Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

Hopefully the trolls re-appearance was just a brief intermission!
It is nice to have him gone again. If and when you re-appear IRONMAN please bring some substatiated evidence with you.

not anyhting posted under director.rr
and nothing from libreopinion.com

(My bold.)

You’re having a giraffe Bluff !

What moronic thing are you contending next?

That you ahve a limited social life,

Have never served in anyhting other than a cafe.
Have questionable personal hygiene,
Your father is ashamed of you for being forty and spending far too much time playing Quake and MMPORPG’s
You never served in your countries Military but you are seeing the Cudos heaped upon the young brave people actually going to war and you want a peace of the Glory.
You never joined up when you were of age and stood a chance of actually facing a Superpower that could have meant you died cold and alone in a field in the Central European Massif.
But you are making up for this By fighting on the internet - hoping to make “pops” a proud man! Alas he never will be proud of you.

You are secretly ashamed of yourself and you are considering whether to go for a shower at the moment but you have decided that seeing as its mid afternoon and you ahve lasted this long and that you arent expecting any visitors that you can go without for a while longer.

That is a contention that I would support.

Hardly. I have many friends and international ones as well.

I signed up for the draft at 19. They didn’t call. Don’t wasnt to be a soldier, it’s not my bag, and being a soldier does not provide you with the education on the things that you biotch about. You know gum and a gun, oh, and how to serve eggs, since you work in a restaurant.

Hardly. My dad is fascinated by the fact that i was the world’s greates player of Quake II CFT for 3 years straight. He thinks it’s a genetic thing!

Nope. Never been a soldier. Never wanted to. I found a more profitable way to make a living.

Again dinkus, never been a soldier, never wanted to.

Hardly. I have however, proven that books are more educational than serving eggs.

LOL! Kiddo, you have cartoons and hentai for hereos. You know jack shit about me. You’re lost.


The biggest walt in the world said

signed up for the draft at 19. They didn’t call. Don’t wasnt to be a soldier, it’s not my bag,

You are a waste of organs and an oxygen theif.

Hardly. My dad is fascinated by the fact that i was the world’s greates player of Quake II CFT for 3 years straight. He thinks it’s a genetic thing!

He thinks this despite fighting in the most mental of all wars ever?

Nope. Never been a soldier. Never wanted to. I found a more profitable way to make a living.

you have cartoons and hentai for hereos

Where as you adore comupter games.

Face it your dad would hate you if he knew of the stuff your doin gnow.

Yet make out your ace at everything and know alsorts of things about the military?

Hardly. I have many friends and international ones as well.
I use the internet and people respond to what I say

I signed up for the draft at 19. They didn’t call. Don’t wasnt to be a soldier, it’s not my bag, and being a soldier does not provide you with the education on the things that you biotch about. You know gum and a gun, oh, and how to serve eggs, since you work in a restaurant.
Im only a reservist so I cant talk for the regs but…
Being a Soldier teaches you about:
Other people and how they tick, other people and how to get hte best from them, Other people and how to work with them and through them.
yourself, what you are capalbe of, what other peopel are capable of, what can be achieved, what is attianble,

Hardly. My dad is fascinated by the fact that i was the world’s greates player of Quake II CFT for 3 years straight. He thinks it’s a genetic thing!
Your father is a remarkable man, if he went to War for his country and saw his friends die infront of him, if he took up his chances and risked his life for his friends and his beliefs if he can then marvel at the fact that you draw enjoyment from “acting out” and “walting up” the self same in a computer game. I might enjoy playing computer games in which I run around and shoot things, but Id certainly put a lid on it if a veteran was to ask what enjoyment I got from it

Nope. Never been a soldier. Never wanted to. I found a more profitable way to make a living.
In choosing not to be a soldier you have shown yourself to have a different mindset to many of the users on this forum, that certainly shows itself it might be worht remembering that this is an open forum dealing with a matter tht is military in nature and it would be common decnecy to afford some respect to those that are involved in what is to you only a hobby.

