Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

Erwin, your one post of

:smiley: :slight_smile: :frowning: :o :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :stuck_out_tongue: :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow:

Is gonna be deleted. Sorry mate :frowning: Just doing my job. But for future refrences, please try to add at least a word :wink:

why are you people talking as if ironman was still here???

Because he is?

Reference the bold section.

You are to provide plausible evidence of the allegation I have made in bold or you are to retract the allegation. Otherwise, you have made another racist comment. It wouldn’t be your first.

PS - what’s a fire carpet, and why would anyone bomb one?[/quote]
Be so kind as to reply.[/quote]

Retract the Gurkha statement. You have 24 hours from the time that this message was posted to comply.

Reference the bold section.

You are to provide plausible evidence of the allegation I have made in bold or you are to retract the allegation. Otherwise, you have made another racist comment. It wouldn’t be your first.

PS - what’s a fire carpet, and why would anyone bomb one?[/quote]
Be so kind as to reply.[/quote]

Retract the Gurkha statement. You have 24 hours from the time that this message was posted to comply.[/quote]

IRONMAN, this was an informal warning from Crab_to_be, so please don’t ignore it!

Posting is not trolling. Trolling is following a member from thread to thread to argue with and incite them. I have posted only information and opinion like yourself. However, there are trolls here.

All I have asked is for you to conduct yourself with decency and stop the hatefulness directed at my country. It’s a simple request, and should be easy to accomodate, unless you are so driven by hate and jealousy that you simply cannot fight the compulsion to blather insults about my country incessantly. Unless you are not psychologically compelled, you should be able to stop it.[/quote]

Here we go again.

Please answer the first part of my question? Thanks.[/quote]

What made you think I might not want to post here ever again? That’s the question. Do you think that your sentiments intimidate me? Surely you’ve seen that I am not intimidatable.

If you are so irritated that I have something to say, like yourself, then I suggest that you not read my posts at all instead of getting panty-twisted because I post something on the thread.

When I began posting, my posts were descent and informative. I have not bantered on and on about Britain as some of you already have resorted to repeatedly. Just because my opinion is not the same as you and your merry clan of British antagonists, is no reason to become frustrated endlessly and turn your posts into anti-American trash and personal insults, even sofar as to argue the validity or renouned resources from which I quote! How utterly bvaggy and perposterous - assholian!

I have every right to post here, as much as you, so long as I obey the rules of the forum, like you. And you don’t have to like that dude. Gang up on me all you like. Now, since the rules of this forum do not include not blathering hatred about someone’s country, appearently, that leaves the door open for me to carry on about Britain and it’s presumedly inept, trigger-happy, careless, rape-ganging, prisoner-torturing, civilian blasting, fire-carpet-bombing, Gurka-fodder-enforcing dimwits.

Shall I?

I don’t think so. I’m a bigger man than you. So please, drop that crap and let’s just discuss other things besides what we dislike about each other’s country, eh?[/quote]

24 hours have elapsed. IRONMAN has neither withdrawn nor substantiated his allegation. I have made every effort to inform him of his obligation to do so. I therefore issue him with a formal warning for racism. See Warnings Thread for the official warning.

Can someone please explain why the use of Gurka Foddering is racisit. If it is, then were going to have to issue an awfull lot of warnings to an awfull lot of members!

Well it looks like Ironman/Hygelic has slung his hook and of course everyone else is to blame,he appears to believe that this forum is not worthy of his gargantuan interlect.
I hope we can all learn a lesson from looking at Ironmans posting style in that it costs nothing to be polite when correcting another members error rather than starting a reply with " you’ve completly lost it " or things of this ilk and that a thank you when corrected speaks volumes for a members character.
Though it can be endlessly entertaining to have paranoid loon posting on a forum I feel we will now be able to get back to sharing and learning with and from each other in a polite and adult manner.
Other forums beware there is an idiot looking for a new villiage

Just curious…I know you guys didnt like Ironman and he had different views than most of you but why was he banned? Can someone please cut and paste what he said that got him banned…
If it was just because you didnt like him, let me know cause there are a couple names I would like to add to it. :lol: :lol:

I’ll try to explain coherently. Last time I did this, it turned into a long rambling post.

  1. IRONMAN has been temporarily banned on a previous occasion. He didn’t change on his return, despite being explicitly told why he had been banned. This made a future permanent ban inevitable. A case of when, not if.

  1. This is a discussion forum, but IRONMAN would not enter into discussions. You have seen on many occasions that to question any part of what he said was to claim everything he has ever posted is a lie, and that the US is evil and has never contributed anything at all to the world. There is a long running battle between him and several other users on this forum, and posts made in that context could be forgiven for rudeness and abrasiveness. However, once he started attacking other forum members (a good example is Hosenfeld here). This meant that his attitude was potentially detering new people from joining.

  1. Factually incorrect posting. This in itself is no sin, until you combine it with point 2. I have posted incorrect material on a number of occasions. However, when my error was pointed out, I apologised and edited my original post accordingly. IRONMAN launches vicious personal attacks on whoever believes his posts are without flaw.

Good examples:
a. No country in the world, apart from the US, has ever sent as many as one million men to fight in a war.
b. There were no British forces in France during the Battle of France.
c. Britain had no nuclear weapons project and did not contribute to the Mahattan Project.

