Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

IRONMAN i have visited more countries than you have states!!!

I also have many American freinds, including one married to my wives best freind. He is from Texas. Is a vegertarian (i always find that funny) and they both have differing views on the world to myself.

Strange however I don’t want to pound any of the Americans heads into the floor by merely reading their name.

Anyway, I’m not on the Island, at the moment I am in Germany.

All I have asked is for you to conduct yourself with decency and stop the hatefulness directed at my country.

…unless you are so driven by hate and jealousy that you simply cannot fight the compulsion to blather insults about my country incessantly.

hehehe, HES BACK HES BACK!! :smiley:

My favorite ration is the fat greasy cheeseburgers squeezed into a can and ladeled with pig fat. Yum! Nothing gets you going in the morning like lard!

By the way, I hear the British eat fried pig stomachs filled with fatty meat and pudding made from blood… like some big, nasty, blood clot baked and swollen; hot and steamy blood baked up to a stinky, smelly pile fo fluffy blood goo! Savages eating blood like vampires. How completely bizarre and uncouthe for people to sit around a table and share a big, fat, baked blood clot! Good Lord!!!

Yeah well done t*at.

I brought that up hours ago, take it you’ve just googled “Black pudding”.


Edit to add. Please don’t tell me the sum of your knowledge on anywhere outside of the US of A is from what you read in forums.

No, Jan, I’ve known about the blood clot eating for many years.


Two things.

  1. What is your problem with Walther? He’s not posting in this forum, yet you address most of your replies to him.

  2. You will justify your allegations about gurkhas being used as cannon fodder or you will retract them.

Who wants to point out that Jan is an aircraft engineer whilst 1000yard is not?

You mean 1000yard went to the FERROUSWALT school of engineering?


It has taste!!!

Although they don’t seem to grasp the finer points of Black Pudding!!!

And the rest of the “Full English” breakfast.

I’ve always wanted to get one to try Fish, Chips and Mushy peas just to see if their reaction would be like Samuel L. Jackson in the 51st state.

Funny food story, in the Gulf the Yanks were feeding us, and at one point swapped the sign on the “french fires” for one saying “freedom fries”. They must have not liked the frogs at this point!!!

Posted by me then IRONBRAIN comes up with his post much later.

Its black pudding so what! cant see where that ties into anything.

Have you eaten Proper black pudding mopping up runny egg yolk with it! and eating it on fried bread? with maybe jsut a few beans? NO so why even bother to criticise it.

IRONMIND stop calling me Jan, I am not Jan. Leave him alone. If you wish to call me anything other than 1000ydstare, I feel Staff will be sufficient for your position and immediate needs.

Thank you.

PS. Why was the battle the most brutal.

I wont go away, I am currently adding your Email address to my contact list.

mmmmm youve got my stomach rumbling there. The germans eat much the same too, mmmmm bludvurst…

Stop it, its far too late in the day for a full Scottish…

Stop it, its far too late in the day for a full Scottish…[/quote]

It’s never too late in the day for a fat boy’s.

Or at a push - egg banjoes.

Scottish - Scottish!
Scottish is it!

yes ok then I guess your right!

Posting is not trolling. Trolling is following a member from thread to thread to argue with and incite them. I have posted only information and opinion like yourself. However, there are trolls here.

All I have asked is for you to conduct yourself with decency and stop the hatefulness directed at my country. It’s a simple request, and should be easy to accomodate, unless you are so driven by hate and jealousy that you simply cannot fight the compulsion to blather insults about my country incessantly. Unless you are not psychologically compelled, you should be able to stop it.[/quote]

Here we go again.

Please answer the first part of my question? Thanks.[/quote]

What made you think I might not want to post here ever again? That’s the question. Do you think that your sentiments intimidate me? Surely you’ve seen that I am not intimidatable.

If you are so irritated that I have something to say, like yourself, then I suggest that you not read my posts at all instead of getting panty-twisted because I post something on the thread.

When I began posting, my posts were descent and informative. I have not bantered on and on about Britain as some of you already have resorted to repeatedly. Just because my opinion is not the same as you and your merry clan of British antagonists, is no reason to become frustrated endlessly and turn your posts into anti-American trash and personal insults, even sofar as to argue the validity or renouned resources from which I quote! How utterly bvaggy and perposterous - assholian!

I have every right to post here, as much as you, so long as I obey the rules of the forum, like you. And you don’t have to like that dude. Gang up on me all you like. Now, since the rules of this forum do not include not blathering hatred about someone’s country, appearently, that leaves the door open for me to carry on about Britain and it’s presumedly inept, trigger-happy, careless, rape-ganging, prisoner-torturing, civilian blasting, fire-carpet-bombing, Gurka-fodder-enforcing dimwits.

Shall I?

I don’t think so. I’m a bigger man than you. So please, drop that crap and let’s just discuss other things besides what we dislike about each other’s country, eh?[/quote]

Well for once I applaud you for an answer, even though it comes in the same condesending tone at least you answered, maybe, just maybe you have learned something from your ban. Then again…

God Damnit Guys, GO BACK ON TOPIC :!:

What is the topic of this thread then?

What is the topic?

I thought it was anything about Walther War Machines big book of etc… That surely includes rations?

Now thinging about an egg banjo MmmmmmmmmmmmmmmNmm

opening post seems fairly explanatory, invesitgate the wealth of knowledge made available to us by good old IRONMAN!

or as it has jsut become!