Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

oh sorry :oops: ,i just used the ironman search engine,THE GOOGLE images.[/quote]

No worries, thats what I did to find it.

Firefly, if we assume ( dangerous I know ) that Gameboy is not a 15yr old chinese boy then he is in fact an online games walt

Can you be a games Walt? Or do you mean he believes that the actions he takes in the games he transposes to real life. Interesting thought that?

BlatherBag claims to be world Quake champion if he is’nt then his claim must have a waltage quotient.
As my only experience of games is playing lego star wars on PS2 with my brood can anyone tell me WTF is this quake thing.

Well I have played Quake with my clones from hell too. I also have played many games usually driven by said Firefly clones.

Quake is a shoot em up! Basically you run around shooting em up.

I prefer my wargames to be more intelligent and thoughtfull, hence Combat Missions and TOAW (an old strategic operational wargame, that I still find interesting).

Anyway, I suppose your right. If you cannot prove that you are the leader in something (I mean if its a game it will definately be on the internet and believe me I have looked for it) I suppose then he is a gaming Walt. Just for the fact that he lies about his gaming.

So, yes I admit you are right.

I’m not sure that you can use the description “Walt” for IRONCHILD.

Walter Mitty led a double life. To lead a double life, you must first have a life. IRONCHILD hasn’t, ergo walt doesn’t fit as a description.

Anyway. Now he’s been outed as a 15 year old, please stop swearing at him. He’ll use one of those rude words in school one day and offend the other kids.

See you all back in discussion threads.


Yea, you could say the carbine was an assult rifle of it’s time, at leat the M2 was. It was used that way extensively in WWII.

Carbines at Chosin:


Yea, you could say the carbine was an assult rifle of it’s time, at leat the M2 was. It was used that way extensively in WWII.

Carbines at Chosin:



It has ben conclusively proven that it was issued where previously a pistol would have been.

Also it was never envisaged or designed as an asualt weapon.



Your basically trolling for a reaction from an old long buried thread where you conceded (for once) defeat.

Please take korean issues to the Korean thread. Thats what its there for.

"n general, M1 Carbine was a really compact and handy weapon. It was lightweight and short enough to be more suitable for jungle combat, than a full-size battle rifles such as M1 Garand. It also offered relatively high practical rate of fire due to large-capacity, detachable magazines and low recoil. The M2 modification, which had a select-fire capability and a magazines of larger capacity (30 rounds, interchangeable with the older 15-round ones), could be described as an "almost an assault rifle" (“almost” is added due to the lack of effective range). Had Americans a little trouble to soup it up slightly in the terms of power and range, they could have a true assault rifle 20 years before they actually did, and probably with much less headache. But they did not, and M2 was manufactured in relatively small numbers and was mostly used during the Korean war. "


I’m not argueing with you over this, but this is reality. i sure as hell would pick up an ak47 or mp44 then carry a m2 carbine.

Good post, factual with references.

Dont give him any leeway though if you think hes TROLLING.

don’t waste time in this ironing man,hosenfield

Erwin, although harsh as it is.

Have you suddenly discovered your British?

LOL erwin :lol:

Erwin, although harsh as it is.

Have you suddenly discovered your British?[/quote]


A little bird tells me that a certain Ferrous chap was saying that the US military used the Kar98k in 1939 in PM, or something similar to that effect…

The following have been added to the ARRSEPEDIA:

Fulton Armoury produced the M1 carbine in WW2
Britain did not have any troops in France to counter the German invasion in 1940, and did not support France in any way until D-Day
Britain should have paratrooped every available man outside Berlin after the Battle of Britain
The British Army was not fully mechanised in 1940
If Germany had not declared war on the US, there would have been public support for the US to declare war on Germany
The UK was attacked by Germany
Britain did not see war with Germany coming
British beer is drunk warm
Americans prefer American beer
Guinness comes from England
Mead and beer are the same
Not many foreign troops have ever been to the US
Alcoholism is rampant in Britain but not in the US
Neanderthal is pronounsed [sic] ne-ander-tall
Having drunk around 10 imported UK beers makes you an expert on British beer
The Chosin River Campaign [sic] was the bloodiest battle in the history of modern warfare (bloodiest then changes to most “brutal”, then “brutal and vicious”)
Britain did not have a nuclear weapons programme in WW2
No Brits worked on the Manhattan project
You could sign up for the draft around 1979
TUBE ALLOYS was just a small paper written by two scientists who said making an atomic weapon could be done, not a government project
Britain had no excuse to only send 15,000 troops to Korea, cos the Empire had ended 100 years before thus the UK had no other commitments
Triggers can be cocked

If the previous comment re. US use of Kar98k can be confirmed by the guy who received it (by PM or MSN), then it shall also be added.

EDIT - confirmed by the recipient and added

Man of Stoat welcome back to WW2 forums, you had nice holiday i presume ?


Reference the bold section.

You are to provide plausible evidence of the allegation I have made in bold or you are to retract the allegation. Otherwise, you have made another racist comment. It wouldn’t be your first.

PS - what’s a fire carpet, and why would anyone bomb one?[/quote]
Be so kind as to reply.

From here

The Daily Mail is a left wing, liberal newspaper.

1,000,000 ill equipped, inexperienced troops are significant compared to 8,000,000 fully equipped ones.

The Iraqis really are grateful to the US and UK, and do not want us to leave (they are just mortaring and bombing the shit out of us as a gesture of friendship)

A .410 shotgun is more powerful than a 12 gauge shotgun - see below:

Well, then you have no experience with the little .410 and you don’t know what it is capable of. Stoat, you are missing out on something here. I am speaking from experience, not from what others say. You see, I own a .410. I have shot many cases of ammunition with it. I have used it to hunt ducks, squirrels, deer, and just shot things to pieces with it for fun, like an abandoned automobile. I know precicely what it will do to human flesh at near PB range. It will make a relatively clean, circular hole the size of a billiard ball in a 55 gal. oil drum at 5 paces too. And trust me, the metal of such a drum is many, many times tougher than human flesh my boy.[/quote]