Point a is the only one of the three where IRONMAN conceded he was wrong. When this happened, he claimed he had already identified his mistake, corrected it and apologised. This was apparently done in invisible ink because it is nowhere to be found on the forum and the original incorrect statement stands.

Point b was maintained, despite showering him with information about the BEF.

Point c was maintained as he denies that ‘Tube Alloys’ ever happened.

This is meant to be a serious WW2 discussion forum and posting false material which you refuse to correct detracts from this. It also makes it impossible to ignore his posts. We all look stupid if ridiculous claims go unchallenged.

  1. Paranoia. Apparently there is a British conspiracy out to get all Americans, and he must fight us. I don’t dislike IRONMAN because he is American. I dislike him because he is stupid, arrogant and condescending. Gen. Sandworm and Mike M are both Americans, and I have no problem with either of them. Arkantos and IrishDuck both post ridiculous propaganda, and I don’t like them. IRONMAN felt picked on because every time he posted, he got lots of replies telling him how wrong he was. This was put down to a conspiracy against him, rather than most of his posts contained glaring errors that needed correcting (Spitfire was designed and manufactured in America and given to the RAF as a gesture of kindness).

  2. He coud never grasp why people were rude to him. When one has posted an accurate statement, complete with sources to confirm claims, it’s quite frustrating to have someone reply with ‘Holy freaking guano batboy, you’re wack!’, and then explain how, sonny boy, his father fighting at Chosin River (the only REAL battle ever fought, everything else being paintball in comparison) makes him an expert on the constitutional detail of the Canadian, Australian, New Zealand and UK governments as well as knowing more about jet engines than a cluster of Masters of Engineering and the textbooks they quoted from. For some reason, the replies he got weren’t sugar coated. GOT THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL, BLATHER-BOY.

Which reminds me. Apparently the British Empire and its Commonwealth ended over 100 years ago. Pointing him to the official website of the Commonwealth couldn’t convince him otherwise.

So, in summary, he was banned for being a boring troll who was potentially detering useful people from joining our forum. Having different opinions to the majority is fine. Witness Man of Stoat vs Cdo Jord on Communism and UK vs Argentinian users on the Falklands / Malvinas, or even the ‘healthy debate’ on the Republicans vs Democrats thread. This forum thrives on the exchange of views (with supporting arguments!!!), and IRONMAN was preventing that.

** Pauses to catch breath **

Well put Crab. A fine summation, indeed. I see IRONMAN as a good example of how not to behave on any forum. he is a fine example of the saying ‘a little knowledge is a dangerous thing’. His disagreements were not occassional they were constant.

He was either a serial TROLLER or seriously stupid and we are far better off without him.

Nice explanation Crab…Thanks for the post. I thought it was one particular thing he posted. :? I have to admit…he did liven things up around here. :smiley: :smiley:

Just in case there is any doubt remaining on one of the topics about which Tinwalt was so vehement, I feel I need to absolutely clarify something about it.

Imagine a company. Let’s call it Company W. It’s producing a product which is state of the art. Let’s call it Product A. A few years after commencing production of Product A, Company W designs and produces a similar product (Product B) for a different requirement. Although Product B is rather smaller than Product A, the main working mechanics of it are substantially similar to those of Product A.

Years later, a mong turns up on a forum and declares Product B to have been designed completely independently of Product A.

Is it at all likely that the designers and engineers at Company W would be totally unaware of the state of the art design being produced by the company? And even if they were, is it then reasonable to claim that they reached substantially the same design down to the small details?

In case anyone is still wondering, Product A is the M1 Garand, Product B is the M1 Carbine, and Company W is Winchester.

Reference the bold section.

You are to provide plausible evidence of the allegation I have made in bold or you are to retract the allegation. Otherwise, you have made another racist comment. It wouldn’t be your first.

PS - what’s a fire carpet, and why would anyone bomb one?[/quote]
Be so kind as to reply.[/quote]

Retract the Gurkha statement. You have 24 hours from the time that this message was posted to comply.[/quote]

that’s fairness!,what would crap to be do if they said a not nice comments about buzos tacticos!

CRAB would do exactly the same with the same impartiality and fairness of course.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you are so funny my dear oldie,you don’t even saw the half of what he did post in the malvinas topic,did you? :lol: :lol: .
come on,this is more obvious than that bush was lying when he talked about chemical weapons! (and he had them in his country!).

Crap is famous for his fairness: http://www.ww2incolor.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=26226#26226 :smiley:

Nothing wrong with that.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
you are so funny my dear oldie,you don’t even saw the half of what he did post in the malvinas topic,did you? :lol: :lol: .
come on,this is more obvious than that bush was lying when he talked about chemical weapons! (and he had them in his country!).[/quote]

Good point Erwin. I’ve been very unfair with regards what you had posted. I was going to let it pass as it was posted while I was away, but as you insist that I am fair, I will take action. The next time you post about wanting to kill someone, including, but not limited to Falkland Islanders or British Citizens, I will give you a formal warning. Other users will get an informal followed by a formal warning as I haven’t seen them post pages upon pages of unpleasant hate material.

Are you happy now, Erwin?