Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

I have been very interested in the Quake thing. I have searched and searched and cant find any reference to IrnMan being Quake World Champoin 3 years running. Unless he is a 15 year old Chinese-American that is.

Strangely enough and to my shame I am a world wargaiming champ too.

I am willing to give out my details if IrnMan gives out his.

you buy those little plastic soldier/tank figures and play on a board?

Erwin’s reply was far better English than yours:

Expoundary is not a real word

Disasociated should be spelt disassociated

When you wrote inconguence, did you mean incongruence?

Sufragette has two 'f’s (Suffragette)

When you wrote ‘synfrome’, did you mean syndrome?

Unwarrentingly isn’t a real word[/quote]

Sad that so many british have such a poor grasp on their own language isn’t it??

He speaks the 2nd version of english :stuck_out_tongue:


Here’s something from my big book of soldier knowledge:

Chosin Reservoir was the most vicious, terrifying battle in the history of modern warfare. So say the world’s military historians.

Erwin’s reply was far better English than yours:

Expoundary is not a real word

Disasociated should be spelt disassociated

When you wrote inconguence, did you mean incongruence?

Sufragette has two 'f’s (Suffragette)

When you wrote ‘synfrome’, did you mean syndrome?

Unwarrentingly isn’t a real word[/quote]

Sad that so many british have such a poor grasp on their own language isn’t it??[/quote]


You know you got the spellings wrong but instead of admitting it, you chose to try and think that British people cant understand your English, which is wrong!







Dictionary.com definition of ‘expoundary’ is here

I’ll give you a brief taste though - No entry found.

Definition for 'disasociated is here

Want to guess what it says? While you’re there, look as ‘disassociated’.

Can anyone guess what they said about ‘inconguence’? If you can’t, click here.

While you’re there wardodger, look up ‘incongruence’.

Definition for ‘sufragette’ is here

Again, anyone guess what it says? Look up ‘suffragette’ while you’re there though wardodger.

Surprisingly, this result comes up for synfrome. Check out syndrome though wardodger

Now, I thought I’d gove you the benefit of the doubt, and try 'unwarrentinly to, thinking that even you muct be able to get one point you’re arguing about right out of six. This says you can’t though, sorry.

Sad that an apparently native English speaker, apparently one who went to university and is a renowned expert on many subjects, has such a poor grasp of English.

Name them

HOLY GUANO BATKIDS! NO! Don’t post those! That’s evidence. And we all know evidence is anti-American blather. You and your Thug Gang had better take your hateful blather elsewhere.

Im waiting the next IRONPAN’s post:


Dont give in to him. Start every answer in a thread that he cannot proove his theory right or refuses to give an answer with TROLL post and explain why he is TROLLING.

He will either change his ways or leave, either way that would be acceptable to me.

Assault rifle, as it was used in the assault role at the battle of Paintball Tournament 2005.

LMAO,good post festamus!

Hey that tales of suspense is mine!

oh sorry :oops: ,i just used the ironman search engine,THE GOOGLE images.

and, to overkill, this joke

heroic us marines with a 10 to 1 kill ratio use the m1 carbine assault rifles in the assault!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

What about the gem of:

“British bombers were inferior to USAAF bombers, due to ours being painted brown, thus the brown colour absorbing the heat from the sun, and making them hot inside and unbearable for the crew to work to the best of their ability. Dispite flying a 25,000 ft., often at night, and wool lined and heated clothing being items distributed widespread.”

I would give you actual quotes, but it’s seemed to of vanished. I have 59 posts (or had before this post) and when I go to find all my posts in my profile page it only retrieves 56, so someone has binned it. Some people were ripping into it before I had seen it so surely someone can concur with me.

have been very interested in the Quake thing. I have searched and searched and cant find any reference to IrnMan being Quake World Champoin 3 years running. Unless he is a 15 year old Chinese-American that is.

A light bulb brightens above my head. The truth slowly dawns.

Ironman IS a 15 year old Chinese-American kid. He’s right. His dad did fight at the Chosin reservoir. Not for the USMC though . . . .

This explains why he thinks it was a victory. it was, for the Chinese.

Ironman - I should have spotted you as an online gamer. Only the most immature of them pick names like Ironman. Those of us who’ve nothing to prove about our prowess pick names like Fluffy Bunny. Come and find me in BF 2 and I’ll show you where the Iron Crosses grow.

In case you missed the last allusion, it’s from the film “Cross of Iron”, dir. Sam Peckinpah. The line is spoken by the wise old soldier to the foolish officer at the end of the film as he begins to show him what the real World is like.

When topics cover such things as Quake II (subject to some proof from you that you have ever played, never mind been World Champion), being the son of a soldier (proof required again) or being a tool (you’ve proved this already), then your opinion counts. On every other possible topic, when you need an opinion, you will be issued with one. You are clearly unfit to hold one otherwise.