, Reynolds Building, Charing Cross campus. The right of refugees and asylum seekers to healthcare under the NHS Dr Phillip Cole, Middlesex University. Contact m.dingli-parsons@imperial.ac.ukto attend"Dr+Phillip+Cole"&hl=en

Wow. It’s interesting that you bold the healthcare bit which is the context, and not what he ACTUALLY wrote about. That is

The right of refugees and asylum seekers to healthcare under the NHS Dr Phillip Cole, Middlesex University.”

Not actually about medicine at all, but about RIGHTS. A philosophical subject - not medical.

Yes, he is a doctor turned political commentator.

Are you unable to read? Or to comprehend that more than one person might have the name Phillip Cole? Or that it would be very difficult for Dr Phillip Cole of caffeine and cancer fame to be churning out involved medical research from a DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY, and thus be the same Phillip Cole who is a Reader in Applied Philosophy at Middlesex Univeristy? Is it that difficult for you to understand. You were provided a perfectly valid reference from a man with verifiable credentials, and you chose to claim he’s a medical doctor with no evidence that Dr Phillip Cole of Middlesex University’s Philosophy Derpartment is anything of the sort. The article originally referenced was by a one Dr Phillip Cole, a Reader in Applied Philosophy at Middlesex. He has articles in peer reviewed journals on the subject at hand. He is hardly going to researching cancer of the bladder whilst a Reader in Applied Philosophy now, is he, or are you really that dense?

I think you actually mean a one Dr Phillip Cole, Harvard educated American epidemiologist now working at Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, The University of Alabama, Birmingham, AL. He’s written loads of peer reviewed journal articles too… but on subjects such as… cancer!

Believe it or not an entiiiiiiirely different Dr Phillip Cole to the one who works at Middlesex Univeristy. http://www.mdx.ac.uk/philosophy/staff.htm

You are aware what that sometimes, by some sheer twist of fate, multiple people have the same name? There’s no name-coordinating committee to make sure everyone gets a unique one. Now honestly, please go and get a clue.

“Thank you for attending WW2 In Color’s “Learn to f***ing read” session. Please do come again. :roll:”

edit: messed up tags


This is true. A Dr P. Cole (in association with others) did indeed publish a paper entitled “Coffee drinking and cancer of the lower urinary tract” in the Lancet. A paper of the same title was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 1975. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=1123851&dopt=Abstract
It would be plausible to claim that these Dr P. Coles are the same people, being published authors on identical topics withing a few years of each other.

However, I have found no evidence that they are the same Dr P. Cole as the Reader in Applied Philosophy in Middlesex. Of course, Dr P. Cole could be a very talented individual, being also a Professor at the Department of Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences at the John Hopkins School of Medicine as well as an Associate Professor at Idaho State University. He could also be the Emeritus Professor of the Department of Epidemiology at the University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Public Health. Or, possibly not all people who are called Dr P. Cole are the same person.

edit: Stop stealing my thunder, festamus!

Jan, I never liked you either. You spout crap constantly and blather anti-American trash endlessly.

Now, if you’re all twisty-pantied over the fact that libertarianism is not right-wing politics, I can’t help you there. But for Christ’s sake, read up on it and learn that from some authoritarian sources before spouting off angrily at someone for correcting you about it. Good Lord, know what it is you are talking about before you tell someone the sky is purple at noon.

You dinkos must be the only idiots on this planted who think libertarianism is right-wing politics. Get a clue before staring your whining for once.[/quote]

That is a bit harsh on Jan as he hasnt even posted on this thread, but we know target ID is hard for you septics! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Correct to: 1000yardstare,

Jan, I never liked you either. You spout crap constantly and blather anti-American trash endlessly.

Now, if you’re all twisty-pantied over the fact that libertarianism is not right-wing politics, I can’t help you there. But for Christ’s sake, read up on it and learn that from some authoritarian sources before spouting off angrily at someone for correcting you about it. Good Lord, know what it is you are talking about before you tell someone the sky is purple at noon.

You dinkos must be the only idiots on this planted who think libertarianism is right-wing politics. Get a clue before staring your whining for once.[/quote] My bold.

Two comments:

Firstly, we aren’t arguing that libertarianism is right wing politics. We are claiming that it is wrong to deny that any part of libertarianism can be considered right wing.

Secondly, while you are busy looking for authoritarian sources, we shall stick with authoritative sources.

Your argument is with the Political Theory department of Stanford University. It’s not with me. They are the experts who say that libertarianism is not right-wing politics. You’ve read the article on their site. So, email them and tell them that they are wrong. :slight_smile:

I have yet to see you post a similarly authoratative source that states otherwise. When you can post a link to an article written by another PhD in Political Theory who contends otherwise, your boat will begin to float!

Bearing in mind that all universities are full of liberal blather this guy doesnt have a PHd Im sure you understand!


He is not a theorist, he is working toward implementing a libertarian state. DEAL WITH IT.

If he doen’t have a PhD, then he is not a comparibly credible source. Sorry. I have no need to read it, therefore.

says the man that posts from


bit strong isnt it!

Really. So where is your PhD from, who was your supervisor, and what was your research on?

erosinstitute! :lol:


Your argument is with the Political Theory department of Stanford University. It’s not with me. They are the experts who say that libertarianism is not right-wing politics. You’ve read the article on their site. So, email them and tell them that they are wrong. :slight_smile:

I have yet to see you post a similarly authoratative source that states otherwise. When you can post a link to an article written by another PhD in Political Theory who contends otherwise, your boat will begin to float![/quote]

You’ve been provided with a perfectly credible article from a peer reviewed journal (more authoritative than any website) but you chose to try to discredit it as being written by a Physician. Which is either an out and out lie or incredibly stupid on your part. As such, you continue to claim nobody has provided a credible source - another lie or example of immense stupidity.

Why won’t you answer on the fact that I have disproven that your contention that the article was written by a Physician?

Really. So where is your PhD from, who was your supervisor, and what was your research on?[/quote]

You have a PhD and can refute the Stanford University professor?

BTW Bluffcove, is that box of antique soldiers something that you own? It’s very interesting. I have a collection of antique mostly WWI and a few WWII toy soldier figurines. They are valued possibly $700 to $1,000. Not long ago, a guy tried to buy them from me and offered me a check. LOL What a dork. He went home empty handed alright.

Take the cheque and a forwarding address wait for it to clear and you could have been 1,000 dollars better off!

ha ha What a DORK!

no I dont own it!

Really. So where is your PhD from, who was your supervisor, and what was your research on?[/quote]
You have a PhD and can refute the Stanford University professor?[/quote]
Nope, I have a BA, an MEng, and will get an MA if I stay out of jail for another few years.
The reason I was asking was that I had a sneaking suspicion that as you don’t have a PhD you are not a comparibly credible source. I have no need to read your posts, therefore.

(Sorry for butchering the English language above, but I needed to make a rather unsubtle point - the previous subtle one has completely gone over the head of the intended target).

You don’t get it. He was trying to rip me off, Dork.

I never claimed to have PhD. I said, if you can jump-start your reading skills, that the professor at Stanford University who made it clear does.

Here’s a pistol. Keep it handy. I have a feeling you are going to be shooting yourself in the foot a lot.

Is Stanford University’s political theory website written by cancer doctors moon-lighting as amateur polticial theorists?