Well I never!

Sleeping in a basha is ranger trained! Ill be sure to let these guys know!

though of course they are “Pathfinders” government cutbacks taking its toll on 4Para?

I already have. Now be a good boy and leave your disdain for the US at home. This is not the place for it. Lest I start re-posting all about British fire-blanket-bombing the Iraqi people in 1937, killing 137 with friendly fire on D-Day, raping gobs of African women, shooting unarmed iraqi civilians walking down a street, bombing iraqi civilians, brutally torturing iraqi prisoners, etc. etc. etc. :lol:

You have already done all of that so you know that we are aware of the details re-posting an old point will not strengthen your case.

Now jsut use your knowledge to clarify the point made to Crab to be.

He requests an answer, we are aware of all the actions listed by yourself so nothing will be gained by re-posingthem, just show where your point originiates from.


shooting unarmed iraqi civilians walking down a street, bombing iraqi civilians, brutally torturing iraqi prisoners, etc. etc. etc.

“Hello Pot, this is kettle, Send colour over.”

Why do you feel so inferior and put upon?

Derrr it was Lynndie England! at Abu Ghraib dont you know anything!

It’s nothing to do with how many soldiers are deployed anywhere[/quote]

Yes. It has everything to do with it. Just learn to stifle your disdain enough so as not to endlessly spout anti-American blather. It’s non-productive and distasteful. There are I am sure forums devoted to that where like-minded sickos can share their putrid blather in brotherhood. Take it there, don’t spout your azz-mouth nationalsistic trash here. Okey dokey?[/quote]

As Bluff said, it’s like you’ve never been away. I had the decency to answer your whole post, giving reasoned and structured answers to every point you raised. You quote half of one sentence and then start on again about anti-American blather.

It has nothing to do with how many soldiers the US have deployed, like I said I would bet that the UK have deployed a similar number of troops on Ops all over the world since 1945, maybe even more - don’t forget that at times Northern Ireland had 20,000 odd troops deploying through it every six months.

As for the rest of your typical Ironman post, get over yourself, learn to spell swear words properly if you’re going to swear, learn to read and think about someone elses opinion instead of instantly hitting the ‘reply with standard answer involving anti-Americanism’ button (which only your browser appears to have, I can’t find it on mine) and have the decency to address all of the points raised in someone elses post.

Yes, it has everything to do with it.

Look, we know that you contend negative things about the US military. We even know why you do, as ewrong as you are and as wrong as the agenda is. But there is no need for you to spread your insults incessantly. You’ve expressed your opinion. There is no need for you to try to turn every other thread on the site into a discussion about what you want others to believe, or believe yourself, about the American military. This is not a hate site. Please control your urges.

this thread was about unopposed casualties,

there has been reference to 16 casualties in a combined arms unopposed exercise by the Brits already!

this wasnt intended to slate the americans.

“Well I never!” is an expression of surprise, not superiority, it was not about the US taking casualties until you made it as such!

Ok Ironman, you’ve been back less than 24 hours and I’m already bored of you.

Find anywhere where I have lied about the US military or spread insults incessantly? I have no agenda, pro or anti the US Military - I’ve already told you that I got on with most of the ones that I have worked with (I’d wager large amounts of money that I have more first hand experience of working with them than you in fact).

Now, go away, find proof of where I have turned every other thread into an anti-US discussion or stop posting made up lies about me.

Is IRONMAN really 44? Or is that his IQ?

He certainly doesn’t seem to speak like a 44 year old.

He just makes bold statements, with out backing them up and once they have been bestowed upon us there is no comeback to any questions.

I’m sensing something through the ether.

L L l lY LY ing w w a w a wa wall wa ll walt

That’s it “Lying Walt B*****d!!!”

Ok Ironman, you’ve been back less than 24 hours and I’m already bored of you.

Find anywhere where I have lied about the US military or spread insults incessantly? I have no agenda, pro or anti the US Military - I’ve already told you that I got on with most of the ones that I have worked with (I’d wager large amounts of money that I have more first hand experience of working with them than you in fact).

Now, go away, find proof of where I have turned every other thread into an anti-US discussion or stop posting made up lies about me.[/quote]

I spent 4 years working in NATO HQ, specifically in my office at the time were 4 USAF personnel, we got along famously, sure we had some arguments but they were great guys and I still keep in contact almost ten years later.

I would like the proof that BDL asked for too. I think that sometimes there is confusion with British banter and insults.

Firefly wrote

I would like the proof that BDL asked for too. I think that sometimes there is confusion with British banter and insults.

Oh, what the hell, I want proof also that BDL has done any of the things you say.

Don’t think this will work guys but I’ll throw in with you.

I also lived and worked in close proximatey with SPAMs. Specifically I’ve spent the better part of a 9month tour living in the same 80 odd man tent. We had no dramas. Although they do not understand the British Humour or banter.

Not mentioning the idiot “Irish” Americans who kept writing, on a map of the British Isles that we had, that “26 + 6 = 1” all over Ireland.


They even started annoying some of the real Irish lads we had with us.

IRONMAN, welcome back from your vacation, and happy birthday.
I thought you reappear at some stage, and had hoped that you would bring a more reasonable personality along for some reasonable posts and discussion.

In vain I fear:

(My bold.)

Have you not informed other posters, and discussed your reasons for not ever having served in any capacity with the United States armed forces ?
In your second post after your enforced absence you tell us a porkie !
Is this to gain kudos with those newer to the site or have you joined an ‘extensively trained and professional’ local militia in the meantime ?

Ironman is the prototype chauvinist jingoistic ugly American, who gives his country a bad name.

Fortunately his country has many citizens who are not like him, but he would probably consider them to be traitors, especially if they don’t agree with him about GWB being synonymous with the American people.


I have to agree with you Jan. Many of my American friends are fed up with freedom this and freedom that. And generally all things jingoistic.

Had the Japanese, the relative few that were there, not snuck off a month before, they would have been chili meat. It reminds me of the old flag the US once waved - “Don’t tread on me!”

Had the Japanese put 40,000 men on the island, the result would have been catastrophic for them with such a naval bombardment.

Like on Iwo Jima and Okinawa were massive naval bombardments did absolutely nothing to the Japanese defenders?

I agree, just like Iwo and Saipan, the US and Canadians would have won in the end.

Like on Iwo Jima and Okinawa were massive naval bombardments did absolutely nothing to the Japanese defenders?[/quote]

Nothing? Not quite. That’s just the prelude though. It’s when they send men ashore that they really have to worry about. That’s when men with .45’s poke the barrel into a hole you’re hiding in and empty the magazine. Worse yet, a flame thrower.

Nobody is denying that the canadiand and US would have won that battle. However Im sure that most of the guys in the Op were glad that there were no Japanese there. They were after all tenacious fighters.