Again dinkus, never been a soldier, never wanted to.
“Never wanted to” For whatever reasons you might have that is your prerogative. However, there are members here that did and it would again be sensible not to laud your opininos over them when they are evidently wiser nad more informed than you

Hardly. I have however, proven that books are more educational than serving eggs.
Serving eggs is indeed not educational, fortunately I “serve eggs” in order to make money not become wiser, a BSc in International Politics is useful however, as is a background in a variety of jobs I feel it makes me a bit more humble than if I lived off my parents cash and never lifted a finger to funding my education or lifestyle (well, yes, basically a Job is a Job)

LOL! Kiddo, you have cartoons and hentai for hereos. You know jack shit about me. You’re lost.
I have heroes of my Own thankyou very much, Aspley Cherry Garrard, Joshua Slocum, Joe Simpson, and various relatives. I dont read Hentai although you do… (i could never understand why they were so wide eyed yet Asiatic or why they only ever spoke from the sides of their mouths)

Hardly. I have many friends and international ones as well.
I use the internet and people respond to what I say

I signed up for the draft at 19. They didn’t call. Don’t wasnt to be a soldier, it’s not my bag, and being a soldier does not provide you with the education on the things that you biotch about. You know gum and a gun, oh, and how to serve eggs, since you work in a restaurant.
Im only a reservist so I cant talk for the regs but…
Being a Soldier teaches you about:
Other people and how they tick, other people and how to get hte best from them, Other people and how to work with them and through them.
yourself, what you are capalbe of, what other peopel are capable of, what can be achieved, what is attianble,

Hardly. My dad is fascinated by the fact that i was the world’s greates player of Quake II CFT for 3 years straight. He thinks it’s a genetic thing!
Your father is a remarkable man, if he went to War for his country and saw his friends die infront of him, if he took up his chances and risked his life for his friends and his beliefs if he can then marvel at the fact that you draw enjoyment from “acting out” and “walting up” the self same in a computer game. I might enjoy playing computer games in which I run around and shoot things, but Id certainly put a lid on it if a veteran was to ask what enjoyment I got from it

Nope. Never been a soldier. Never wanted to. I found a more profitable way to make a living.
In choosing not to be a soldier you have shown yourself to have a different mindset to many of the users on this forum, that certainly shows itself it might be worht remembering that this is an open forum dealing with a matter tht is military in nature and it would be common decnecy to afford some respect to those that are involved in what is to you only a hobby.

Again dinkus, never been a soldier, never wanted to.
“Never wanted to” For whatever reasons you might have that is your prerogative. However, there are members here that did and it would again be sensible not to laud your opininos over them when they are evidently wiser nad more informed than you

Hardly. I have however, proven that books are more educational than serving eggs.
Serving eggs is indeed not educational, fortunately I “serve eggs” in order to make money not become wiser, a BSc in International Politics is useful however, as is a background in a variety of jobs I feel it makes me a bit more humble than if I lived off my parents cash and never lifted a finger to funding my education or lifestyle (well, yes, basically a Job is a Job)

LOL! Kiddo, you have cartoons and hentai for hereos. You know jack shit about me. You’re lost.
I have heroes of my Own thankyou very much, Aspley Cherry Garrard, Joshua Slocum, Joe Simpson, and various relatives. I dont read Hentai although you do… (i could never understand why they were so wide eyed yet Asiatic or why they only ever spoke from the sides of their mouths)

Hogwash. :lol:

If I ever meet an American that uses the word Blather or Hogwash I swear I will ay them out.

It might be you, it might not, but fucking hell Id feel better for it.

Rubbish. Hogwash. Ignorance.

IMHO he’s a virgin, he nearly got his Nat as a teenager but got dumped and was afraid to try again.

Rubbish. Hogwash. Ignorance.[/quote]

DICKMAN,don’t you have a better reply?

Previous post should read IMPO IMHO the P is for Professional.
Havent I been a busy boy tonight Im on a bit of a buzz due to some crospondence I recived this morning which have led me to use the phrase “I’m at the top of my game” on one of my posts, oh yes I have been drinking aswell, in the morning I will be sober but Game boy will still be all that I have described.

