Walther War Machines big book of Soldier Knowledge

…A hand grenade and an RPG are two very very different things. I dont suppose you would throw a hand grenade at a tank and hope it will explode? or would you… Should I go into it? Anyway, im sure allot other ppl here can explain it in more detail.[/quote]

But in Battlefield 1942 you can throw grenades at tanks & blow them up! :twisted:

It’s like I’d say: Jeep, Sherman whatever… It is important that these vechicles are moving :smiley: :smiley:
IRONMAN, please check it!!!

Ones that are designed for A/T, gammon bomb, sticky bomb, yes, but it is his casual “whatever” in considering the two an his inability to understand the difference between the two.


Nah sunny Canada, and it was…

We should perhaps add the following to Strawman’s list of Walt battle honours:

Argueing Scottish history with a well-read Scot.

Good addition Stoat, incidentally I came accross one of Irn Bru’s relations in Canada. Said he was a Scot (Oh really) and claimed to know loads about Scotland (Not!), when he asked where I came from and said originally Im from Fife - blank expression there - but I digress.

I have enjoyed his critisim of left wing media while siting truth.org and Amnesty Intrnatonal to back his position. Its lucky for us that EA games don’t give out medals as his ribbons would fill a page.

Did you see his last posts concerning political-economic left-right?
He complains that Clinton passing legislation to permit the outsourcing of jobs from the US is LEFTWING politics! :lol: :lol: :stuck_out_tongue: :roll: :roll:


& that libertarians, who espouse state control of almost nothing, are left-wing, when left-wing means state control of lots of stuff, particularly economic matters!

There is no way to debate with him. Ironman is living in cloud cuckoo land. Since bush junior American companies are outsourcing like crazy… but “Moderate and Conservatives would never do this”.
(Banging head against wall)


I too am through trying to debate with Irn Man. Im just not interested in what he has to say on any subject now and really dont think he is a true reflection of a typical US citizen (at least I really hope not).

Hey, there are plenty of decent Americans here on this site, Gen. Sandworm, Cactus etc.



all apart from one, and it isnt John thomas!

The americans are great guys :smiley: ,Most friendly people i ever saw.

& that libertarians, who espouse state control of almost nothing, are left-wing, when left-wing means state control of lots of stuff, particularly economic matters![/quote]

But it is left-wing politics, as I have explained elsewhere in the forum. You see, Clinton is a liberal. The vast majority of policies which are persuasive of foreign agendas are liberal in origin. Outsourcing, and policies which promote it, such as NAFTA, are founded in foreign-pressed agendas.


As for libertarians, Man of Stoat, I’ve explained that they are left-wing, and not right-wing as some think. An explaination of libertarianism can be found here:


The americans are great guys :smiley: ,Most friendly people i ever saw.[/quote]

Thanks Erwin.

IRONMAN you have already been warned about editing your posts without making a note of it. The one 2 above has been edited 3 times with no footnote. Not to be a dick but your about out of informal warnings

Affirmative General. I did’nt see the harm when there are no posts behind mine in a thread where there is no on-going “discussion” and did not think anyone would post behind me in less than 1 minute. BUT, since I see that you are a stickler for rules, and rightfully so, I shall endeavour to comply to the strictest letter of the law.