Rubbish. Hogwash. Ignorance.[/quote]

DICKMAN,don’t you have a better reply?[/quote]

Shitzer, you need to put your question into plausible prose so you can make it expoundary enough to make it a sensical and objective continuation which has a place in the cadance of this malformed yet not disasociated debate. Furthermore, I find the inconguence of such an unpardonable lack of intellect of your parry to be associative of a sufragette synfrome, like that of others here, and unwarrentingly sparse in effort.


Oi IRONBALLS Erwin is speaking in his second language, how many languages to you speak you ignoramus.

Erwin’s reply was far better English than yours:

Expoundary is not a real word

Disasociated should be spelt disassociated

When you wrote inconguence, did you mean incongruence?

Sufragette has two 'f’s (Suffragette)

When you wrote ‘synfrome’, did you mean syndrome?

Unwarrentingly isn’t a real word

Having corrected some typographical error in your post above, perhaps you would care to go back and do the others? I’ll help you if you like:

Shitzer, you need to put your question into plausible prose so you can make it expoundary (is this a real word?) enough to make it a sensical (is this a real word?) and objective continuation which has a place in the cadance of this malformed yet not disasociated debate. Furthermore, I find the inconguence (is this a real word?) of such an unpardonable lack of intellect of your parry to be associative of a sufragette synfrome, like that of others here, and unwarrentingly sparse in effort.

Kind regards, and always happy to help the weak of education


Edit - BDL - you beat me to the punch!

You know, one thing here. Before the return of plastic-Boy we were a fair few heated discussions.

Now he has brought most of us together, witness 1000 yd standing up fo Erwin. Truly the Iron one is the bonder of men.

For all the wrong reasons of course.

Bluffcove wrote:
Have never served in anyhting other than a cafe.
Have questionable personal hygiene,

I signed up for the draft at 19. They didn’t call. Don’t wasnt to be a soldier, it’s not my bag, and being a soldier does not provide you with the education on the things that you biotch about. You know gum and a gun, oh, and how to serve eggs, since you work in a restaurant.

Bluffcove wrote:
Your father is ashamed of you for being forty and spending far too much time playing Quake and MMPORPG’s

Hardly. My dad is fascinated by the fact that i was the world’s greates player of Quake II CFT for 3 years straight. He thinks it’s a genetic thing!

Bluffcove wrote:
You never served in your countries Military but you are seeing the Cudos heaped upon the young brave people actually going to war and you want a peace of the Glory.

Nope. Never been a soldier. Never wanted to. I found a more profitable way to make a living.

Bluffcove wrote:
You never joined up when you were of age and stood a chance of actually facing a Superpower that could have meant you died cold and alone in a field in the Central European Massif.

Again dinkus, never been a soldier, never wanted to.

Bluffcove wrote:
But you are making up for this By fighting on the internet - hoping to make “pops” a proud man! Alas he never will be proud of you.

Hardly. I have however, proven that books are more educational than serving eggs.

Ironman, old son

Correct me if I’m wrong, but you recently posted that you were 44 years old (birthday just gone IIRC)?

Signed up to the draft at aged 19. This would be in 1979 +/- a year?

I was under the impression that the actual calling up of recruits via the draft board had finished in 1973. Can you perchance explain the anomaly?

I really wish I’d read this thread before I wasted my time trying to reason with you on other threads.

I should have deployed the “naa naa naa not listening” approach and using the Shavian wit that you do so well.

Did your father have any children he was proud of at all? Apart from you of course. Any that joined up like he did. Fought for their country like he did. Even “just” soldiered in peacetime. Or joined the reserves. Or the Scouts. How about any sisters you have? Maybe they got as far as the Brownies?

It must gladden an old soldier’s heart that his son is such an accomplished warrior that he has managed to play Quake II. Wow!

Kudos to your dad for doing his bit. Just a shame the genetic inheritance he passed on seems to have come grinding to a halt. Do you have kids?

Perhaps being public-spirited enough to do your share skips a generation, like red hair occasionally does. We can but hope.

It didn’t quite work out like that in my family. Apart from my younger brother, ALL the men in my family, in peactime and war,regular or reserve, have served at some point in their lives. Navy, Army and even one in the RAF, as far back as we have records, which is to 1854.

Next time you feel inclined to debate things with your social and educational betters, don’t.